'\" t .TH "SYSCTL\&.D" "5" "" "systemd 255" "sysctl.d" .\" ----------------------------------------------------------------- .\" * Define some portability stuff .\" ----------------------------------------------------------------- .\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .\" http://bugs.debian.org/507673 .\" http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/groff/2009-02/msg00013.html .\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .ie \n(.g .ds Aq \(aq .el .ds Aq ' .\" ----------------------------------------------------------------- .\" * set default formatting .\" ----------------------------------------------------------------- .\" disable hyphenation .nh .\" disable justification (adjust text to left margin only) .ad l .\" ----------------------------------------------------------------- .\" * MAIN CONTENT STARTS HERE * .\" ----------------------------------------------------------------- .SH "NAME" sysctl.d \- Configure kernel parameters at boot .SH "SYNOPSIS" .PP /etc/sysctl\&.d/*\&.conf .PP /run/sysctl\&.d/*\&.conf .PP /usr/lib/sysctl\&.d/*\&.conf .sp .nf key\&.name\&.under\&.proc\&.sys = some value key/name/under/proc/sys = some value key/middle\&.part\&.with\&.dots/foo = 123 key\&.middle/part/with/dots\&.foo = 123 \-key\&.that\&.will\&.not\&.fail = value key\&.pattern\&.*\&.with\&.glob = whatever \-key\&.pattern\&.excluded\&.with\&.glob key\&.pattern\&.overridden\&.with\&.glob = custom .fi .SH "DESCRIPTION" .PP At boot, \fBsystemd-sysctl.service\fR(8) reads configuration files from the above directories to configure \fBsysctl\fR(8) kernel parameters\&. .SH "CONFIGURATION FORMAT" .PP The configuration files contain a list of variable assignments, separated by newlines\&. Empty lines and lines whose first non\-whitespace character is "#" or ";" are ignored\&. .PP Note that either "/" or "\&." may be used as separators within sysctl variable names\&. If the first separator is a slash, remaining slashes and dots are left intact\&. If the first separator is a dot, dots and slashes are interchanged\&. "kernel\&.domainname=foo" and "kernel/domainname=foo" are equivalent and will cause "foo" to be written to /proc/sys/kernel/domainname\&. Either "net\&.ipv4\&.conf\&.enp3s0/200\&.forwarding" or "net/ipv4/conf/enp3s0\&.200/forwarding" may be used to refer to /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/enp3s0\&.200/forwarding\&. A glob \fBglob\fR(7) pattern may be used to write the same value to all matching keys\&. Keys for which an explicit pattern exists will be excluded from any glob matching\&. In addition, a key may be explicitly excluded from being set by any matching glob patterns by specifying the key name prefixed with a "\-" character and not followed by "=", see SYNOPSIS\&. .PP Any access permission errors and attempts to write variables not present on the local system are logged at debug level and do not cause the service to fail\&. Other types of errors when setting variables are logged with higher priority and cause the service to return failure at the end (after processing other variables)\&. As an exception, if a variable assignment is prefixed with a single "\-" character, failure to set the variable for any reason will be logged at debug level and will not cause the service to fail\&. .PP The settings configured with sysctl\&.d files will be applied early on boot\&. The network interface\-specific options will also be applied individually for each network interface as it shows up in the system\&. (More specifically, net\&.ipv4\&.conf\&.*, net\&.ipv6\&.conf\&.*, net\&.ipv4\&.neigh\&.* and net\&.ipv6\&.neigh\&.*)\&. .PP Many sysctl parameters only become available when certain kernel modules are loaded\&. Modules are usually loaded on demand, e\&.g\&. when certain hardware is plugged in or network brought up\&. This means that \fBsystemd-sysctl.service\fR(8) which runs during early boot will not configure such parameters if they become available after it has run\&. To set such parameters, it is recommended to add an \fBudev\fR(7) rule to set those parameters when they become available\&. Alternatively, a slightly simpler and less efficient option is to add the module to \fBmodules-load.d\fR(5), causing it to be loaded statically before sysctl settings are applied (see example below)\&. .SH "CONFIGURATION DIRECTORIES AND PRECEDENCE" .PP Configuration files are read from directories in /etc/, /run/, /usr/local/lib/, and /usr/lib/, in order of precedence, as listed in the SYNOPSIS section above\&. Files must have the "\&.conf" extension\&. Files in /etc/ override files with the same name in /run/, /usr/local/lib/, and /usr/lib/\&. Files in /run/ override files with the same name under /usr/\&. .PP All configuration files are sorted by their filename in lexicographic order, regardless of which of the directories they reside in\&. If multiple files specify the same option, the entry in the file with the lexicographically latest name will take precedence\&. Thus, the configuration in a certain file may either be replaced completely (by placing a file with the same name in a directory with higher priority), or individual settings might be changed (by specifying additional settings in a file with a different name that is ordered later)\&. .PP Packages should install their configuration files in /usr/lib/ (distribution packages) or /usr/local/lib/ (local installs)\&. Files in /etc/ are reserved for the local administrator, who may use this logic to override the configuration files installed by vendor packages\&. It is recommended to prefix all filenames with a two\-digit number and a dash, to simplify the ordering of the files\&. It is recommended to use the range 10\-40 for configuration files in /usr/ and the range 60\-90 for configuration files in /etc/ and /run/, to make sure that local and transient configuration files will always take priority over configuration files shipped by the OS vendor\&. .PP If the administrator wants to disable a configuration file supplied by the vendor, the recommended way is to place a symlink to /dev/null in the configuration directory in /etc/, with the same filename as the vendor configuration file\&. If the vendor configuration file is included in the initrd image, the image has to be regenerated\&. .SH "EXAMPLES" .PP \fBExample\ \&1.\ \&Set kernel YP domain name\fR .PP /etc/sysctl\&.d/domain\-name\&.conf: .sp .if n \{\ .RS 4 .\} .nf kernel\&.domainname=example\&.com .fi .if n \{\ .RE .\} .PP \fBExample\ \&2.\ \&Apply settings available only when a certain module is loaded (method one)\fR .PP /etc/udev/rules\&.d/99\-bridge\&.rules: .sp .if n \{\ .RS 4 .\} .nf ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="module", KERNEL=="br_netfilter", \e RUN+="/usr/lib/systemd/systemd\-sysctl \-\-prefix=/net/bridge" .fi .if n \{\ .RE .\} .PP /etc/sysctl\&.d/bridge\&.conf: .sp .if n \{\ .RS 4 .\} .nf net\&.bridge\&.bridge\-nf\-call\-ip6tables = 0 net\&.bridge\&.bridge\-nf\-call\-iptables = 0 net\&.bridge\&.bridge\-nf\-call\-arptables = 0 .fi .if n \{\ .RE .\} .PP This method applies settings when the module is loaded\&. Please note that, unless the br_netfilter module is loaded, bridged packets will not be filtered by Netfilter (starting with kernel 3\&.18), so simply not loading the module is sufficient to avoid filtering\&. .PP \fBExample\ \&3.\ \&Apply settings available only when a certain module is loaded (method two)\fR .PP /etc/modules\-load\&.d/bridge\&.conf: .sp .if n \{\ .RS 4 .\} .nf br_netfilter .fi .if n \{\ .RE .\} .PP /etc/sysctl\&.d/bridge\&.conf: .sp .if n \{\ .RS 4 .\} .nf net\&.bridge\&.bridge\-nf\-call\-ip6tables = 0 net\&.bridge\&.bridge\-nf\-call\-iptables = 0 net\&.bridge\&.bridge\-nf\-call\-arptables = 0 .fi .if n \{\ .RE .\} .PP This method forces the module to be always loaded\&. Please note that, unless the br_netfilter module is loaded, bridged packets will not be filtered with Netfilter (starting with kernel 3\&.18), so simply not loading the module is sufficient to avoid filtering\&. .PP \fBExample\ \&4.\ \&Set network routing properties for all interfaces\fR .PP /etc/sysctl\&.d/20\-rp_filter\&.conf: .sp .if n \{\ .RS 4 .\} .nf net\&.ipv4\&.conf\&.default\&.rp_filter = 2 net\&.ipv4\&.conf\&.*\&.rp_filter = 2 \-net\&.ipv4\&.conf\&.all\&.rp_filter net\&.ipv4\&.conf\&.hub0\&.rp_filter = 1 .fi .if n \{\ .RE .\} .PP The \fBrp_filter\fR key will be set to "2" for all interfaces, except "hub0"\&. We set net\&.ipv4\&.conf\&.default\&.rp_filter first, so any interfaces which are added \fIlater\fR will get this value (this also covers any interfaces detected while we\*(Aqre running)\&. The glob matches any interfaces which were detected \fIearlier\fR\&. The glob will also match net\&.ipv4\&.conf\&.all\&.rp_filter, which we don\*(Aqt want to set at all, so it is explicitly excluded\&. And "hub0" is excluded from the glob because it has an explicit setting\&. .SH "SEE ALSO" .PP \fBsystemd\fR(1), \fBsystemd-sysctl.service\fR(8), \fBsystemd-delta\fR(1), \fBsysctl\fR(8), \fBsysctl.conf\fR(5), \fBmodprobe\fR(8)