\ .\" This man page was generated by the Netpbm tool 'makeman' from HTML source. .\" Do not hand-hack it! If you have bug fixes or improvements, please find .\" the corresponding HTML page on the Netpbm website, generate a patch .\" against that, and send it to the Netpbm maintainer. .TH "Pamunlookup User Manual" 0 "09 August 2015" "netpbm documentation" .SH NAME pamunlookup - inverse of pamlookup .UN synopsis .SH SYNOPSIS \fBpamunlookup\fP \fB-lookupfile=\fP\fIlookupfile\fP \fIinputfile\fP .PP All options can be abbreviated to their shortest unique prefix. You may use two hyphens instead of one. You may separate an option name and its value with white space instead of an equals sign. .UN description .SH DESCRIPTION .PP This program is part of .BR "Netpbm" (1)\c \&. .PP \fBpamunlookup\fP is best described as the inverse of \fBpamlookup\fP (without \fB-byplane\fP). For example, the following normally yields output identical to the input: .nf \f(CW $ cat input.ppm | \e pamunlookup -lookupfile=map.pam | \e pamlookup -lookupfile=map.pam \e > output.ppm \fP .fi .PP Specifically, \fBpamunlookup\fP takes an input image and produces an output image of the same width and height in which each tuple is a single number. That number is the index in a given lookup table of the tuple value that is in the same position in the input image. .PP You specify the lookup table the same way as for .UR pamlookup.html#lookupimage \fBpamlookup\fP .UE \&. .PP Where a tuple in the input image is not in the lookup table, the number \fBpamunlookup\fP places in the output index image is one greater than the highest index in the lookup table. Accordingly, the maxval of the output index image is the size of the lookup table. .UN example .SS Example .PP Here is an example of \fBpamunlookup\fP's function. .PP Consider an input image consisting of a 3x2 PPM as follows: .TS l l l. red yellow red beige beige beige .TE and a lookup table consisting of a 3x1 PPM image as follows: .TS l l l. red yellow beige .TE The lookup table above says Index 0 corresponds to the color red, Index 1 corresponds to yellow, and Index 2 corresponds to beige. The output of \fBpamunlookup\fP is the following index image: .TS l l l. 0 1 0 2 2 2 .TE .UN misc .SS Miscellaneous .PP The \fIinputfile\fP argument identifies the file containing the index PAM or PNM image. \fB-\fP means Standard Input. It won't work if both the input image file and lookup table file are Standard Input. The output index image goes to Standard Output. .UN options .SH OPTIONS .PP In addition to the options common to all programs based on libnetpbm (most notably \fB-quiet\fP, see .UR index.html#commonoptions Common Options .UE \&), \fBpamunlookup\fP recognizes the following command line option: .TP \fB-lookupfile=\fP\fIlookupfile\fP \fIlookupfile\fP names the file that contains the PAM or PNM image that is the lookup table. This option is mandatory. .UN seealso .SH SEE ALSO .BR "pamlookup" (1)\c \&, .BR "ppmchange" (1)\c \&, .BR "pnmcolormap" (1)\c \&, .BR "pnm" (1)\c \&, .BR "pam" (1)\c \& .UN history .SH HISTORY .PP \fBpamunlookup\fP was new in Netpbm 10.72 (September 2015). .SH DOCUMENT SOURCE This manual page was generated by the Netpbm tool 'makeman' from HTML source. The master documentation is at .IP .B http://netpbm.sourceforge.net/doc/pamunlookup.html .PP