This script is intended to ease reporting found errors to the upstream projects. USE CAREFUL, THE SCRIPT MAY STILL CONTAIN UNEXPECTED BUGS Before using, read "LOCAL CONFIGURATION" and set it up accordingly. In case the script shows errors during processing, read "UPSTREAM CONFIGURATION" and update the upstream config files if needed. reportupstream does not expect any parameters. It will scan for all possible FIXMEs, sort out those which are comming from upstream (might not work 100%) and gives you a menu with the choice of packages where bugs can be reported. In the choice you will see also the last reporting date. Choose one entry and the script will prepare an e-mail or a text file ready for copying into the browser (the right URL will be opened). You will need to review each FIXME and write clear and consise what needs to be changed; the FIXME alone will not be sufficient! Please be aware that upstream is not using our format (po), so explain that the proposed change is not a real diff, upstream will have to locate the exact file and source position. LOCAL CONFIGURATION Please create $HOME/.config/reportupstreamrc and add fill in the following variables: # The location of the git tree with the man pages DCSBASE=/scr/build/src/DCS/manpages-l10n/ # If you have the CONFIG stored somewhere else (usually not needed) CONFIGBASE=$DCSBASE/upstreambug/CONFIG # If you need a different dialog programm (e.g. for X) DIALOG=$(which dialog) # Your e-mail programm, must be mutt(1) compatible in the calling syntax SSF_MAILER=/usr/bin/mutt # Your browser SSF_BROWSER=/usr/bin/firefox # The temporary directory for quite a few files, will be created if it does not exist SSF_TMP=/tmp/ssf Actually the configuration can contain any command allowed in bash(1), so if you need to determine something, you can. UPSTREAM CONFIGURATION For each upstream project a file in $CONFIGBASE should exist. Since these files are not created automatically, they might be missing and need manual creation. Each config file contains a few header lines (see below) and then the name of each manual page one by one, each on a single line. The following header lines are currently supported: Homepage: https://... This is the URL of the upstream project (general page) Note: Text Some information about reporting bugs taken from upstream (e.g. written on their web page) Bugtype: TYPE ADDRESS How to report bugs. TYPE is either either "email", "web" or "reportbug" ADDRESS is either the appropraite e-mail-address or the web page of the bug tracker.