.\" DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE! It was generated by help2man 1.49.3. .TH RECINF "1" "February 2024" "GNU recutils 1.9" "User Commands" .SH NAME recinf \- print information about a recfile .SH SYNOPSIS .B recinf [\fI\,OPTION\/\fR]... [\fI\,FILE\/\fR]... .SH DESCRIPTION Print information about the types of records stored in the input. .TP \fB\-t\fR, \fB\-\-type\fR=\fI\,RECORD_TYPE\/\fR print information on the records having the specified type. .TP \fB\-d\fR, \fB\-\-descriptor\fR include the full record descriptors. .TP \fB\-n\fR, \fB\-\-names\-only\fR output just the names of the record files found in the input. .TP \fB\-\-help\fR print a help message and exit. .TP \fB\-\-version\fR show version and exit. .SS "Special options:" .TP \fB\-S\fR, \fB\-\-print\-sexps\fR print the data in sexps instead of rec format. .SH AUTHOR Written by Jose E. Marchesi. .SH "REPORTING BUGS" Report bugs to: bug\-recutils@gnu.org .br GNU recutils home page: .br General help using GNU software: .SH COPYRIGHT Copyright \(co 2010\-2020 Jose E. Marchesi. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . .br This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. .SH "SEE ALSO" The full documentation for .B recinf is maintained as a Texinfo manual. If the .B info and .B recinf programs are properly installed at your site, the command .IP .B info recutils .PP should give you access to the complete manual.