.\" -*- mode: troff; coding: utf-8 -*- .\" Automatically generated by Pod::Man 5.01 (Pod::Simple 3.43) .\" .\" Standard preamble: .\" ======================================================================== .de Sp \" Vertical space (when we can't use .PP) .if t .sp .5v .if n .sp .. .de Vb \" Begin verbatim text .ft CW .nf .ne \\$1 .. .de Ve \" End verbatim text .ft R .fi .. .\" \*(C` and \*(C' are quotes in nroff, nothing in troff, for use with C<>. .ie n \{\ . ds C` "" . ds C' "" 'br\} .el\{\ . ds C` . ds C' 'br\} .\" .\" Escape single quotes in literal strings from groff's Unicode transform. .ie \n(.g .ds Aq \(aq .el .ds Aq ' .\" .\" If the F register is >0, we'll generate index entries on stderr for .\" titles (.TH), headers (.SH), subsections (.SS), items (.Ip), and index .\" entries marked with X<> in POD. Of course, you'll have to process the .\" output yourself in some meaningful fashion. .\" .\" Avoid warning from groff about undefined register 'F'. .de IX .. .nr rF 0 .if \n(.g .if rF .nr rF 1 .if (\n(rF:(\n(.g==0)) \{\ . if \nF \{\ . de IX . tm Index:\\$1\t\\n%\t"\\$2" .. . if !\nF==2 \{\ . nr % 0 . nr F 2 . \} . \} .\} .rr rF .\" ======================================================================== .\" .IX Title "GDB-ADD-INDEX 1" .TH GDB-ADD-INDEX 1 2024-02-27 gdb- "GNU Development Tools" .\" For nroff, turn off justification. Always turn off hyphenation; it makes .\" way too many mistakes in technical documents. .if n .ad l .nh .SH NAME gdb\-add\-index \- Add index files to speed up GDB .SH SYNOPSIS .IX Header "SYNOPSIS" gdb-add-index \fIfilename\fR .SH DESCRIPTION .IX Header "DESCRIPTION" When GDB finds a symbol file, it scans the symbols in the file in order to construct an internal symbol table. This lets most GDB operations work quickly\-\-at the cost of a delay early on. For large programs, this delay can be quite lengthy, so GDB provides a way to build an index, which speeds up startup. .PP To determine whether a file contains such an index, use the command \&\f(CW\*(C`readelf \-S filename\*(C'\fR: the index is stored in a section named \&\f(CW\*(C`.gdb_index\*(C'\fR. The index file can only be produced on systems which use ELF binaries and DWARF debug information (i.e., sections named \f(CW\*(C`.debug_*\*(C'\fR). .PP \&\fBgdb-add-index\fR uses GDB and \fBobjdump\fR found in the \fBPATH\fR environment variable. If you want to use different versions of these programs, you can specify them through the \&\fBGDB\fR and \fBOBJDUMP\fR environment variables. .PP See more in the GDB manual in node \f(CW\*(C`Index Files\*(C'\fR \&\-\- shell command \f(CW\*(C`info \-f gdb \-n "Index Files"\*(C'\fR. .SH OPTIONS .IX Header "OPTIONS" .SH "SEE ALSO" .IX Header "SEE ALSO" The full documentation for GDB is maintained as a Texinfo manual. If the \f(CW\*(C`info\*(C'\fR and \f(CW\*(C`gdb\*(C'\fR programs and GDB's Texinfo documentation are properly installed at your site, the command .PP .Vb 1 \& info gdb .Ve .PP should give you access to the complete manual. .PP \&\fIUsing GDB: A Guide to the GNU Source-Level Debugger\fR, Richard M. Stallman and Roland H. Pesch, July 1991. .SH COPYRIGHT .IX Header "COPYRIGHT" Copyright (c) 1988\-2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. .PP Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with the Invariant Sections being "Free Software" and "Free Software Needs Free Documentation", with the Front-Cover Texts being "A GNU Manual," and with the Back-Cover Texts as in (a) below. .PP (a) The FSF's Back-Cover Text is: "You are free to copy and modify this GNU Manual. Buying copies from GNU Press supports the FSF in developing GNU and promoting software freedom."