\ .\" This man page was generated by the Netpbm tool 'makeman' from HTML source. .\" Do not hand-hack it! If you have bug fixes or improvements, please find .\" the corresponding HTML page on the Netpbm website, generate a patch .\" against that, and send it to the Netpbm maintainer. .TH "Directory of Netpbm programs" 0 "" "netpbm documentation" .SH NAME netpbm_directory \e- netpbm library directory .PP We have the programs divided into these categories: .IP \(bu .UR #converters Converters .UE \& .IP \(bu .UR #editors Editors .UE \& .IP \(bu .UR #generators Generators .UE \& .IP \(bu .UR #analyzers Analyzers .UE \& .IP \(bu .UR #miscellaneous Miscellaneous .UE \& .UN converters .SH Converters .TP .BR "pnmtopnm" (1)\c \& convert PNM image to PNM raw or plain .TP .BR "pgmtopgm" (1)\c \& convert PGM or PBM image to PGM .TP .BR "ppmtoppm" (1)\c \& convert PPM, PGM, or PBM image to PPM .TP .BR "pamtopam" (1)\c \& convert PAM image to PAM .TP .BR "pbmtopgm" (1)\c \& convert PBM image to PGM by averaging areas .TP .BR "pgmtoppm" (1)\c \& colorize a PGM into a PPM .TP .BR "ppmtopgm" (1)\c \& convert PPM image to PGM .TP .BR "pamtopnm" (1)\c \& convert a PAM image to PBM, PGM, or PPM .TP .BR "pamtogif" (1)\c \& convert PAM or PNM to GIF .TP .BR "giftopnm" (1)\c \& convert GIF to PNM .TP .BR "pnmtojpeg" (1)\c \& convert PNM to JPEG/JFIF/EXIF format .TP .BR "jpegtopnm" (1)\c \& convert JFIF/JPEG/EXIF file to Netpbm format .TP .BR "pamtojpeg2k" (1)\c \& convert PNM/PAM to JPEG-2000 code stream .TP .BR "jpeg2ktopam" (1)\c \& convert JPEG-2000 code stream to PAM/PNM .TP .BR "pamtopng" (1)\c \& convert Netpbm format to Portable Network Graphics .TP .BR "pnmtopng" (1)\c \& convert Netpbm format to Portable Network Graphics .TP .BR "pngtopam" (1)\c \& convert PNG (Portable Network Graphics) to Netpbm formats .TP .BR "pnmtops" (1)\c \& convert Netpbm formats to Postscript .TP .BR "pstopnm" (1)\c \& convert Postscript to Netpbm formats .TP .BR "pamtotiff" (1)\c \& convert Netpbm formats to TIFF RGB file .TP .BR "tifftopnm" (1)\c \& convert TIFF file to PNM .TP .BR "pnmtotiffcmyk" (1)\c \& convert Netpbm formats to TIFF CMYK file .TP .BR "ppmtobmp" (1)\c \& convert PPM to Windows or OS/2 Bitmap file .TP .BR "bmptopnm" (1)\c \& convert Windows or OS/2 Bitmap file to PPM or PGM .TP .BR "pbmtog3" (1)\c \& convert PBM to Group 3 FAX .TP .BR "g3topbm" (1)\c \& convert Group 3 FAX to PBM .TP .BR "pnmtojbig" (1)\c \& convert PNM to JBIG BIE (compressed bitmap) .TP .BR "jbigtopnm" (1)\c \& convert JBIG BIE (compressed bitmap) to PNM .TP .BR "pnmtoxwd" (1)\c \& convert Netpbm formats to X11 window dump .TP .BR "xwdtopnm" (1)\c \& convert X10 or X11 window dump to Netpbm formats .TP .BR "pbmtoxbm" (1)\c \& convert PBM to X10 or X11 bitmap .TP .BR "xbmtopbm" (1)\c \& convert X10 or X11 bitmap to PBM .TP .BR "ppmtoxpm" (1)\c \& convert PPM to XPM format .TP .BR "xpmtoppm" (1)\c \& convert XPM format to PPM .TP .BR "pbmto10x" (1)\c \& convert PBM to Gemini 10x printer graphics .TP .BR "411toppm" (1)\c \& convert 411 (Sony Mavica) to PPM .TP .BR "pbmto4425" (1)\c \& Display PBM image on AT&T 4425 ASCII terminal with gfx chars .TP .BR "ppmtoacad" (1)\c \& convert PPM to AutoCAD database or slide .TP .BR "ppmtoapplevol" (1)\c \& convert PPM to Apple volume label image .TP .BR "pbmtoascii" (1)\c \& convert PBM to ASCII graphic form .TP .BR "ppmtoascii" (1)\c \& convert PPM to ASCII graphics with ANSI terminal color control .TP .BR "asciitopgm" (1)\c \& convert ASCII character graphics to PGM .TP .BR "pbmtoatk" (1)\c \& convert PBM to Andrew Toolkit raster object .TP .BR "atktopbm" (1)\c \& convert Andrew Toolkit raster object to PBM .TP .BR "pamtoavs" (1)\c \& convert Netpbm image to Stardent AVS .TP .BR "avstopam" (1)\c \& convert Stardent AVS image to PAM .TP .BR "pbmtobbnbg" (1)\c \& convert PBM to BBN BitGraph graphics .TP .BR "bioradtopgm" (1)\c \& convert Biorad confocal image to PGM .TP .BR "brushtopbm" (1)\c \& convert Xerox doodle brushes to PBM .TP .BR "cameratopam" (1)\c \& convert raw camera image to PAM .TP .BR "pbmtocis" (1)\c \& convert PBM to Compuserve RLE image .TP .BR "cistopbm" (1)\c \& convert Compuserve RLE image to PBM .TP .BR "pbmtocmuwm" (1)\c \& convert PBM to CMU window manager format .TP .BR "cmuwmtopbm" (1)\c \& convert CMU window manager format to PBM .TP .BR "ddbugtopbm" (1)\c \& convert Palm DiddleBug image to PBM .TP .BR "pnmtoddif" (1)\c \& convert from Netpbm formats to DDIF .TP .BR "pamtodjvurle" (1)\c \& convert PNM/PAM to DjVu Color RLE format .TP .BR "pbmtodjvurle" (1)\c \& convert PBM to DjVu Bitonal RLE format .TP .BR "pbmtoepsi" (1)\c \& convert a PBM image to encapsulated Postscript preview bitmap .TP .BR "pbmtoepson" (1)\c \& convert PBM to Epson 9-pin printer graphics .TP .BR "pbmtoescp2" (1)\c \& convert PBM to Epson ESC/P2 printer graphics .TP .BR "escp2topbm" (1)\c \& convert Epson ESC/P2 printer graphics to PBM .TP .BR "ppmtoeyuv" (1)\c \& convert PPM to Encoder/Berkeley YUV format .TP .BR "eyuvtoppm" (1)\c \& convert Encoder/Berkeley YUV format to PPM .TP .BR "pnmtofiasco" (1)\c \& convert Netpbm image to Fiasco (wfa) highly compressed format .TP .BR "fiascotopnm" (1)\c \& convert Fiasco (wfa) highly compressed format to Netpbm image .TP .BR "pamtofits" (1)\c \& convert Netpbm formats to FITS format .TP .BR "fitstopnm" (1)\c \& convert FITS format to PNM .TP .BR "pgmtofs" (1)\c \& convert PGM to Usenix FaceSaver(tm) format .TP .BR "fstopgm" (1)\c \& convert Usenix FaceSaver(tm) format to PGM .TP .BR "pbmtogem" (1)\c \& convert PBM into GEM .img file .TP .BR "gemtopnm" (1)\c \& convert GEM .img format to Netpbm format .TP .BR "pbmtogo" (1)\c \& convert PBM to GraphOn graphics .TP .BR "gouldtoppm" (1)\c \& convert Gould scanner file to PPM .TP .BR "pamtohdiff" (1)\c \& convert PAM image to horizontal difference version of same .TP .BR "hdifftopam" (1)\c \& convert horizontal difference PAM back to original image .TP .BR "hipstopgm" (1)\c \& convert HIPS format to PGM .TP .BR "hpcdtoppm" (1)\c \& convert photo CD to PPM .TP .BR "pamtohtmltbl" (1)\c \& convert PNM/PAM to an HTML table with a colored cell for each pixel .TP .BR "pbmtoibm23xx" (1)\c \& convert from PBM to IBM 23XX printer stream .TP .BR "ppmtoicr" (1)\c \& convert PPM to NCSA ICR graphics .TP .BR "ppmtoilbm" (1)\c \& convert PPM to IFF ILBM .TP .BR "ilbmtoppm" (1)\c \& convert IFF ILBM to PPM .TP .BR "imgtoppm" (1)\c \& convert Img-whatnot to PPM .TP .BR "infotopam" (1)\c \& convert Amiga .info icons to PAM .TP .BR "ppmtoleaf" (1)\c \& convert PPM to Interleaf .TP .BR "leaftoppm" (1)\c \& convert Interleaf to PPM .TP .BR "pgmtolispm" (1)\c \& convert PGM into Lisp Machine format .TP .BR "lispmtopgm" (1)\c \& convert a Lisp Machine bitmap file into PGM format .TP .BR "pbmtolj" (1)\c \& convert PBM to HP LaserJet black and white graphics .TP .BR "ppmtolj" (1)\c \& convert PPM to HP LaserJet color graphics (PCL 5) .TP .BR "pbmtoln03" (1)\c \& convert PGM image to Dec LN03+ Sixel image .TP .BR "pbmtolps" (1)\c \& convert PBM image to Postscript using lines .TP .BR "pbmtomacp" (1)\c \& convert PBM to MacPaint .TP .BR "macptopbm" (1)\c \& convert MacPaint to PBM .TP .BR "pbmtomatrixorbital" (1)\c \& convert a PBM image to a Matrix Orbital LCD image .TP .BR "pbmtomda" (1)\c \& convert from PBM to Microdesign (for Amstrad PCWs) .TP .BR "mdatopbm" (1)\c \& convert from Microdesign (for Amstrad PCWs) to PBM .TP .BR "pbmtomgr" (1)\c \& convert PBM to MGR format .TP .BR "mgrtopbm" (1)\c \& convert MGR format to PBM .TP .BR "ppmtomitsu" (1)\c \& convert from PPM to Mitsubishi S340-10 printer stream .TP .BR "ppmtompeg" (1)\c \& convert series of PPM frames to an MPEG movie .TP .BR "pamtompfont" (1)\c \& convert Netpbm image to Mplayer bitmap font .TP .BR "pbmtomrf" (1)\c \& convert PBM image to MRF (compressed bitmap) .TP .BR "mrftopbm" (1)\c \& convert MRF (compressed bitmap) to PBM .TP .BR "mtvtoppm" (1)\c \& convert MTV ray-tracer output to PPM .TP .BR "ppmtoneo" (1)\c \& convert PPM image to Atari Neochrome (.neo) .TP .BR "neotoppm" (1)\c \& convert Atari Neochrome (.neo) image to PPM .TP .BR "pbmtonokia" (1)\c \& convert PBM to Nokia Smart Messaging Format (SMF) .TP .BR "pamtooctaveimg" (1)\c \& convert PNM/PAM to Gnu Octave image .TP .BR "pnmtopalm" (1)\c \& convert Netpbm formats to Palm pixmap .TP .BR "palmtopnm" (1)\c \& convert Palm pixmap to Netpbm formats .TP .BR "pc1toppm" (1)\c \& convert Atari Degas .pc1 (compressed pi1) to PPM .TP .BR "pcdovtoppm" (1)\c \& convert a photo CD PCD overview file to PPM .TP .BR "pnmtopclxl" (1)\c \& convert PNM to HP PCL-XL (PCL 6) printer language .TP .BR "ppmtopcx" (1)\c \& convert PPM to PC Paintbrush format .TP .BR "pcxtoppm" (1)\c \& convert PC Paintbrush format to PPM .TP .BR "pamtopdbimg" (1)\c \& convert Netpbm formats to Palm Pilot Image Viewer format .TP .BR "pdbimgtopam" (1)\c \& convert Palm Pilot Image Viewer format to Netpbm formats. .TP .BR "pamtopfm" (1)\c \& convert PAM/PNM to HDRshop PFM (Portable Float Map) .TP .BR "pfmtopam" (1)\c \& convert HDRshop PFM (Portable Float Map) to PAM .TP .BR "ppmtopi1" (1)\c \& convert PPM to Atari Degas .pi1 .TP .BR "pi1toppm" (1)\c \& convert Atari Degas .pi1 to PPM .TP .BR "pbmtopi3" (1)\c \& convert PBM to Atari Degas .pi3 .TP .BR "pi3topbm" (1)\c \& convert Atari Degas .pi3 to PBM .TP .BR "ppmtopict" (1)\c \& convert PPM to Macintosh PICT (aka Picture aka Quickdraw) .TP .BR "picttoppm" (1)\c \& convert Macintosh PICT (aka Picture aka Quickdraw) to PPM .TP .BR "ppmtopj" (1)\c \& convert PPM to HP PaintJet file .TP .BR "pjtoppm" (1)\c \& convert HP PaintJet file to PPM .TP .BR "ppmtopjxl" (1)\c \& convert from PPM to HP Paintjet XL PCL printer stream .TP .BR "pbmtopk" (1)\c \& convert PBM image to packed format (PK) font .TP .BR "pktopbm" (1)\c \& convert packed format (PK) font to PBM image .TP .BR "pbmtoplot" (1)\c \& convert PBM into Unix \fBplot\fP file .TP .BR "pbmtoppa" (1)\c \& convert PBM to HP PPA (Printer Performance Architecture) printer stream .TP .BR "pbmtopsg3" (1)\c \& convert PBM images to Postscript using G3 fax compression. .TP .BR "psidtopgm" (1)\c \& convert PostScript "image" data to PGM .TP .BR "pbmtoptx" (1)\c \& convert PBM to Printronix graphics .TP .BR "ppmtopuzz" (1)\c \& convert PPM to X11 "puzzle" file .TP .BR "qrttoppm" (1)\c \& convert QRT ray-tracer output to PPM .TP .BR "pnmtorast" (1)\c \& convert Netpbm formats to Sun raster file .TP .BR "rasttopnm" (1)\c \& convert Sun raster file to Netpbm formats .TP .BR "rlatopam" (1)\c \& convert Alias/Wavefront RLA and RPF to PAM .TP .BR "pnmtorle" (1)\c \& convert PNM to Utah Raster Toolkit (urt/rle) file .TP .BR "rletopnm" (1)\c \& convert Utah Raster Toolkit (urt/rle) file to PNM .TP .BR "sbigtopgm" (1)\c \& convert Santa Barbara Instrument Group CCD file to PGM .TP .BR "pgmtosbig" (1)\c \& convert PGM to Santa Barbara Instrument Group CCD file .TP .BR "st4topgm" (1)\c \& convert Santa Barbara Instrument Group ST-4 camera CCD file to PGM .TP .BR "pgmtost4" (1)\c \& convert PGM to Santa Barbara Instrument Group ST-4 camera CCD file .TP .BR "pnmtosgi" (1)\c \& convert from Netpbm formats to SGI format .TP .BR "sgitopnm" (1)\c \& convert from SGI format to Netpbm formats .TP .BR "pnmtosir" (1)\c \& convert from Netpbm formats to Solitaire Image Recorder file (MGI Type 11 or 17) .TP .BR "sirtopnm" (1)\c \& convert from Solitaire Image Recorder file to Netpbm formats. .TP .BR "ppmtosixel" (1)\c \& convert PPM to DEC sixel format .TP .BR "sldtoppm" (1)\c \& convert an AutoCAD slide file into a PPM .TP .BR "spctoppm" (1)\c \& convert Atari compressed Spectrum to PPM .TP .BR "spottopgm" (1)\c \& convert SPOT satellite image to PGM .TP .BR "ppmtospu" (1)\c \& convert PPM to Atari uncompressed Spectrum .TP .BR "sputoppm" (1)\c \& convert Atari uncompressed Spectrum to PPM .TP .BR "pamtosrf" (1)\c \& convert Netpbm formats to SRF .TP .BR "srftopam" (1)\c \& convert SRF to PAM .TP .BR "pbmtosunicon" (1)\c \& convert PBM to Sun icon .TP .BR "sunicontopnm" (1)\c \& convert Sun icon to Netpbm .TP .BR "pamtosvg" (1)\c \& convert Netpbm image to Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG); trace image .TP .BR "svgtopam" (1)\c \& convert an SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) image to Netpbm format .TP .BR "ppmtoterm" (1)\c \& display PPM image on ANSI standard text terminal .TP .BR "pamtotga" (1)\c \& convert PAM to TrueVision Targa file .TP .BR "tgatoppm" (1)\c \& convert TrueVision Targa file to PPM .TP .BR "thinkjettopbm" (1)\c \& convert HP Thinkjet printer stream to PBM .TP .BR "pamtouil" (1)\c \& convert PAM to Motif UIL icon file .TP .BR "vidtoppm" (1)\c \& convert Parallax XVideo JPEG to sequence of PPM files .TP .BR "pbmtowbmp" (1)\c \& convert PBM to WAP (Wireless App Protocol) Wireless Bitmap .TP .BR "wbmptopbm" (1)\c \& convert WAP (Wireless App Protocol) Wireless Bitmap to PBM .TP .BR "pamtowinicon" (1)\c \& convert PAM to Windows icon file .TP .BR "ppmtowinicon" (1)\c \& convert PPM to Windows icon file (obsoleted by \fBpamtowinicon\fP). .TP .BR "winicontopam" (1)\c \& convert Windows icon file to PAM .TP .BR "winicontoppm" (1)\c \& convert Windows icon file to PPM (obsoleted by \fBwinicontoapm\fP). .TP .BR "ximtoppm" (1)\c \& convert Xim to PPM .TP .BR "pamtoxvmini" (1)\c \& convert from Netpbm formats to Xv "thumbnail" picture .TP .BR "xvminitoppm" (1)\c \& convert Xv "thumbnail" picture to PPM .TP .BR "pbmtoybm" (1)\c \& convert PBM into Bennet Yee "face" file .TP .BR "ybmtopbm" (1)\c \& convert Bennet Yee "face" file into PBM .TP .BR "ppmtoyuv" (1)\c \& convert PPM to Abekas YUV format .TP .BR "yuvtoppm" (1)\c \& convert Abekas YUV format to PPM .TP .BR "ppmtoyuvsplit" (1)\c \& convert PPM to 3 subsampled raw Stanford MPEG YUV files .TP .BR "yuvsplittoppm" (1)\c \& merge 3 subsampled raw YUV files to one PPM .TP .BR "yuy2topam" (1)\c \& convert YUY2 format to PAM .TP .BR "zeisstopnm" (1)\c \& convert a Zeiss confocal file to Netpbm format .TP .BR "pbmtozinc" (1)\c \& convert PBM to Zinc Interface Library icon .TP .BR "pamtoqoi" (1)\c \& convert from Netpbm formats to Quite OK Image format .TP .BR "qoitopam" (1)\c \& convert from Quite OK Image format to PAM .TP .BR "rawtopgm" (1)\c \& convert raw grayscale bytes to PGM .TP .BR "rawtoppm" (1)\c \& convert raw RGB bytes to PPM .TP .BR "ppmtoarbtxt" (1)\c \& convert PPM to just about any text-based format, using a grammar file .TP .BR "anytopnm" (1)\c \& convert any graphics format to Netpbm format .UN generators .SH Image Generators .PP All of these generate Netpbm format output. .TP .BR "pbmmake" (1)\c \& create a blank PBM image of a specified size .TP .BR "pgmmake" (1)\c \& create a PGM image of a specified size and shade of gray .TP .BR "ppmmake" (1)\c \& create a PPM image of a specified size and color .TP .BR "pgmramp" (1)\c \& generate a grayscale ramp (gradient) .TP .BR "pamgradient" (1)\c \& create a four-corner gradient image .TP .BR "pampaintspill" (1)\c \& smoothly spill colors into the background .TP .BR "ppmpat" (1)\c \& create a pretty PPM image .TP .BR "ppmrainbow" (1)\c \& create a spectrum-like image with colors fading together. .TP .BR "ppmrough" (1)\c \& create PPM image of two colors with a ragged border between them .TP .BR "pamcrater" (1)\c \& create cratered terrain by fractal forgery .TP .BR "ppmforge" (1)\c \& fractal forgeries of clouds, planets, and starry skies .TP .BR "pbmnoise" (1)\c \& create a PBM image of white noise .TP .BR "pgmnoise" (1)\c \& create a PGM image of white noise .TP .BR "pbmtext" (1)\c \& render text into a PBM image .TP .BR "pbmtextps" (1)\c \& render text into a PBM image using a Postscript interpreter .TP .BR "pbmupc" (1)\c \& create a Universal Product Code PBM image .TP .BR "pamstereogram" (1)\c \& create a single image stereogram from a height map .TP .BR "pamsistoaglyph" (1)\c \& convert a single-image stereogram to a red/cyan anaglyphic image .TP .BR "ppmwheel" (1)\c \& generate a hue-value color wheel .TP .BR "ppmcie" (1)\c \& generate a CIE color map PPM image .TP .BR "pbmpage" (1)\c \& create a printer test pattern page in PBM format .TP .BR "pamseq" (1)\c \& create a PAM image of all possible tuple values. E.g. a color map containing all possible colors of given maxval .TP .BR "pamgauss" (1)\c \& create a PAM image of a Gaussian (bell curve; normal curve) function. .TP .BR "ppm3d" (1)\c \& generate a blue/green 3D glasses image from two images .UN editors .SH Image Editors .PP All of these work on the Netpbm formats .TP .BR "pamdepth" (1)\c \& change the maxval in an image .TP .BR "pamscale" (1)\c \& scale/resample an image with high precision .TP .BR "pnmscalefixed" (1)\c \& scale an image quickly with low precision .TP .BR "pamstretch" (1)\c \& scale up an image by inserting interpolated pixels .TP .BR "pamstretch-gen" (1)\c \& scale by non-integer values using pamstretch and pamscale .TP .BR "pamenlarge" (1)\c \& enlarge an image N times .TP .BR "pbmpscale" (1)\c \& enlarge a PBM image with edge smoothing .TP .BR "pbmreduce" (1)\c \& reduce a PBM N times, using Floyd-Steinberg .TP .BR "pamcut" (1)\c \& select a rectangular region from an image .TP .BR "pnmcrop" (1)\c \& crop all like-colored borders off an image .TP .BR "pnmpad" (1)\c \& add borders to an image .TP .BR "pnmmargin" (1)\c \& add a margin to an image .TP .BR "pamflip" (1)\c \& perform one or more flip operations on an image .TP .BR "pnmrotate" (1)\c \& rotate an image .TP .BR "pamcat" (1)\c \& concatenate images .TP .BR "pamcomp" (1)\c \& create composite (overlay) of images .TP .BR "pnmcomp" (1)\c \& obsolete version of .BR "pamcomp" (1)\c \& (kept because it may have fewer bugs) .TP .BR "pnmpaste" (1)\c \& paste a rectangle into an image .TP .BR "pnmstitch" (1)\c \& stitch together panoramic (side-by-side) photographs .TP .BR "pamarith" (1)\c \& apply simple arithmetic binary function to samples in two images .TP .BR "pammixmulti" (1)\c \& mix multiple images. .TP .BR "ppmmix" (1)\c \& mix (overlay) two images. .TP .BR "pamfunc" (1)\c \& apply simple arithmetic function to samples in an image .TP .BR "pambrighten" (1)\c \& brighten or dim an image -- change saturation and value .TP .BR "ppmflash" (1)\c \& brighten an image .TP .BR "pamaltsat" (1)\c \& change saturation of an image in alternative way .TP .BR "ppmdim" (1)\c \& dim an image - different way from pambrighten .TP .BR "ppmdist" (1)\c \& map colors to high contrast grayscales arbitrarily .TP .BR "pnmhisteq" (1)\c \& histogram equalize image to increase contrast .TP .BR "pnmnorm" (1)\c \& normalize contrast (adjust levels) .TP .BR "pamlevels" (1)\c \& adjust levels of color components .TP .BR "pamrecolor" (1)\c \& alter colors without affecting luminance .TP .BR "ppmntsc" (1)\c \& adjust colors so they are legal for NTSC or PAL television .TP .BR "pnminvert" (1)\c \& invert an image (exchange black and white) .TP .BR "pnmgamma" (1)\c \& perform gamma correction on an image .TP .BR "ppmdither" (1)\c \& ordered dither for color images .TP .BR "pamditherbw" (1)\c \& dither a grayscale image to black and white (convert PGM to PBM) .TP .BR "pbmclean" (1)\c \& remove lone pixels (snow) from a PBM image .TP .BR "pamthreshold" (1)\c \& threshold a grayscale image to black and white (convert PGM to PBM) .TP .BR "pnmnlfilt" (1)\c \& filter an image by replacing each pixel with a function of nearby pixels .TP .BR "pnmconvol" (1)\c \& general MxN convolution on an image. Can blur an image. .TP .BR "pnmsmooth" (1)\c \& smooth an image .TP .BR "pgmmedian" (1)\c \& apply a median filter to an image .TP .BR "pammasksharpen" (1)\c \& sharpen an image via an unsharp mask .TP .BR "pnmalias" (1)\c \& antialias an image .TP .BR "pamedge" (1)\c \& edge-detect (outline) an image .TP .BR "ppmrelief" (1)\c \& run a Laplacian Relief filter on a PPM .TP .BR "pamshadedrelief" (1)\c \& generate shaded relief image from an elevation map .TP .BR "pgmenhance" (1)\c \& edge-enhance a PGM image .TP .BR "pgmmorphconv" (1)\c \& perform morphological convolutions on a PGM image: dilation and erosion. .TP .BR "pgmbentley" (1)\c \& bentleyize a PGM image .TP .BR "ppmchange" (1)\c \& change all of one color to another in PPM image .TP .BR "pamhue" (1)\c \& shift all the hues in an image .TP .BR "pnmquant" (1)\c \& quantize colors/shades in a color or grayscale image down to fewer .TP .BR "pnmquantall" (1)\c \& quantize colors on many files .TP .BR "pnmremap" (1)\c \& replace colors in an image with those from a color map .TP .BR "pamlookup" (1)\c \& map an image to a new image by using it as indices into a table .TP .BR "pamunlookup" (1)\c \& inverse of \fBpamlookup\fP - generates the index image .TP .BR "ppmshift" (1)\c \& shift lines of PPM image left or right a random amount .TP .BR "ppmspread" (1)\c \& move pixels of PPM image a random amount .TP .BR "pnmshear" (1)\c \& shear an image .TP .BR "pamrubber" (1)\c \& rubber sheet deforming, distortion, stretching of an image .TP .BR "pamhomography" (1)\c \& stretch/shrink a quadrilateral region of an image to another quadrilateral shape .TP .BR "pamaddnoise" (1)\c \& add noise to an image .TP .BR "pamwipeout" (1)\c \& replace detail with smooth gradient from one edge to the other .TP .BR "pamperspective" (1)\c \& change perspective distortion in an image .TP .BR "pgmabel" (1)\c \& create cross-section of an image using Abel integration for deconvolution .TP .BR "pnmmercator" (1)\c \& turn a rectangular projection map into a Mercator projection .TP .BR "ppmglobe" (1)\c \& turn a cylindrical projection into strips that can be glued onto a sphere .TP .BR "pnmtile" (1)\c \& replicate an image into a specified size .TP .BR "pamdice" (1)\c \& slice an image into many horizontally and/or vertically .TP .BR "pamundice" (1)\c \& assemble an image from tiles (opposite of \fBpamdice\fP) .TP .BR "pammixinterlace" (1)\c \& mix adjacent lines to merge interlaced images .TP .BR "pamdeinterlace" (1)\c \& remove every other row from an image .TP .BR "ppmshadow" (1)\c \& add a shadow to an image so it looks like it's floating .TP .BR "pgmdeshadow" (1)\c \& deshadow a PGM image .TP .BR "ppmdraw" (1)\c \& draw text, lines, shapes, etc. on an image .TP .BR "ppmlabel" (1)\c \& add text to an image .TP .BR "pamtris" (1)\c \& triangle rasterizer .TP .BR "pamsummcol" (1)\c \& summarize (sum, average, etc) an image by column .TP .BR "ppmfade" (1)\c \& produce series of images fading from one to another .TP .BR "pamshuffle" (1)\c \& move pixels around randomly .TP .BR "pamoil" (1)\c \& turn a PNM or PAM image into an oil painting .TP .BR "ppmtv" (1)\c \& make an image lined so it looks like an old TV .UN analyzers .SH Image Analyzers .PP These all work on the Netpbm formats as input. .TP .BR "pamfile" (1)\c \& describe an image's vital characteristics .TP .BR "pamtable" (1)\c \& print an image's raster in decimal .TP .BR "pamslice" (1)\c \& print a row or column of an image in decimal .TP .BR "pamfind" (1)\c \& tell where all tuples of a certain value are in an image .TP .BR "pnmpsnr" (1)\c \& measure difference between two images .TP .BR "pgmhist" (1)\c \& print a histogram of the values in a PGM image .TP .BR "ppmhist" (1)\c \& print a histogram of a PPM .TP .BR "pnmhistmap" (1)\c \& draw a histogram of a PGM or PPM .TP .BR "pnmcolormap" (1)\c \& choose the N best colors to represent an image; create a colormap .TP .BR "pamsumm" (1)\c \& summarize (sum, average, etc.) all samples in an image .TP .BR "pamgetcolor" (1)\c \& display the average colors from specified regions in an image .TP .BR "pgmtexture" (1)\c \& calculate textural features on a PGM image .TP .BR "pamsharpness" (1)\c \& measure the sharpness of an image .TP .BR "pamsharpmap" (1)\c \& create map of sharpness in an image .TP .BR "pamtilt" (1)\c \& measure the tilt of an image, i.e. document skew .TP .BR "pgmminkowski" (1)\c \& compute Minkowski integral over a PGM image .TP .BR "pbmminkowski" (1)\c \& compute Minkowski integral over a PBM image .TP .BR "pammosaicknit" (1)\c \& validate a mosaic knitting pattern .UN miscellaneous .SH Miscellaneous .TP .BR "pamchannel" (1)\c \& extract individual planes (channel, e.g. R, G, or B) from an image .TP .BR "pamstack" (1)\c \& stack the planes of multiple PAM images into a single output image .TP .BR "ppmtorgb3" (1)\c \& separate a PPM into three PGMs .TP .BR "rgb3toppm" (1)\c \& combine three PGMs into one PPM .TP .BR "pampick" (1)\c \& pick images out of a multi-image Netpbm image stream .TP .BR "pamsplit" (1)\c \& split a multi-image Netpbm file into multiple 1-image files .TP .BR "pamrestack" (1)\c \& rearrange (reflow) pixels into different size rows .TP .BR "pamexec" (1)\c \& run a shell command on each image of a multi-image stream .TP .BR "pamendian" (1)\c \& swap bytes in multi-byte samples of a PAM image .TP .BR "pamfix" (1)\c \& salvage a Netpbm image whose file is truncated or has invalid sample values .TP .BR "pamvalidate" (1)\c \& copy Netpbm image stream, if and only if entire stream is valid Netpbm. .TP .BR "pbmmask" (1)\c \& create a mask bitmap from a regular bitmap .TP .BR "ppmcolormask" (1)\c \& create mask of areas of a certain color in an image .TP .BR "pambackground" (1)\c \& create mask of the background of an image .TP .BR "pambayer" (1)\c \& interpret Bayer patterns .TP .BR "pnmmontage" (1)\c \& build multiple Netpbm images into a single montage image .TP .BR "pbmlife" (1)\c \& apply Conway's rules of Life to a PBM image .TP .BR "pampop9" (1)\c \& simulate a multi-lens camera such as the Pop9 .TP .BR "ppmdmkfont" (1)\c \& create Ppmdfont "standard" .TP .BR "ppmddumpfont" (1)\c \& dump a Ppmdfont file .TP .BR "ppmdcfont" (1)\c \& turn a Ppmdfont file into C source for a builtin font .TP .BR "pnmindex" (1)\c \& build a visual index of a bunch of Netpbm images .TP .BR "pgmkernel" (1)\c \& generate a convolution kernel .TP .BR "ppmsvgalib" (1)\c \& display a PPM image on a Linux virtual console using Svgalib .TP .BR "pamx" (1)\c \& display a Netpbm image in an X Window System window .UN obsolete .SS Obsolete Names .PP There used to be programs by the following names. Each has been either renamed to a more illustrative name, or superseded by a more general function. In most cases, Netpbm is installed with symbolic links that allow old programs and procedures to use these names but run the replacement programs. In some cases, programs by these names still exist but are just simple backward compatibility wrappers around the replacement program. .IP \(bu .BR "ppmtotga" (1)\c \& .IP \(bu .BR "pnmnoraw" (1)\c \& .IP \(bu .BR "gemtopbm" (1)\c \& .IP \(bu .BR "pnminterp" (1)\c \& .IP \(bu .BR "pgmoil" (1)\c \& .IP \(bu .BR "ppmtojpeg" (1)\c \& .IP \(bu .BR "bmptoppm" (1)\c \& .IP \(bu .BR "pgmnorm" (1)\c \& .IP \(bu .BR "ppmnorm" (1)\c \& .IP \(bu .BR "pnmfile" (1)\c \& .IP \(bu .BR "pnmarith" (1)\c \& .IP \(bu .BR "pgmedge" (1)\c \& .IP \(bu .BR "ppmtouil" (1)\c \& .IP \(bu .BR "pnmtoplainpnm" (1)\c \& .IP \(bu .BR "pnmflip" (1)\c \& .IP \(bu .BR "pnmtofits" (1)\c \& .IP \(bu .BR "pnmtotiff" (1)\c \& .IP \(bu .BR "pnmsplit" (1)\c \& .IP \(bu .BR "pnmdepth" (1)\c \& .IP \(bu .BR "pnmcut" (1)\c \& .IP \(bu .BR "pnmscale" (1)\c \& .IP \(bu .BR "pgmtopbm" (1)\c \& .IP \(bu .BR "ppmtogif" (1)\c \& .IP \(bu .BR "pngtopnm" (1)\c \& .IP \(bu .BR "icontopbm" (1)\c \& .IP \(bu .BR "pbmtoicon" (1)\c \& .IP \(bu .BR "ppmquant" (1)\c \& .IP \(bu .BR "ppmquantall" (1)\c \& .IP \(bu .BR "pamfixtrunc" (1)\c \& .IP \(bu .BR "pgmcrater" (1)\c \& .IP \(bu .BR "pamrgbatopng" (1)\c \& .IP \(bu .BR "pbmtox10bm" (1)\c \& .IP \(bu .BR "pgmslice" (1)\c \& .IP \(bu .BR "pnmenlarge" (1)\c \& .IP \(bu .BR "ppmtomap" (1)\c \& .IP \(bu .BR "pcdindex" (1)\c \& .IP \(bu .BR "ppmbrighten" (1)\c \& .IP \(bu .BR "ppmcolors" (1)\c \& .IP \(bu .BR "pamcat" (1)\c \& .SH DOCUMENT SOURCE This manual page was generated by the Netpbm tool 'makeman' from HTML source. The master documentation is at .IP .B http://netpbm.sourceforge.net/doc/directory.html .PP