\ .\" This man page was generated by the Netpbm tool 'makeman' from HTML source. .\" Do not hand-hack it! If you have bug fixes or improvements, please find .\" the corresponding HTML page on the Netpbm website, generate a patch .\" against that, and send it to the Netpbm maintainer. .TH "Ppmddumpfont User Manual" 0 "September 2005" "netpbm documentation" .SH NAME ppmddumpfont - dump a Ppmdfont file .UN synopsis .SH SYNOPSIS \fBppmddumpfont\fP .UN description .SH DESCRIPTION .PP This program is part of .BR "Netpbm" (1)\c \&. .PP \fBppmddumpfont\fP reads a Ppmdfont file on Standard Input and writes to Standard Error a human readable description of the font. .PP (There are no arguments or options) .PP See .BR "Libnetpbm PPM Drawing Function Manual" (3)\c \& for details on Ppmdfont files. .UN seealso .SH SEE ALSO .BR "ppmdraw" (1)\c \&, .BR "ppmdmkfont" (1)\c \&, .BR "ppmdcfont" (1)\c \&, .BR "Libnetpbm PPM Drawing Function Manual" (3)\c \& .SH DOCUMENT SOURCE This manual page was generated by the Netpbm tool 'makeman' from HTML source. The master documentation is at .IP .B http://netpbm.sourceforge.net/doc/ppmddumpfont.html .PP