path: root/scripts/LinuxManBook/gropdf
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 3710 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/LinuxManBook/gropdf b/scripts/LinuxManBook/gropdf
deleted file mode 100755
index 8474e58..0000000
--- a/scripts/LinuxManBook/gropdf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3710 +0,0 @@
-#!/bin/perl -w
-# gropdf : PDF post processor for groff
-# Copyright (C) 2011-2018 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-# Written by Deri James <> (and KUBO Koichi)
-# This file is part of groff.
-# groff is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
-# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
-# Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# groff is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
-# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
-# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
-# for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program. If not, see <>.
-use strict;
-use Getopt::Long qw(:config bundling);
-use Encode;
-my $use_suppl_font = 1;
-my $use_unicode_bookmark = 1;
-use constant
- WIDTH => 0,
- CHRCODE => 1,
- PSNAME => 2,
- ASSIGNED => 3,
- USED => 4,
- SUPPL => 5,
-my $gotzlib=0;
-my $rc = eval
- require Compress::Zlib;
- Compress::Zlib->import();
- 1;
- $gotzlib=1;
- Msg(0,"Perl module Compress::Zlib not available - cannot compress this pdf");
-my %cfg;
-my @obj; # Array of PDF objects
-my $objct=0; # Count of Objects
-my $fct=0; # Output count
-my %fnt; # Used fonts
-my $lct=0; # Input Line Count
-my $src_name='';
-my %env; # Current environment
-my %fontlst; # Fonts Loaded
-my $rot=0; # Portrait
-my %desc; # Contents of DESC
-my %download; # Contents of downlopad file
-my $pages; # Pointer to /Pages object
-my $devnm='devpdf';
-my $cpage; # Pointer to current pages
-my $cpageno=0; # Object no of current page
-my $cat; # Pointer to catalogue
-my $dests; # Pointer to Dests
-my @mediabox=(0,0,595,842);
-my @defaultmb=(0,0,595,842);
-my $stream=''; # Current Text/Graphics stream
-my $cftsz=10; # Current font sz
-my $cft; # Current Font
-my $cftsup=0; # Current Font (supplemental)
-my $lwidth=1; # current linewidth
-my $linecap=1;
-my $linejoin=1;
-my $textcol=''; # Current groff text
-my $fillcol=''; # Current groff fill
-my $curfill=''; # Current PDF fill
-my $strkcol='';
-my $curstrk='';
-my @lin=(); # Array holding current line of text
-my @ahead=(); # Buffer used to hol the next line
-my $mode='g'; # Graphic (g) or Text (t) mode;
-my $xpos=0; # Current X position
-my $ypos=0; # Current Y position
-my $tmxpos=0;
-my $kernadjust=0;
-my $curkern=0;
-my $widtbl; # Pointer to width table for current font size
-my $origwidtbl; # Pointer to width table
-my $krntbl; # Pointer to kern table
-my $matrix="1 0 0 1";
-my $whtsz; # Current width of a space
-my $poschg=0; # V/H pending
-my $fontchg=0; # font change pending
-my $tnum=2; # flatness of B-Spline curve
-my $tden=3; # flatness of B-Spline curve
-my $linewidth=40;
-my $w_flg=0;
-my $nomove=0;
-my $pendmv=0;
-my $gotT=0;
-my $suppress=0; # Suppress processing?
-my %incfil; # Included Files
-my @outlev=([0,undef,0,0]); # Structure pdfmark /OUT entries
-my $curoutlev=\@outlev;
-my $curoutlevno=0; # Growth point for @curoutlev
-my $Foundry='';
-my $xrev=0; # Reverse x direction of font
-my $matrixchg=0;
-my $wt=-1;
-my $thislev=1;
-my $mark=undef;
-my $suspendmark=undef;
-my $n_flg=1;
-my $pginsert=-1; # Growth point for kids array
-my %pgnames; # 'names' of pages for switchtopage
-my @outlines=(); # State of Bookmark Outlines at end of each page
-my $custompaper=0; # Has there been an X papersize
-my $textenccmap=''; # CMap for groff text.enc encoding
-my @XOstream=();
-my @PageAnnots={};
-my $noslide=0;
-my $transition={PAGE => {Type => '/Trans', S => '', D => 1, Dm => '/H', M => '/I', Di => 0, SS => 1.0, B => 0},
- BLOCK => {Type => '/Trans', S => '', D => 1, Dm => '/H', M => '/I', Di => 0, SS => 1.0, B => 0}};
-my $firstpause=0;
-my $present=0;
-$noslide=1 if exists($ENV{GROPDF_NOSLIDE}) and $ENV{GROPDF_NOSLIDE};
-my %ppsz=( 'ledger'=>[1224,792],
- 'legal'=>[612,1008],
- 'letter'=>[612,792],
- 'a0'=>[2384,3370],
- 'a1'=>[1684,2384],
- 'a2'=>[1191,1684],
- 'a3'=>[842,1191],
- 'a4'=>[595,842],
- 'a5'=>[420,595],
- 'a6'=>[297,420],
- 'a7'=>[210,297],
- 'a8'=>[148,210],
- 'a9'=>[105,148],
- 'a10'=>[73,105],
- 'isob0'=>[2835,4008],
- 'isob1'=>[2004,2835],
- 'isob2'=>[1417,2004],
- 'isob3'=>[1001,1417],
- 'isob4'=>[709,1001],
- 'isob5'=>[499,709],
- 'isob6'=>[354,499],
- 'c0'=>[2599,3677],
- 'c1'=>[1837,2599],
- 'c2'=>[1298,1837],
- 'c3'=>[918,1298],
- 'c4'=>[649,918],
- 'c5'=>[459,649],
- 'c6'=>[323,459] );
-my $ucmap=<<'EOF';
-/CIDInit /ProcSet findresource begin
-12 dict begin
-<< /Registry (Adobe)
-/Ordering (UCS)
-/Supplement 0
->> def
-/CMapName /Adobe-Identity-UCS def
-/CMapType 2 def
-1 begincodespacerange
-<0000> <FFFF>
-2 beginbfrange
-<008b> <008f> [<00660066> <00660069> <0066006c> <006600660069> <00660066006C>]
-<00ad> <00ad> <002d>
-CMapName currentdict /CMap defineresource pop
-my $fd;
-my $frot;
-my $fpsz;
-my $embedall=0;
-my $debug=0;
-my $version=0;
-my $stats=0;
-my $unicodemap;
-my @idirs;
-GetOptions("F=s" => \$fd, 'I=s' => \@idirs, 'l' => \$frot, 'p=s' => \$fpsz, 'd!' => \$debug, 'v' => \$version, 'version' => \$version, 'e' => \$embedall, 'y=s' => \$Foundry, 's' => \$stats, 'u:s' => \$unicodemap);
-if ($version)
- print "GNU gropdf (groff) version $cfg{GROFF_VERSION}\n";
- exit;
-if (defined($unicodemap))
- if ($unicodemap eq '')
- {
- $ucmap='';
- }
- elsif (-r $unicodemap)
- {
- local $/;
- open(F,"<$unicodemap") or die "gropdf: Failed to open '$unicodemap'";
- ($ucmap)=(<F>);
- close(F);
- }
- else
- {
- Msg(0,"Failed to find '$unicodemap' - ignoring");
- }
-# Search for 'font directory': paths in -f opt, shell var GROFF_FONT_PATH, default paths
-my $fontdir=$cfg{GROFF_FONT_PATH};
-$fontdir=$ENV{GROFF_FONT_PATH}.$cfg{RT_SEP}.$fontdir if exists($ENV{GROFF_FONT_PATH});
-$fontdir=$fd.$cfg{RT_SEP}.$fontdir if defined($fd);
-$rot=90 if $frot;
-$matrix="0 1 -1 0" if $frot;
-my $unitwidth=$desc{unitwidth};
-my $papersz=$desc{papersize};
-$papersz=lc($fpsz) if $fpsz;
-if (substr($papersz,0,1) eq '/' and -r $papersz)
- if (open(P,"<$papersz"))
- {
- while (<P>)
- {
- chomp;
- s/# .*//;
- next if $_ eq '';
- $papersz=$_;
- last
- }
- close(P);
- }
-if ($papersz=~m/([\d.]+)([cipP]),([\d.]+)([cipP])/)
- @defaultmb=@mediabox=(0,0,ToPoints($3,$4),ToPoints($1,$2));
-elsif (exists($ppsz{$papersz}))
- @defaultmb=@mediabox=(0,0,$ppsz{$papersz}->[0],$ppsz{$papersz}->[1]);
-my (@dt)=localtime($ENV{SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH} || time);
-my $dt=PDFDate(\@dt);
-my %info=('Creator' => "(groff version $cfg{GROFF_VERSION})",
- 'Producer' => "(gropdf version $cfg{GROFF_VERSION})",
- 'ModDate' => "($dt)",
- 'CreationDate' => "($dt)");
-while (<>)
- chomp;
- s/\r$//;
- $lct++;
- do # The ahead buffer behaves like 'ungetc'
- {{
- if (scalar(@ahead))
- {
- $_=shift(@ahead);
- }
- my $cmd=substr($_,0,1);
- next if $cmd eq '#'; # just a comment
- my $lin=substr($_,1);
- while ($cmd eq 'w')
- {
- $cmd=substr($lin,0,1);
- $lin=substr($lin,1);
- $w_flg=1 if $gotT;
- }
- $lin=~s/^\s+//;
-# $lin=~s/\s#.*?$//; # remove comment
- $stream.="\% $_\n" if $debug;
- do_x($lin),next if ($cmd eq 'x');
- next if $suppress;
- do_p($lin),next if ($cmd eq 'p');
- do_f($lin),next if ($cmd eq 'f');
- do_s($lin),next if ($cmd eq 's');
- do_m($lin),next if ($cmd eq 'm');
- do_D($lin),next if ($cmd eq 'D');
- do_V($lin),next if ($cmd eq 'V');
- do_v($lin),next if ($cmd eq 'v');
- do_t($lin),next if ($cmd eq 't');
- do_u($lin),next if ($cmd eq 'u');
- do_C($lin),next if ($cmd eq 'C');
- do_c($lin),next if ($cmd eq 'c');
- do_N($lin),next if ($cmd eq 'N');
- do_h($lin),next if ($cmd eq 'h');
- do_H($lin),next if ($cmd eq 'H');
- do_n($lin),next if ($cmd eq 'n');
- my $tmp=scalar(@ahead);
- }} until scalar(@ahead) == 0;
-exit 0 if $lct==0;
-if ($cpageno > 0)
- my $trans='BLOCK';
- $trans='PAGE' if $firstpause;
- if (scalar(@XOstream))
- {
- MakeXO() if $stream;
- $stream=join("\n",@XOstream)."\n";
- }
- my %t=%{$transition->{$trans}};
- $cpage->{MediaBox}=\@mediabox if $custompaper;
- $cpage->{Trans}=FixTrans(\%t) if $t{S};
- if ($#PageAnnots >= 0)
- {
- @{$cpage->{Annots}}=@PageAnnots;
- }
- PutObj($cpageno);
- OutStream($cpageno+1);
-$cat->{PageMode}='/FullScreen' if $present;
-my $info=BuildObj(++$objct,\%info);
-foreach my $fontno (keys %fontlst)
- my $o=$fontlst{$fontno}->{FNT};
- foreach my $ch (@{$o->{NO}})
- {
- my $psname=$o->{NAM}->{$ch->[1]}->[PSNAME] || '/.notdef';
- my $wid=$o->{NAM}->{$ch->[1]}->[WIDTH] || 0;
- push(@{$o->{DIFF}},$psname);
- push(@{$o->{WIDTH}},$wid);
- last if $#{$o->{DIFF}} >= 255;
- }
- unshift(@{$o->{DIFF}},0) if !$use_suppl_font;
- my $p=GetObj($fontlst{$fontno}->{OBJ});
- if (exists($p->{LastChar}) and $p->{LastChar} > 255)
- {
- $p->{LastChar} = 255;
- splice(@{$o->{DIFF}},256);
- splice(@{$o->{WIDTH}},256);
- }
- if ($use_suppl_font) {
- my $fnt = $o;
- while ($fnt = $fnt->{NEXT}) {
- my (@d, @w);
- foreach my $cn (0..255) {
- my $ch = $fnt->{NO}->[$cn + $fnt->{SUPPL} * 256];
- if ($ch && $ch->[1] && $fnt->{NAM}->{$ch->[1]}->[USED]) {
- push @d, $fnt->{NAM}->{$ch->[1]}->[PSNAME] || '/.notdef';
- push @w, $fnt->{NAM}->{$ch->[1]}->[WIDTH] || 0;
- } else {
- push @d, '/.notdef';
- push @w, 0;
- }
- }
- my $obj = BuildObj($objct + 1, {
- %{$p}{qw/Type Subtype BaseFont FontDescriptor/},
- Widths => \@w,
- FirstChar => 0,
- LastChar => 255,
- Encoding => BuildObj($objct + 2, {
- Type => '/Encoding',
- Differences => \@d,
- }),
- });
- $objct += 2;
- my $q = GetObj(2);
- $q->{Resources}->{Font}->{$fnt->{NM}.'.'.$fnt->{SUPPL}} = $obj;
- }
- }
-foreach my $o (3..$objct)
- PutObj($o) if (!exists($obj[$o]->{XREF}));
-#my $encrypt=BuildObj(++$objct,{'Filter' => '/Standard', 'V' => 1, 'R' => 2, 'P' => 252});
-my $xrefct=$fct;
-print "xref\n0 $objct\n0000000000 65535 f \n";
-foreach my $xr (@obj)
- next if !defined($xr);
- printf("%010d 00000 n \n",$xr->{XREF});
-print "trailer\n<<\n/Info $info\n/Root 1 0 R\n/Size $objct\n>>\nstartxref\n$fct\n\%\%EOF\n";
-print "\% Pages=$pages->{Count}\n" if $stats;
-sub MakeMatrix
- my $fontxrev=shift||0;
- my @mat=($frot)?(0,1,-1,0):(1,0,0,1);
- if (!$frot)
- {
- if ($env{FontHT} != 0)
- {
- $mat[3]=sprintf('%.3f',$env{FontHT}/$cftsz);
- }
- if ($env{FontSlant} != 0)
- {
- my $slant=$env{FontSlant};
- $slant*=$env{FontHT}/$cftsz if $env{FontHT} != 0;
- my $ang=rad($slant);
- $mat[2]=sprintf('%.3f',sin($ang)/cos($ang));
- }
- if ($fontxrev)
- {
- $mat[0]=-$mat[0];
- }
- }
- $matrix=join(' ',@mat);
- $matrixchg=1;
-sub PutOutlines
- my $o=shift;
- my $outlines;
- if ($#{$o} > 0)
- {
- # We've got Outlines to deal with
- my $openct=$curoutlev->[0]->[2];
- while ($thislev-- > 1)
- {
- my $nxtoutlev=$curoutlev->[0]->[1];
- $nxtoutlev->[0]->[2]+=$openct if $curoutlev->[0]->[3]==1;
- $openct=0 if $nxtoutlev->[0]->[3]==-1;
- $curoutlev=$nxtoutlev;
- }
- $cat->{Outlines}=BuildObj(++$objct,{'Count' => abs($o->[0]->[0])+$o->[0]->[2]});
- $outlines=$obj[$objct]->{DATA};
- }
- else
- {
- return;
- }
- SetOutObj($o);
- $outlines->{First}=$o->[1]->[2];
- $outlines->{Last}=$o->[$#{$o}]->[2];
- LinkOutObj($o,$cat->{Outlines});
-sub SetOutObj
- my $o=shift;
- for my $j (1..$#{$o})
- {
- my $ono=BuildObj(++$objct,$o->[$j]->[0]);
- $o->[$j]->[2]=$ono;
- SetOutObj($o->[$j]->[1]) if $#{$o->[$j]->[1]} > -1;
- }
-sub LinkOutObj
- my $o=shift;
- my $parent=shift;
- for my $j (1..$#{$o})
- {
- my $op=GetObj($o->[$j]->[2]);
- $op->{Next}=$o->[$j+1]->[2] if ($j < $#{$o});
- $op->{Prev}=$o->[$j-1]->[2] if ($j > 1);
- $op->{Parent}=$parent;
- if ($#{$o->[$j]->[1]} > -1)
- {
- $op->{Count}=$o->[$j]->[1]->[0]->[2]*$o->[$j]->[1]->[0]->[3];# if exists($op->{Count}) and $op->{Count} > 0;
- $op->{First}=$o->[$j]->[1]->[1]->[2];
- $op->{Last}=$o->[$j]->[1]->[$#{$o->[$j]->[1]}]->[2];
- LinkOutObj($o->[$j]->[1],$o->[$j]->[2]);
- }
- }
-sub GetObj
- my $ono=shift;
- ($ono)=split(' ',$ono);
- return($obj[$ono]->{DATA});
-sub PDFDate
- my $dt=shift;
- return(sprintf("D:%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d%+03d'00'",$dt->[5]+1900,$dt->[4]+1,$dt->[3],$dt->[2],$dt->[1],$dt->[0],( localtime time() + 3600*( 12 - (gmtime)[2] ) )[2] - 12));
-sub ToPoints
- my $num=shift;
- my $unit=shift;
- if ($unit eq 'i')
- {
- return($num*72);
- }
- elsif ($unit eq 'c')
- {
- return int($num*72/2.54);
- }
- elsif ($unit eq 'm') # millimetres
- {
- return int($num*72/25.4);
- }
- elsif ($unit eq 'p')
- {
- return($num);
- }
- elsif ($unit eq 'P')
- {
- return($num*6);
- }
- elsif ($unit eq 'z')
- {
- return($num/$unitwidth);
- }
- else
- {
- Msg(1,"Unknown scaling factor '$unit'");
- }
-sub Load_Config
- open(CFG,"<gropdf_config") or die "Can't open config file: $!";
- while (<CFG>)
- {
- chomp;
- my ($key,$val)=split(/ ?= ?/);
- $cfg{$key}=$val;
- }
- close(CFG);
-sub LoadDownload
- my $f;
- my $found=0;
- my (@dirs)=split($cfg{RT_SEP},$fontdir);
- foreach my $dir (@dirs)
- {
- $f=undef;
- OpenFile(\$f,$dir,"download");
- next if !defined($f);
- $found++;
- while (<$f>)
- {
- chomp;
- s/#.*$//;
- next if $_ eq '';
- my ($foundry,$name,$file)=split(/\t+/);
- if (substr($file,0,1) eq '*')
- {
- next if !$embedall;
- $file=substr($file,1);
- }
- $download{"$foundry $name"}=$file;
- }
- close($f);
- }
- Msg(1,"Failed to open 'download'") if !$found;
-sub OpenFile
- my $f=shift;
- my $dirs=shift;
- my $fnm=shift;
- if (substr($fnm,0,1) eq '/' or substr($fnm,1,1) eq ':') # dos
- {
- return if -r "$fnm" and open($$f,"<$fnm");
- }
- my (@dirs)=split($cfg{RT_SEP},$dirs);
- foreach my $dir (@dirs)
- {
- last if -r "$dir/$devnm/$fnm" and open($$f,"<$dir/$devnm/$fnm");
- }
-sub LoadDesc
- my $f;
- OpenFile(\$f,$fontdir,"DESC");
- Msg(1,"Failed to open 'DESC'") if !defined($f);
- while (<$f>)
- {
- chomp;
- s/#.*$//;
- next if $_ eq '';
- my ($name,$prms)=split(' ',$_,2);
- $desc{lc($name)}=$prms;
- }
- close($f);
-sub rad { $_[0]*3.14159/180 }
-my $InPicRotate=0;
-sub do_x
- my $l=shift;
- my ($xcmd,@xprm)=split(' ',$l);
- $xcmd=substr($xcmd,0,1);
- if ($xcmd eq 'T')
- {
- Msg(0,"Expecting a pdf pipe (got $xprm[0])") if $xprm[0] ne substr($devnm,3);
- }
- elsif ($xcmd eq 'f') # Register Font
- {
- $xprm[1]="${Foundry}-$xprm[1]" if $Foundry ne '';
- LoadFont($xprm[0],$xprm[1]);
- }
- elsif ($xcmd eq 'F') # Source File (for errors)
- {
- $env{SourceFile}=$xprm[0];
- }
- elsif ($xcmd eq 'H') # FontHT
- {
- $xprm[0]/=$unitwidth;
- $xprm[0]=0 if $xprm[0] == $cftsz;
- $env{FontHT}=$xprm[0];
- MakeMatrix();
- }
- elsif ($xcmd eq 'S') # FontSlant
- {
- $env{FontSlant}=$xprm[0];
- MakeMatrix();
- }
- elsif ($xcmd eq 'i') # Initialise
- {
- if ($objct == 0)
- {
- $objct++;
- @defaultmb=@mediabox;
- BuildObj($objct,{'Pages' => BuildObj($objct+1,
- {'Kids' => [],
- 'Count' => 0,
- 'Type' => '/Pages',
- 'Rotate' => $rot,
- 'MediaBox' => \@defaultmb,
- 'Resources' =>
- {'Font' => {},
- 'ProcSet' => ['/PDF', '/Text', '/ImageB', '/ImageC', '/ImageI']}
- }
- ),
- 'Type' => '/Catalog'});
- $cat=$obj[$objct]->{DATA};
- $objct++;
- $pages=$obj[2]->{DATA};
- Put("%PDF-1.4\n\x25\xe2\xe3\xcf\xd3\n");
- }
- }
- elsif ($xcmd eq 'X')
- {
- # There could be extended args
- do
- {{
- LoadAhead(1);
- if (substr($ahead[0],0,1) eq '+')
- {
- $l.="\n".substr($ahead[0],1);
- shift(@ahead);
- }
- }} until $#ahead==0;
- ($xcmd,@xprm)=split(' ',$l);
- $xcmd=substr($xcmd,0,1);
- if ($xprm[0]=~m/^(.+:)(.+)/)
- {
- splice(@xprm,1,0,$2);
- $xprm[0]=$1;
- }
- my $par=join(' ',@xprm[1..$#xprm]);
- if ($xprm[0] eq 'ps:')
- {
- if ($xprm[1] eq 'invis')
- {
- $suppress=1;
- }
- elsif ($xprm[1] eq 'endinvis')
- {
- $suppress=0;
- }
- elsif ($par=~m/exec gsave currentpoint 2 copy translate (.+) rotate neg exch neg exch translate/)
- {
- # This is added by gpic to rotate a single object
- my $theta=-rad($1);
- IsGraphic();
- my ($curangle,$hyp)=RtoP($xpos,GraphY($ypos));
- my ($x,$y)=PtoR($theta+$curangle,$hyp);
- $stream.="q\n".sprintf("%.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f cm",cos($theta),sin($theta),-sin($theta),cos($theta),$xpos-$x,GraphY($ypos)-$y)."\n";
- $InPicRotate=1;
- }
- elsif ($par=~m/exec grestore/ and $InPicRotate)
- {
- IsGraphic();
- $stream.="Q\n";
- $InPicRotate=0;
- }
- elsif ($par=~m/exec (\d) setlinejoin/)
- {
- IsGraphic();
- $linejoin=$1;
- $stream.="$linejoin j\n";
- }
- elsif ($par=~m/exec (\d) setlinecap/)
- {
- IsGraphic();
- $linecap=$1;
- $stream.="$linecap J\n";
- }
- elsif ($par=~m/exec %%%%PAUSE/i and !$noslide)
- {
- my $trans='BLOCK';
- if ($firstpause)
- {
- $trans='PAGE';
- $firstpause=0;
- }
- MakeXO();
- NewPage($trans);
- $present=1;
- }
- elsif ($par=~m/exec %%%%BEGINONCE/)
- {
- if ($noslide)
- {
- $suppress=1;
- }
- else
- {
- my $trans='BLOCK';
- if ($firstpause)
- {
- $trans='PAGE';
- $firstpause=0;
- }
- MakeXO();
- NewPage($trans);
- $present=1;
- }
- }
- elsif ($par=~m/exec %%%%ENDONCE/)
- {
- if ($noslide)
- {
- $suppress=0;
- }
- else
- {
- MakeXO();
- NewPage('BLOCK');
- $cat->{PageMode}='/FullScreen';
- pop(@XOstream);
- }
- }
- elsif ($par=~m/\[(.+) pdfmark/)
- {
- my $pdfmark=$1;
- $pdfmark=~s((\d{4,6}) u)(sprintf("%.1f",$1/$desc{sizescale}))eg;
- $pdfmark=~s(\\\[u00(..)\])(chr(hex($1)))eg;
- if ($pdfmark=~m/(.+) \/DOCINFO/)
- {
- my @xwds=split(' ',"<< $1 >>");
- my $docinfo=ParsePDFValue(\@xwds);
- foreach my $k (keys %{$docinfo})
- {
- $info{$k}=$docinfo->{$k} if $k ne 'Producer';
- }
- }
- elsif ($pdfmark=~m/(.+) \/DOCVIEW/)
- {
- my @xwds=split(' ',"<< $1 >>");
- my $docview=ParsePDFValue(\@xwds);
- foreach my $k (keys %{$docview})
- {
- $cat->{$k}=$docview->{$k} if !exists($cat->{$k});
- }
- }
- elsif ($pdfmark=~m/(.+) \/DEST/)
- {
- my @xwds=split(' ',"<< $1 >>");
- my $dest=ParsePDFValue(\@xwds);
- foreach my $v (@{$dest->{View}})
- {
- $v=GraphY(abs($v)) if substr($v,0,1) eq '-';
- }
- unshift(@{$dest->{View}},"$cpageno 0 R");
- if (!defined($dests))
- {
- $cat->{Dests}=BuildObj(++$objct,{});
- $dests=$obj[$objct]->{DATA};
- }
- my $k=substr($dest->{Dest},1);
- $dests->{$k}=$dest->{View};
- }
- elsif ($pdfmark=~m/(.+) \/ANN/)
- {
- my $l=$1;
- $l=~s/Color/C/;
- $l=~s/Action/A/;
- $l=~s/Title/T/;
- $l=~s'/Subtype /URI'/S /URI';
- my @xwds=split(' ',"<< $l >>");
- my $annotno=BuildObj(++$objct,ParsePDFValue(\@xwds));
- my $annot=$obj[$objct];
- $annot->{DATA}->{Type}='/Annot';
- FixRect($annot->{DATA}->{Rect}); # Y origin to ll
- FixPDFColour($annot->{DATA});
- push(@PageAnnots,$annotno);
- }
- elsif ($pdfmark=~m/(.+) \/OUT/)
- {
- my $t=$1;
- $t=~s/\\\) /\\\\\) /g;
- $t=~s/\\e/\\\\/g;
- $t=~m/(^.*\/Title \()(.*)(\).*)/;
- my ($pre,$title,$post)=($1,$2,$3);
- if ($use_unicode_bookmark &&
- $title =~ s/\\\[u([0-9A-F_]+)\]/join(
- '', map { pack "U", hex } split '_', $1
- )/eg) {
- $title = join '', map sprintf("\\%o", $_),
- unpack "C*", encode("utf16", $title);
- }
- $title=~s/(?<!\\)\(/\\\(/g;
- $title=~s/(?<!\\)\)/\\\)/g;
- my @xwds=split(' ',"<< $pre$title$post >>");
- my $out=ParsePDFValue(\@xwds);
- my $this=[$out,[]];
- if (exists($out->{Level}))
- {
- my $lev=abs($out->{Level});
- my $levsgn=sgn($out->{Level});
- delete($out->{Level});
- if ($lev > $thislev)
- {
- my $thisoutlev=$curoutlev->[$#{$curoutlev}]->[1];
- $thisoutlev->[0]=[0,$curoutlev,0,$levsgn];
- $curoutlev=$thisoutlev;
- $curoutlevno=$#{$curoutlev};
- $thislev++;
- }
- elsif ($lev < $thislev)
- {
- my $openct=$curoutlev->[0]->[2];
- while ($thislev > $lev)
- {
- my $nxtoutlev=$curoutlev->[0]->[1];
- $nxtoutlev->[0]->[2]+=$openct if $curoutlev->[0]->[3]==1;
- $openct=0 if $nxtoutlev->[0]->[3]==-1;
- $curoutlev=$nxtoutlev;
- $thislev--;
- }
- $curoutlevno=$#{$curoutlev};
- }
-# push(@{$curoutlev},$this);
- splice(@{$curoutlev},++$curoutlevno,0,$this);
- $curoutlev->[0]->[2]++;
- }
- else
- {
- # This code supports old pdfmark.tmac, unused by pdf.tmac
- while ($curoutlev->[0]->[0] == 0 and defined($curoutlev->[0]->[1]))
- {
- $curoutlev=$curoutlev->[0]->[1];
- }
- $curoutlev->[0]->[0]--;
- $curoutlev->[0]->[2]++;
- push(@{$curoutlev},$this);
- if (exists($out->{Count}) and $out->{Count} != 0)
- {
- push(@{$this->[1]},[abs($out->{Count}),$curoutlev,0,sgn($out->{Count})]);
- $curoutlev=$this->[1];
- if ($out->{Count} > 0)
- {
- my $p=$curoutlev;
- while (defined($p))
- {
- $p->[0]->[2]+=$out->{Count};
- $p=$p->[0]->[1];
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- elsif (lc($xprm[0]) eq 'pdf:')
- {
- if (lc($xprm[1]) eq 'import')
- {
- my $fil=$xprm[2];
- my $llx=$xprm[3];
- my $lly=$xprm[4];
- my $urx=$xprm[5];
- my $ury=$xprm[6];
- my $wid=$xprm[7];
- my $hgt=$xprm[8]||-1;
- my $mat=[1,0,0,1,0,0];
- if (!exists($incfil{$fil}))
- {
- if ($fil=~m/\.pdf$/)
- {
- $incfil{$fil}=LoadPDF($fil,$mat,$wid,$hgt,"import");
- }
- elsif ($fil=~m/\.swf$/)
- {
- my $xscale=$wid/($urx-$llx+1);
- my $yscale=($hgt<=0)?$xscale:($hgt/($ury-$lly+1));
- $hgt=($ury-$lly+1)*$yscale;
- if ($rot)
- {
- $mat->[3]=$xscale;
- $mat->[0]=$yscale;
- }
- else
- {
- $mat->[0]=$xscale;
- $mat->[3]=$yscale;
- }
- $incfil{$fil}=LoadSWF($fil,[$llx,$lly,$urx,$ury],$mat);
- }
- else
- {
- Msg(0,"Unknown filetype '$fil'");
- return undef;
- }
- }
- if (defined($incfil{$fil}))
- {
- IsGraphic();
- if ($fil=~m/\.pdf$/)
- {
- my $bbox=$incfil{$fil}->[1];
- my $xscale=d3($wid/($bbox->[2]-$bbox->[0]+1));
- my $yscale=d3(($hgt<=0)?$xscale:($hgt/($bbox->[3]-$bbox->[1]+1)));
- $wid=($bbox->[2]-$bbox->[0])*$xscale;
- $hgt=($bbox->[3]-$bbox->[1])*$yscale;
- $ypos+=$hgt;
- $stream.="q $xscale 0 0 $yscale ".PutXY($xpos,$ypos)." cm";
- $stream.=" 0 1 -1 0 0 0 cm" if $rot;
- $stream.=" /$incfil{$fil}->[0] Do Q\n";
- }
- elsif ($fil=~m/\.swf$/)
- {
- $stream.=PutXY($xpos,$ypos)." m /$incfil{$fil} Do\n";
- }
- }
- }
- elsif (lc($xprm[1]) eq 'pdfpic')
- {
- my $fil=$xprm[2];
- my $flag=uc($xprm[3]||'-L');
- my $wid=GetPoints($xprm[4])||-1;
- my $hgt=GetPoints($xprm[5]||-1);
- my $ll=GetPoints($xprm[6]||0);
- my $mat=[1,0,0,1,0,0];
- if (!exists($incfil{$fil}))
- {
- $incfil{$fil}=LoadPDF($fil,$mat,$wid,$hgt,"pdfpic");
- }
- if (defined($incfil{$fil}))
- {
- IsGraphic();
- my $bbox=$incfil{$fil}->[1];
- $wid=($bbox->[2]-$bbox->[0]) if $wid <= 0;
- my $xscale=d3($wid/($bbox->[2]-$bbox->[0]));
- my $yscale=d3(($hgt<=0)?$xscale:($hgt/($bbox->[3]-$bbox->[1])));
- $xscale=($wid<=0)?$yscale:$xscale;
- $xscale=$yscale if $yscale < $xscale;
- $yscale=$xscale if $xscale < $yscale;
- $wid=($bbox->[2]-$bbox->[0])*$xscale;
- $hgt=($bbox->[3]-$bbox->[1])*$yscale;
- if ($flag eq '-C' and $ll > $wid)
- {
- $xpos=int(($ll-$wid)/2);
- }
- elsif ($flag eq '-R' and $ll > $wid)
- {
- $xpos=$ll-$wid;
- }
- $ypos+=$hgt;
- $stream.="q $xscale 0 0 $yscale ".PutXY($xpos,$ypos)." cm";
- $stream.=" 0 1 -1 0 0 0 cm" if $rot;
- $stream.=" /$incfil{$fil}->[0] Do Q\n";
- }
- }
- elsif (lc($xprm[1]) eq 'xrev')
- {
- $xrev=!$xrev;
- }
- elsif (lc($xprm[1]) eq 'markstart')
- {
- $mark={'rst' => ($xprm[2]+$xprm[4])/$unitwidth, 'rsb' => ($xprm[3]-$xprm[4])/$unitwidth, 'xpos' => $xpos-($xprm[4]/$unitwidth),
- 'ypos' => $ypos, 'lead' => $xprm[4]/$unitwidth, 'pdfmark' => join(' ',@xprm[5..$#xprm])};
- }
- elsif (lc($xprm[1]) eq 'markend')
- {
- PutHotSpot($xpos) if defined($mark);
- $mark=undef;
- }
- elsif (lc($xprm[1]) eq 'marksuspend')
- {
- $suspendmark=$mark;
- $mark=undef;
- }
- elsif (lc($xprm[1]) eq 'markrestart')
- {
- $mark=$suspendmark;
- $suspendmark=undef;
- }
- elsif (lc($xprm[1]) eq 'pagename')
- {
- if ($pginsert > -1)
- {
- $pgnames{$xprm[2]}=$pages->{Kids}->[$pginsert];
- }
- else
- {
- $pgnames{$xprm[2]}='top';
- }
- }
- elsif (lc($xprm[1]) eq 'switchtopage')
- {
- my $ba=$xprm[2];
- my $want=$xprm[3];
- if ($pginsert > -1)
- {
- if (!defined($want) or $want eq '')
- {
- # no before/after
- $want=$ba;
- $ba='before';
- }
- if (!defined($ba) or $ba eq '' or $want eq 'bottom')
- {
- $pginsert=$#{$pages->{Kids}};
- }
- elsif ($want eq 'top')
- {
- $pginsert=-1;
- }
- else
- {
- if (exists($pgnames{$want}))
- {
- my $ref=$pgnames{$want};
- if ($ref eq 'top')
- {
- $pginsert=-1;
- }
- else
- {
- FIND: while (1)
- {
- foreach my $j (0..$#{$pages->{Kids}})
- {
- if ($ref eq $pages->{Kids}->[$j])
- {
- if ($ba eq 'before')
- {
- $pginsert=$j-1;
- last FIND;
- }
- elsif ($ba eq 'after')
- {
- $pginsert=$j;
- last FIND;
- }
- else
- {
- Msg(0,"Parameter must be top|bottom|before|after not '$ba'");
- last FIND;
- }
- }
- }
- Msg(0,"Can't find page ref '$ref'");
- last FIND
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- Msg(0,"Can't find page named '$want'");
- }
- }
- if ($pginsert < 0)
- {
- ($curoutlev,$curoutlevno,$thislev)=(\@outlev,0,1);
- }
- else
- {
- ($curoutlev,$curoutlevno,$thislev)=(@{$outlines[$pginsert]});
- }
- }
- }
- elsif (lc($xprm[1]) eq 'transition' and !$noslide)
- {
- if (uc($xprm[2]) eq 'PAGE' or uc($xprm[2] eq 'SLIDE'))
- {
- $transition->{PAGE}->{S}='/'.ucfirst($xprm[3]) if $xprm[3] and $xprm[3] ne '.';
- $transition->{PAGE}->{D}=$xprm[4] if $xprm[4] and $xprm[4] ne '.';
- $transition->{PAGE}->{Dm}='/'.$xprm[5] if $xprm[5] and $xprm[5] ne '.';
- $transition->{PAGE}->{M}='/'.$xprm[6] if $xprm[6] and $xprm[6] ne '.';
- $xprm[7]='/None' if $xprm[7] and uc($xprm[7]) eq 'NONE';
- $transition->{PAGE}->{Di}=$xprm[7] if $xprm[7] and $xprm[7] ne '.';
- $transition->{PAGE}->{SS}=$xprm[8] if $xprm[8] and $xprm[8] ne '.';
- $transition->{PAGE}->{B}=$xprm[9] if $xprm[9] and $xprm[9] ne '.';
- }
- elsif (uc($xprm[2]) eq 'BLOCK')
- {
- $transition->{BLOCK}->{S}='/'.ucfirst($xprm[3]) if $xprm[3] and $xprm[3] ne '.';
- $transition->{BLOCK}->{D}=$xprm[4] if $xprm[4] and $xprm[4] ne '.';
- $transition->{BLOCK}->{Dm}='/'.$xprm[5] if $xprm[5] and $xprm[5] ne '.';
- $transition->{BLOCK}->{M}='/'.$xprm[6] if $xprm[6] and $xprm[6] ne '.';
- $xprm[7]='/None' if $xprm[7] and uc($xprm[7]) eq 'NONE';
- $transition->{BLOCK}->{Di}=$xprm[7] if $xprm[7] and $xprm[7] ne '.';
- $transition->{BLOCK}->{SS}=$xprm[8] if $xprm[8] and $xprm[8] ne '.';
- $transition->{BLOCK}->{B}=$xprm[9] if $xprm[9] and $xprm[9] ne '.';
- }
- $present=1;
- }
- }
- elsif (lc(substr($xprm[0],0,9)) eq 'papersize')
- {
- my ($px,$py)=split(',',substr($xprm[0],10));
- $px=GetPoints($px);
- $py=GetPoints($py);
- @mediabox=(0,0,$px,$py);
- my @mb=@mediabox;
- $matrixchg=1;
- $custompaper=1;
- $cpage->{MediaBox}=\@mb;
- }
- }
-sub FixPDFColour
- my $o=shift;
- my $a=$o->{C};
- my @r=();
- my $c=$a->[0];
- if ($#{$a}==3)
- {
- if ($c > 1)
- {
- foreach my $j (0..2)
- {
- push(@r,sprintf("%1.3f",$a->[$j]/0xffff));
- }
- $o->{C}=\@r;
- }
- }
- elsif (substr($c,0,1) eq '#')
- {
- if (length($c) == 7)
- {
- foreach my $j (0..2)
- {
- push(@r,sprintf("%1.3f",hex(substr($c,$j*2+1,2))/0xff));
- }
- $o->{C}=\@r;
- }
- elsif (length($c) == 14)
- {
- foreach my $j (0..2)
- {
- push(@r,sprintf("%1.3f",hex(substr($c,$j*4+2,4))/0xffff));
- }
- $o->{C}=\@r;
- }
- }
-sub PutHotSpot
- my $endx=shift;
- my $l=$mark->{pdfmark};
- $l=~s/Color/C/;
- $l=~s/Action/A/;
- $l=~s'/Subtype /URI'/S /URI';
- $l=~s(\\\[u00(..)\])(chr(hex($1)))eg;
- my @xwds=split(' ',"<< $l >>");
- my $annotno=BuildObj(++$objct,ParsePDFValue(\@xwds));
- my $annot=$obj[$objct];
- $annot->{DATA}->{Type}='/Annot';
- $annot->{DATA}->{Rect}=[$mark->{xpos},$mark->{ypos}-$mark->{rsb},$endx+$mark->{lead},$mark->{ypos}-$mark->{rst}];
- FixPDFColour($annot->{DATA});
- FixRect($annot->{DATA}->{Rect}); # Y origin to ll
- push(@PageAnnots,$annotno);
-sub sgn
- return(1) if $_[0] > 0;
- return(-1) if $_[0] < 0;
- return(0);
-sub FixRect
- my $rect=shift;
- return if !defined($rect);
- $rect->[1]=GraphY($rect->[1]);
- $rect->[3]=GraphY($rect->[3]);
-sub GetPoints
- my $val=shift;
- $val=ToPoints($1,$2) if ($val and $val=~m/(-?[\d.]+)([cipnz])/);
- return $val;
-# Although the PDF reference mentions XObject/Form as a way of incorporating an external PDF page into
-# the current PDF, it seems not to work with any current PDF reader (although I am told (by Leonard Rosenthol,
-# who helped author the PDF ISO standard) that Acroread 9 does support it, empiorical observation shows otherwise!!).
-# So... do it the hard way - full PDF parser and merge required objects!!!
-# sub BuildRef
-# {
-# my $fil=shift;
-# my $bbox=shift;
-# my $mat=shift;
-# my $wid=($bbox->[2]-$bbox->[0])*$mat->[0];
-# my $hgt=($bbox->[3]-$bbox->[1])*$mat->[3];
-# if (!open(PDF,"<$fil"))
-# {
-# Msg(0,"Failed to open '$fil'");
-# return(undef);
-# }
-# my (@f)=(<PDF>);
-# close(PDF);
-# $objct++;
-# my $xonm="XO$objct";
-# $pages->{'Resources'}->{'XObject'}->{$xonm}=BuildObj($objct,{'Type' => '/XObject',
-# 'Subtype' => '/Form',
-# 'BBox' => $bbox,
-# 'Matrix' => $mat,
-# 'Resources' => $pages->{'Resources'},
-# 'Ref' => {'Page' => '1',
-# 'F' => BuildObj($objct+1,{'Type' => '/Filespec',
-# 'F' => "($fil)",
-# 'EF' => {'F' => BuildObj($objct+2,{'Type' => '/EmbeddedFile'})}
-# })
-# }
-# });
-# $obj[$objct]->{STREAM}="q 1 0 0 1 0 0 cm
-# q BT
-# 1 0 0 1 0 0 Tm
-# .5 g .5 G
-# /F5 20 Tf
-# (Proxy) Tj
-# ET Q
-# 0 0 m 72 0 l s
-# Q\n";
-# # $obj[$objct]->{STREAM}=PutXY($xpos,$ypos)." m ".PutXY($xpos+$wid,$ypos)." l ".PutXY($xpos+$wid,$ypos+$hgt)." l ".PutXY($xpos,$ypos+$hgt)." l f\n";
-# $obj[$objct+2]->{STREAM}=join('',@f);
-# PutObj($objct);
-# PutObj($objct+1);
-# PutObj($objct+2);
-# $objct+=2;
-# return($xonm);
-# }
-sub LoadSWF
- my $fil=shift;
- my $bbox=shift;
- my $mat=shift;
- my $wid=($bbox->[2]-$bbox->[0])*$mat->[0];
- my $hgt=($bbox->[3]-$bbox->[1])*$mat->[3];
- my (@path)=split('/',$fil);
- my $node=pop(@path);
- if (!open(PDF,"<$fil"))
- {
- Msg(0,"Failed to open '$fil'");
- return(undef);
- }
- my (@f)=(<PDF>);
- close(PDF);
- $objct++;
- my $xonm="XO$objct";
- $pages->{'Resources'}->{'XObject'}->{$xonm}=BuildObj($objct,{'Type' => '/XObject', 'BBox' => $bbox, 'Matrix' => $mat, 'FormType' => 1, 'Subtype' => '/Form', 'Length' => 0, 'Type' => "/XObject"});
- $obj[$objct]->{STREAM}='';
- PutObj($objct);
- $objct++;
- my $asset=BuildObj($objct,{'EF' => {'F' => BuildObj($objct+1,{})},
- 'F' => "($node)",
- 'Type' => '/Filespec',
- 'UF' => "($node)"});
- PutObj($objct);
- $objct++;
- $obj[$objct]->{STREAM}=join('',@f);
- PutObj($objct);
- $objct++;
- my $config=BuildObj($objct,{'Instances' => [BuildObj($objct+1,{'Params' => { 'Binding' => '/Background'}, 'Asset' => $asset})],
- 'Subtype' => '/Flash'});
- PutObj($objct);
- $objct++;
- PutObj($objct);
- $objct++;
- my ($x,$y)=split(' ',PutXY($xpos,$ypos));
- push(@{$cpage->{Annots}},BuildObj($objct,{'RichMediaContent' => {'Subtype' => '/Flash', 'Configurations' => [$config], 'Assets' => {'Names' => [ "($node)", $asset ] }},
- 'P' => "$cpageno 0 R",
- 'RichMediaSettings' => { 'Deactivation' => { 'Condition' => '/PI',
- 'Type' => '/RichMediaDeactivation'},
- 'Activation' => { 'Condition' => '/PV',
- 'Type' => '/RichMediaActivation'}},
- 'F' => 68,
- 'Subtype' => '/RichMedia',
- 'Type' => '/Annot',
- 'Rect' => "[ $x $y ".($x+$wid)." ".($y+$hgt)." ]",
- 'Border' => [0,0,0]}));
- PutObj($objct);
- return $xonm;
-sub OpenInc
- my $fn=shift;
- my $fnm=$fn;
- my $F;
- if (substr($fnm,0,1) eq '/' or substr($fnm,1,1) eq ':') # dos
- {
- if (-r $fnm and open($F,"<$fnm"))
- {
- return($F,$fnm);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- foreach my $dir (@idirs)
- {
- $fnm="$dir/$fn";
- if (-r "$fnm" and open($F,"<$fnm"))
- {
- return($F,$fnm);
- }
- }
- }
- return(undef,$fn);
-sub LoadPDF
- my $pdfnm=shift;
- my $mat=shift;
- my $wid=shift;
- my $hgt=shift;
- my $type=shift;
- my $pdf;
- my $pdftxt='';
- my $strmlen=0;
- my $curobj=-1;
- my $instream=0;
- my $cont;
- my $adj=0;
- my $keepsep=$/;
- my ($PD,$PDnm)=OpenInc($pdfnm);
- if (!defined($PD))
- {
- Msg(0,"Failed to open PDF '$pdfnm'");
- return undef;
- }
- my $hdr=<$PD>;
- $/="\r",$adj=1 if (length($hdr) > 10);
- while (<$PD>)
- {
- chomp;
- s/\n//;
- if (m/endstream(\s+.*)?$/)
- {
- $instream=0;
- $_="endstream";
- $_.=$1 if defined($1)
- }
- next if $instream;
- if (m'/Length\s+(\d+)(\s+\d+\s+R)?')
- {
- if (!defined($2))
- {
- $strmlen=$1;
- }
- else
- {
- $strmlen=0;
- }
- }
- if (m'^(\d+) \d+ obj')
- {
- $curobj=$1;
- $pdf->[$curobj]->{OBJ}=undef;
- }
- if (m'stream\s*$' and ! m/^endstream/)
- {
- if ($curobj > -1)
- {
- $pdf->[$curobj]->{STREAMPOS}=[tell($PD)+$adj,$strmlen];
- seek($PD,$strmlen,1);
- $instream=1;
- }
- else
- {
- Msg(0,"Parsing PDF '$pdfnm' failed");
- return undef;
- }
- }
- $pdftxt.=$_.' ';
- }
- close($PD);
- open(PD,"<$PDnm");
-# $pdftxt=~s/\]/ \]/g;
- my (@pdfwds)=split(' ',$pdftxt);
- my $wd;
- while ($wd=nextwd(\@pdfwds),length($wd))
- {
- if ($wd=~m/\d+/ and defined($pdfwds[1]) and $pdfwds[1]=~m/^obj(.*)/)
- {
- $curobj=$wd;
- shift(@pdfwds); shift(@pdfwds);
- unshift(@pdfwds,$1) if defined($1) and length($1);
- $pdf->[$curobj]->{OBJ}=ParsePDFObj(\@pdfwds);
- }
- elsif ($wd eq 'trailer' and !exists($pdf->[0]->{OBJ}))
- {
- $pdf->[0]->{OBJ}=ParsePDFObj(\@pdfwds);
- }
- else
- {
-# print "Skip '$wd'\n";
- }
- }
- my $catalog=${$pdf->[0]->{OBJ}->{Root}};
- my $page=FindPage(1,$pdf);
- my $xobj=++$objct;
- # Load the streamas
- foreach my $o (@{$pdf})
- {
- if (exists($o->{STREAMPOS}))
- {
- my $l;
- $l=$o->{OBJ}->{Length} if exists($o->{OBJ}->{Length});
- $l=$pdf->[$$l]->{OBJ} if (defined($l) && ref($l) eq 'OBJREF');
- Msg(1,"Unable to determine length of stream \@$o->{STREAMPOS}->[0]") if !defined($l);
- sysseek(PD,$o->{STREAMPOS}->[0],0);
- Msg(0,'Failed to read all the stream') if $l != sysread(PD,$o->{STREAM},$l);
- if ($gotzlib and exists($o->{OBJ}->{'Filter'}) and $o->{OBJ}->{'Filter'} eq '/FlateDecode')
- {
- $o->{STREAM}=Compress::Zlib::uncompress($o->{STREAM});
- delete($o->{OBJ }->{'Filter'});
- }
- }
- }
- close(PD);
- # Find BBox
- my $BBox;
- my $insmap={};
- foreach my $k (qw( MediaBox ArtBox TrimBox BleedBox CropBox ))
- {
- $BBox=FindKey($pdf,$page,$k);
- last if $BBox;
- }
- $BBox=[0,0,595,842] if !defined($BBox);
- $wid=($BBox->[2]-$BBox->[0]+1) if $wid==0;
- my $xscale=d3(abs($wid)/($BBox->[2]-$BBox->[0]+1));
- my $yscale=d3(($hgt<=0)?$xscale:(abs($hgt)/($BBox->[3]-$BBox->[1]+1)));
- $hgt=($BBox->[3]-$BBox->[1]+1)*$yscale;
- if ($type eq "import")
- {
- $mat->[0]=$xscale;
- $mat->[3]=$yscale;
- }
- # Find Resource
- my $res=FindKey($pdf,$page,'Resources');
- my $xonm="XO$xobj";
- # Map inserted objects to current PDF
- MapInsValue($pdf,$page,'',$insmap,$xobj,$pdf->[$page]->{OBJ});
-# Many PDFs include 'Resources' at the 'Page' level but if 'Resources' is held at a higher level (i.e 'Pages')
-# then we need to include its objects as well.
- MapInsValue($pdf,$page,'',$insmap,$xobj,$res) if !exists($pdf->[$page]->{OBJ}->{Resources});
- # Copy Resources
- my %incres=%{$res};
- $incres{ProcSet}=['/PDF', '/Text', '/ImageB', '/ImageC', '/ImageI'];
- ($mat->[4],$mat->[5])=split(' ',PutXY($xpos,$ypos));
- $pages->{'Resources'}->{'XObject'}->{$xonm}=BuildObj($xobj,{'Type' => '/XObject', 'BBox' => $BBox, 'Name' => "/$xonm", 'FormType' => 1, 'Subtype' => '/Form', 'Length' => 0, 'Type' => "/XObject", 'Resources' => \%incres});
- BuildStream($xobj,$pdf,$pdf->[$page]->{OBJ}->{Contents});
- $/=$keepsep;
- return([$xonm,$BBox] );
-sub BuildStream
- my $xobj=shift;
- my $pdf=shift;
- my $val=shift;
- my $strm='';
- my $objs;
- my $refval=ref($val);
- if ($refval eq 'OBJREF')
- {
- push(@{$objs}, $val);
- }
- elsif ($refval eq 'ARRAY')
- {
- $objs=$val;
- }
- else
- {
- Msg(0,"unexpected 'Contents'");
- }
- foreach my $o (@{$objs})
- {
- $strm.="\n" if $strm;
- $strm.=$pdf->[$$o]->{STREAM} if exists($pdf->[$$o]->{STREAM});
- }
- $obj[$xobj]->{STREAM}=$strm;
-sub MapInsHash
- my $pdf=shift;
- my $o=shift;
- my $insmap=shift;
- my $parent=shift;
- my $val=shift;
- foreach my $k (keys(%{$val}))
- {
- MapInsValue($pdf,$o,$k,$insmap,$parent,$val->{$k}) if $k ne 'Contents';
- }
-sub MapInsValue
- my $pdf=shift;
- my $o=shift;
- my $k=shift;
- my $insmap=shift;
- my $parent=shift;
- my $val=shift;
- my $refval=ref($val);
- if ($refval eq 'OBJREF')
- {
- if ($k ne 'Parent')
- {
- if (!exists($insmap->{IMP}->{$$val}))
- {
- $objct++;
- $insmap->{CUR}->{$objct}=$$val;
- $insmap->{IMP}->{$$val}=$objct;
- $obj[$objct]->{DATA}=$pdf->[$$val]->{OBJ};
- $obj[$objct]->{STREAM}=$pdf->[$$val]->{STREAM} if exists($pdf->[$$val]->{STREAM});
- MapInsValue($pdf,$$val,'',$insmap,$o,$pdf->[$$val]->{OBJ});
- }
- $$val=$insmap->{IMP}->{$$val};
- }
- else
- {
- $$val=$parent;
- }
- }
- elsif ($refval eq 'ARRAY')
- {
- foreach my $v (@{$val})
- {
- MapInsValue($pdf,$o,'',$insmap,$parent,$v)
- }
- }
- elsif ($refval eq 'HASH')
- {
- MapInsHash($pdf,$o,$insmap,$parent,$val);
- }
-sub FindKey
- my $pdf=shift;
- my $page=shift;
- my $k=shift;
- if (exists($pdf->[$page]->{OBJ}->{$k}))
- {
- my $val=$pdf->[$page]->{OBJ}->{$k};
- $val=$pdf->[$$val]->{OBJ} if ref($val) eq 'OBJREF';
- return($val);
- }
- else
- {
- if (exists($pdf->[$page]->{OBJ}->{Parent}))
- {
- return(FindKey($pdf,${$pdf->[$page]->{OBJ}->{Parent}},$k));
- }
- }
- return(undef);
-sub FindPage
- my $wantpg=shift;
- my $pdf=shift;
- my $catalog=${$pdf->[0]->{OBJ}->{Root}};
- my $pages=${$pdf->[$catalog]->{OBJ}->{Pages}};
- return(NextPage($pdf,$pages,\$wantpg));
-sub NextPage
- my $pdf=shift;
- my $pages=shift;
- my $wantpg=shift;
- my $ret;
- if ($pdf->[$pages]->{OBJ}->{Type} eq '/Pages')
- {
- foreach my $kid (@{$pdf->[$pages]->{OBJ}->{Kids}})
- {
- $ret=NextPage($pdf,$$kid,$wantpg);
- last if $$wantpg<=0;
- }
- }
- elsif ($pdf->[$pages]->{OBJ}->{Type} eq '/Page')
- {
- $$wantpg--;
- $ret=$pages;
- }
- return($ret);
-sub nextwd
- my $pdfwds=shift;
- my $wd=shift(@{$pdfwds});
- return('') if !defined($wd);
- if ($wd=~m/^(.*?)(<<|>>|(?:(?<!\\)\[|\]))(.*)/)
- {
- if (defined($1) and length($1))
- {
- unshift(@{$pdfwds},$3) if defined($3) and length($3);
- unshift(@{$pdfwds},$2);
- $wd=$1;
- }
- else
- {
- unshift(@{$pdfwds},$3) if defined($3) and length($3);
- $wd=$2;
- }
- }
- return($wd);
-sub ParsePDFObj
- my $pdfwds=shift;
- my $rtn;
- my $wd;
- while ($wd=nextwd($pdfwds),length($wd))
- {
- if ($wd eq 'stream' or $wd eq 'endstream')
- {
- next;
- }
- elsif ($wd eq 'endobj' or $wd eq 'startxref')
- {
- last;
- }
- else
- {
- unshift(@{$pdfwds},$wd);
- $rtn=ParsePDFValue($pdfwds);
- }
- }
- return($rtn);
-sub ParsePDFHash
- my $pdfwds=shift;
- my $rtn={};
- my $wd;
- while ($wd=nextwd($pdfwds),length($wd))
- {
- if ($wd eq '>>')
- {
- last;
- }
- my (@w)=split('/',$wd,3);
- if ($w[0])
- {
- Msg(0,"PDF Dict Key '$wd' does not start with '/'");
- exit 1;
- }
- else
- {
- unshift(@{$pdfwds},"/$w[2]") if $w[2];
- $wd=$w[1];
- (@w)=split('\(',$wd,2);
- $wd=$w[0];
- unshift(@{$pdfwds},"($w[1]") if defined($w[1]);
- (@w)=split('\<',$wd,2);
- $wd=$w[0];
- unshift(@{$pdfwds},"<$w[1]") if defined($w[1]);
- $rtn->{$wd}=ParsePDFValue($pdfwds);
- }
- }
- return($rtn);
-sub ParsePDFValue
- my $pdfwds=shift;
- my $rtn;
- my $wd=nextwd($pdfwds);
- if ($wd=~m/^\d+$/ and $pdfwds->[0]=~m/^\d+$/ and $pdfwds->[1]=~m/^R(\]|\>|\/)?/)
- {
- shift(@{$pdfwds});
- if (defined($1) and length($1))
- {
- $pdfwds->[0]=substr($pdfwds->[0],1);
- }
- else
- {
- shift(@{$pdfwds});
- }
- return(bless(\$wd,'OBJREF'));
- }
- if ($wd eq '<<')
- {
- return(ParsePDFHash($pdfwds));
- }
- if ($wd eq '[')
- {
- return(ParsePDFArray($pdfwds));
- }
- if ($wd=~m/(.*?)(\(.*)$/)
- {
- if (defined($1) and length($1))
- {
- unshift(@{$pdfwds},$2);
- $wd=$1;
- }
- else
- {
- return(ParsePDFString($wd,$pdfwds));
- }
- }
- if ($wd=~m/(.*?)(\<.*)$/)
- {
- if (defined($1) and length($1))
- {
- unshift(@{$pdfwds},$2);
- $wd=$1;
- }
- else
- {
- return(ParsePDFHexString($wd,$pdfwds));
- }
- }
- if ($wd=~m/(.+?)(\/.*)$/)
- {
- if (defined($2) and length($2))
- {
- unshift(@{$pdfwds},$2);
- $wd=$1;
- }
- }
- return($wd);
-sub ParsePDFString
- my $wd=shift;
- my $rtn='';
- my $pdfwds=shift;
- my $lev=0;
- while (length($wd))
- {
- $rtn.=' ' if length($rtn);
- while ($wd=~m/(?<!\\)\(/g) {$lev++;}
- while ($wd=~m/(?<!\\)\)/g) {$lev--;}
- if ($lev<=0 and $wd=~m/^(.*?\))([^)]+)$/)
- {
- unshift(@{$pdfwds},$2) if defined($2) and length($2);
- $wd=$1;
- }
- $rtn.=$wd;
- last if $lev <= 0;
- $wd=nextwd($pdfwds);
- }
- return($rtn);
-sub ParsePDFHexString
- my $wd=shift;
- my $rtn='';
- my $pdfwds=shift;
- my $lev=0;
- if ($wd=~m/^(<.+?>)(.*)/)
- {
- unshift(@{$pdfwds},$2) if defined($2) and length($2);
- $rtn=$1;
- }
- return($rtn);
-sub ParsePDFArray
- my $pdfwds=shift;
- my $rtn=[];
- my $wd;
- while (1)
- {
- $wd=ParsePDFValue($pdfwds);
- last if $wd eq ']' or length($wd)==0;
- push(@{$rtn},$wd);
- }
- return($rtn);
-sub Msg
- my ($lev,$msg)=@_;
- print STDERR "$env{SourceFile}: " if exists($env{SourceFile});
- print STDERR "$msg\n";
- exit 1 if $lev;
-sub PutXY
- my ($x,$y)=(@_);
- if ($frot)
- {
- return(d3($y)." ".d3($x));
- }
- else
- {
- $y=$mediabox[3]-$y;
- return(d3($x)." ".d3($y));
- }
-sub GraphY
- my $y=shift;
- if ($frot)
- {
- return($y);
- }
- else
- {
- return($mediabox[3]-$y);
- }
-sub Put
- my $msg=shift;
- print $msg;
- $fct+=length($msg);
-sub PutObj
- my $ono=shift;
- my $msg="$ono 0 obj ";
- $obj[$ono]->{XREF}=$fct;
- if (exists($obj[$ono]->{STREAM}))
- {
- if ($gotzlib && !$debug && !exists($obj[$ono]->{DATA}->{'Filter'}))
- {
- $obj[$ono]->{STREAM}=Compress::Zlib::compress($obj[$ono]->{STREAM});
- $obj[$ono]->{DATA}->{'Filter'}='/FlateDecode';
- }
- $obj[$ono]->{DATA}->{'Length'}=length($obj[$ono]->{STREAM});
- }
- PutField(\$msg,$obj[$ono]->{DATA});
- PutStream(\$msg,$ono) if exists($obj[$ono]->{STREAM});
- Put($msg."endobj\n");
-sub PutStream
- my $msg=shift;
- my $ono=shift;
- # We could 'flate' here
- $$msg.="stream\n$obj[$ono]->{STREAM}endstream\n";
-sub PutField
- my $pmsg=shift;
- my $fld=shift;
- my $term=shift||"\n";
- my $typ=ref($fld);
- if ($typ eq '')
- {
- $$pmsg.="$fld$term";
- }
- elsif ($typ eq 'ARRAY')
- {
- $$pmsg.='[';
- foreach my $cell (@{$fld})
- {
- PutField($pmsg,$cell,' ');
- }
- $$pmsg.="]$term";
- }
- elsif ($typ eq 'HASH')
- {
- $$pmsg.='<< ';
- foreach my $key (sort keys %{$fld})
- {
- $$pmsg.="/$key ";
- PutField($pmsg,$fld->{$key});
- }
- $$pmsg.=">>$term";
- }
- elsif ($typ eq 'OBJREF')
- {
- $$pmsg.="$$fld 0 R$term";
- }
-sub BuildObj
- my $ono=shift;
- my $val=shift;
- $obj[$ono]->{DATA}=$val;
- return("$ono 0 R ");
-sub LoadFont
- my $fontno=shift;
- my $fontnm=shift;
- my $ofontnm=$fontnm;
- return $fontlst{$fontno}->{OBJ} if (exists($fontlst{$fontno}));
- my $f;
- OpenFile(\$f,$fontdir,"$fontnm");
- if (!defined($f) and $Foundry)
- {
- # Try with no foundry
- $fontnm=~s/.*?-//;
- OpenFile(\$f,$fontdir,$fontnm);
- }
- Msg(1,"Failed to open font '$ofontnm'") if !defined($f);
- my $foundry='';
- $foundry=$1 if $fontnm=~m/^(.*?)-/;
- my $stg=1;
- my %fnt;
- my @fntbbox=(0,0,0,0);
- my $capheight=0;
- my $lastchr=0;
- my $lastnm;
- my $t1flags=0;
- my $fixwid=-1;
- my $ascent=0;
- my $charset='';
- $fnt{NM} = 'F'.$fontno;
- $fnt{SUPPL} = 0;
- my @remap = (128..138, 145..255); # ignore ligatures. see text.enc.
- $fnt{REMAP} = \@remap;
- my @used;
- $used[$_] = 1 for 0..255;
- $used[$_] = 0 for @remap;
- while (<$f>)
- {
- chomp;
- s/^ +//;
- s/^#.*// if $stg == 1;
- next if $_ eq '';
- if ($stg == 1)
- {
- my ($key,$val)=split(' ',$_,2);
- $key=lc($key);
- $stg=2,next if $key eq 'kernpairs';
- $stg=3,next if lc($_) eq 'charset';
- $fnt{$key}=$val
- }
- elsif ($stg == 2)
- {
- $stg=3,next if lc($_) eq 'charset';
- my ($ch1,$ch2,$k)=split;
-# $fnt{KERN}->{$ch1}->{$ch2}=$k;
- }
- else
- {
- my (@r)=split;
- my (@p)=split(',',$r[1]);
- if ($r[1] eq '"')
- {
- $fnt{NAM}->{$r[0]}=$fnt{NAM}->{$lastnm};
- next;
- }
- $r[0]='u0020' if $r[3] == 32;
- $r[0]="u00".hex($r[3]) if $r[0] eq '---';
-# next if $r[3] >255;
- if ($fnt{NAM}->{$r[0]}) {
- #Msg(0, "$r[0], $r[3], /$r[4] - dup in $ofontnm") if $debug;
- next;
- }
- $fnt{NAM}->{$r[0]}=[$p[0],$r[3],'/'.$r[4],$r[3],0];
- $fnt{NAM}->{$r[0]}->[SUPPL] = 0;
- $fnt{NAM}->{$r[0]}->[USED] = $used[$r[3]];
- $fnt{NO}->[$r[3]]=[$r[0],$r[0]];
- $lastnm=$r[0];
- $lastchr=$r[3] if $r[3] > $lastchr;
- $fixwid=$p[0] if $fixwid == -1;
- $fixwid=-2 if $fixwid > 0 and $p[0] != $fixwid;
- $fntbbox[1]=-$p[2] if defined($p[2]) and -$p[2] < $fntbbox[1];
- $fntbbox[2]=$p[0] if $p[0] > $fntbbox[2];
- $fntbbox[3]=$p[1] if defined($p[1]) and $p[1] > $fntbbox[3];
- $ascent=$p[1] if defined($p[1]) and $p[1] > $ascent and $r[3] >= 32 and $r[3] < 128;
- $charset.='/'.$r[4] if defined($r[4]);
- $capheight=$p[1] if length($r[4]) == 1 and $r[4] ge 'A' and $r[4] le 'Z' and $p[1] > $capheight;
- }
- }
- close($f);
- foreach my $j (0..$lastchr)
- {
- $fnt{NO}->[$j]=['',''] if !defined($fnt{NO}->[$j]);
- }
- my $fno=0;
- my $slant=0;
- $fnt{DIFF}=[];
- $fnt{WIDTH}=[];
- $fnt{NAM}->{''}=[0,-1,'/.notdef',-1,0];
- $fnt{NAM}->{''}->[SUPPL] = 0;
- $slant=-$fnt{'slant'} if exists($fnt{'slant'});
- $fnt{'spacewidth'}=700 if !exists($fnt{'spacewidth'});
- $t1flags|=2**0 if $fixwid > -1;
- $t1flags|=(exists($fnt{'special'}))?2**2:2**5;
- $t1flags|=2**6 if $slant != 0;
- my $fontkey="$foundry $fnt{internalname}";
- if (exists($download{$fontkey}))
- {
- # Not a Base Font
- my ($l1,$l2,$l3,$t1stream)=GetType1($download{$fontkey});
- Msg(0,"Incorrect font format for '$fontkey' ($l1)") if !defined($t1stream);
- $fno=++$objct;
- $fontlst{$fontno}->{OBJ}=BuildObj($objct,
- {'Type' => '/Font',
- 'Subtype' => '/Type1',
- 'BaseFont' => '/'.$fnt{internalname},
- 'Widths' => $fnt{WIDTH},
- 'FirstChar' => 0,
- 'LastChar' => $lastchr,
- 'Encoding' => BuildObj($objct+1,
- {'Type' => '/Encoding',
- 'Differences' => $fnt{DIFF}
- }
- ),
- 'FontDescriptor' => BuildObj($objct+2,
- {'Type' => '/FontDescriptor',
- 'FontName' => '/'.$fnt{internalname},
- 'Flags' => $t1flags,
- 'FontBBox' => \@fntbbox,
- 'ItalicAngle' => $slant,
- 'Ascent' => $ascent,
- 'Descent' => $fntbbox[1],
- 'CapHeight' => $capheight,
- 'StemV' => 0,
-# 'CharSet' => "($charset)",
- 'FontFile' => BuildObj($objct+3,
- {'Length1' => $l1,
- 'Length2' => $l2,
- 'Length3' => $l3
- }
- )
- }
- )
- }
- );
- $objct+=3;
- $fontlst{$fontno}->{NM}='/'.$fnt{NM};
- $pages->{'Resources'}->{'Font'}->{$fnt{NM}}=$fontlst{$fontno}->{OBJ};
- $fontlst{$fontno}->{FNT}=\%fnt;
- $obj[$objct]->{STREAM}=$t1stream;
- }
- else
- {
- $fno=++$objct;
- $fontlst{$fontno}->{OBJ}=BuildObj($objct,
- {'Type' => '/Font',
- 'Subtype' => '/Type1',
- 'BaseFont' => '/'.$fnt{internalname},
- 'Widths' => $fnt{WIDTH},
- 'FirstChar' => 0,
- 'LastChar' => $lastchr,
- 'Encoding' => BuildObj($objct+1,
- {'Type' => '/Encoding',
- 'Differences' => $fnt{DIFF}
- }
- ),
- 'FontDescriptor' => BuildObj($objct+2,
- {'Type' => '/FontDescriptor',
- 'FontName' => '/'.$fnt{internalname},
- 'Flags' => $t1flags,
- 'FontBBox' => \@fntbbox,
- 'ItalicAngle' => $slant,
- 'Ascent' => $ascent,
- 'Descent' => $fntbbox[1],
- 'CapHeight' => $capheight,
- 'StemV' => 0,
- 'CharSet' => "($charset)",
- }
- )
- }
- );
- $objct+=2;
- $fontlst{$fontno}->{NM}='/'.$fnt{NM};
- $pages->{'Resources'}->{'Font'}->{$fnt{NM}}=$fontlst{$fontno}->{OBJ};
- $fontlst{$fontno}->{FNT}=\%fnt;
- }
- if (defined($fnt{encoding}) and $fnt{encoding} eq 'text.enc' and $ucmap ne '')
- {
- if ($textenccmap eq '')
- {
- $textenccmap = BuildObj($objct+1,{});
- $objct++;
- $obj[$objct]->{STREAM}=$ucmap;
- }
- $obj[$fno]->{DATA}->{'ToUnicode'}=$textenccmap;
- }
-# PutObj($fno);
-# PutObj($fno+1);
-# PutObj($fno+2) if defined($obj[$fno+2]);
-# PutObj($fno+3) if defined($obj[$fno+3]);
-sub GetType1
- my $file=shift;
- my ($l1,$l2,$l3); # Return lengths
- my ($head,$body,$tail); # Font contents
- my $f;
- OpenFile(\$f,$fontdir,"$file");
- Msg(1,"Failed to open '$file'") if !defined($f);
- $head=GetChunk($f,1,"currentfile eexec");
- $body=$tail='';
- $body=GetChunk($f,2,"00000000") if !eof($f);
- $tail=GetChunk($f,3,"cleartomark") if !eof($f);
- $l1=length($head);
- $l2=length($body);
- $l3=length($tail);
- return($l1,$l2,$l3,"$head$body$tail");
-sub GetChunk
- my $F=shift;
- my $segno=shift;
- my $ascterm=shift;
- my ($type,$hdr,$chunk,@msg);
- binmode($F);
- my $enc="ascii";
- while (1)
- {
- # There may be multiple chunks of the same type
- my $ct=read($F,$hdr,2);
- if ($ct==2)
- {
- if (substr($hdr,0,1) eq "\x80")
- {
- # binary chunk
- my $chunktype=ord(substr($hdr,1,1));
- $enc="binary";
- if (defined($type) and $type != $chunktype)
- {
- seek($F,-2,1);
- last;
- }
- $type=$chunktype;
- return if $chunktype == 3;
- $ct=read($F,$hdr,4);
- Msg(1,"Failed to read binary segment length"), return if $ct != 4;
- my $sl=unpack('V',$hdr);
- my $data;
- my $chk=read($F,$data,$sl);
- Msg(1 ,"Failed to read binary segment"), return if $chk != $sl;
- $chunk.=$data;
- }
- else
- {
- # ascii chunk
- my $hex=0;
- seek($F,-2,1);
- my $ct=0;
- while (1)
- {
- my $lin=<$F>;
- last if !$lin;
- $hex=1,$enc.=" hex" if $segno == 2 and !$ct and $lin=~m/^[A-F0-9a-f]{4,4}/;
- if ($segno !=2 and $lin=~m/^(.*$ascterm\n?)(.*)/)
- {
- $chunk.=$1;
- seek($F,-length($2)-1,1) if $2;
- last;
- }
- elsif ($segno == 2 and $lin=~m/^(.*?)($ascterm.*)/)
- {
- $chunk.=$1;
- seek($F,-length($2)-1,1) if $2;
- last;
- }
- chomp($lin), $lin=pack('H*',$lin) if $hex;
- $chunk.=$lin; $ct++;
- }
- last;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- push(@msg,"Failed to read 2 header bytes");
- }
- }
- return $chunk;
-sub OutStream
- my $ono=shift;
- IsGraphic();
- $stream.="Q\n";
- $obj[$ono]->{STREAM}=$stream;
- $obj[$ono]->{DATA}->{Length}=length($stream);
- $stream='';
- PutObj($ono);
-sub do_p
- my $trans='BLOCK';
- $trans='PAGE' if $firstpause;
- NewPage($trans);
- @XOstream=();
- @PageAnnots=();
- $firstpause=1;
-sub FixTrans
- my $t=shift;
- my $style=$t->{S};
- if ($style)
- {
- delete($t->{Dm}) if $style ne '/Split' and $style ne '/Blinds';
- delete($t->{M}) if !($style eq '/Split' or $style eq '/Box' or $style eq '/Fly');
- delete($t->{Di}) if !($style eq '/Wipe' or $style eq '/Glitter' or $style eq '/Fly' or $style eq '/Cover' or $style eq '/Uncover' or $style eq '/Push') or ($style eq '/Fly' and $t->{Di} eq '/None' and $t->{SS} != 1);
- delete($t->{SS}) if !($style eq '/Fly');
- delete($t->{B}) if !($style eq '/Fly');
- }
- return($t);
-sub NewPage
- my $trans=shift;
- # Start of pages
- if ($cpageno > 0)
- {
- if ($#XOstream>=0)
- {
- MakeXO() if $stream;
- $stream=join("\n",@XOstream,'');
- }
- my %t=%{$transition->{$trans}};
- $cpage->{MediaBox}=\@mediabox if $custompaper;
- $cpage->{Trans}=FixTrans(\%t) if $t{S};
- if ($#PageAnnots >= 0)
- {
- @{$cpage->{Annots}}=@PageAnnots;
- }
- PutObj($cpageno);
- OutStream($cpageno+1);
- }
- $cpageno=++$objct;
- my $thispg=BuildObj($objct,
- {'Type' => '/Page',
- 'Group' => {'CS' => '/DeviceRGB', 'S' => '/Transparency'},
- 'Parent' => '2 0 R',
- 'Contents' => [ BuildObj($objct+1,
- {'Length' => 0}
- ) ],
- }
- );
- splice(@{$pages->{Kids}},++$pginsert,0,$thispg);
- splice(@outlines,$pginsert,0,[$curoutlev,$#{$curoutlev}+1,$thislev]);
- $objct+=1;
- $cpage=$obj[$cpageno]->{DATA};
- $pages->{'Count'}++;
- $stream="q 1 0 0 1 0 0 cm\n$linejoin J\n$linecap j\n0.4 w\n";
- $stream.=$strkcol."\n", $curstrk=$strkcol if $strkcol ne '';
- $mode='g';
- $curfill='';
-# @mediabox=@defaultmb;
-sub MakeXO
- $stream.="%mode=$mode\n";
- IsGraphic();
- $stream.="Q\n";
- my $xobj=++$objct;
- my $xonm="XO$xobj";
- $pages->{'Resources'}->{'XObject'}->{$xonm}=BuildObj($xobj,{'Type' => '/XObject', 'BBox' => \@mediabox, 'Name' => "/$xonm", 'FormType' => 1, 'Subtype' => '/Form', 'Length' => 0, 'Type' => "/XObject"});
- $obj[$xobj]->{STREAM}=$stream;
- $stream='';
- push(@XOstream,"q") if $#XOstream==-1;
- push(@XOstream,"/$xonm Do");
-sub do_f
- my $par=shift;
- my $fnt=$fontlst{$par}->{FNT};
-# IsText();
- $cft="$par";
- $cftsup=0;
- $fontchg=1;
-# $stream.="/F$cft $cftsz Tf\n" if $cftsz;
- $widtbl=CacheWid($par);
- $origwidtbl=[];
- foreach my $w (@{$fnt->{NO}})
- {
- push(@{$origwidtbl},$fnt->{NAM}->{$w->[1]}->[WIDTH]);
- }
-# $krntbl=$fnt->{KERN};
-sub CacheWid
- my $par=shift;
- if (!defined($fontlst{$par}->{CACHE}->{$cftsz}))
- {
- $fontlst{$par}->{CACHE}->{$cftsz}=BuildCache($fontlst{$par}->{FNT});
- }
- return($fontlst{$par}->{CACHE}->{$cftsz});
-sub BuildCache
- my $fnt=shift;
- my @cwid;
- $origwidtbl=[];
- foreach my $w (@{$fnt->{NO}})
- {
- my $wid=(defined($w) and defined($w->[1]))?$fnt->{NAM}->{$w->[1]}->[WIDTH]:0;
- push(@cwid,$wid*$cftsz);
- push(@{$origwidtbl},$wid);
- }
- return(\@cwid);
-sub IsText
- if ($mode eq 'g')
- {
- $xpos+=$pendmv/$unitwidth;
- $stream.="q BT\n$matrix ".PutXY($xpos,$ypos)." Tm\n";
- $poschg=0;
- $fontchg=0;
- $pendmv=0;
- $matrixchg=0;
- $tmxpos=$xpos;
- $stream.=$textcol."\n", $curfill=$textcol if $textcol ne $curfill;
- if (defined($cft))
- {
- $whtsz=$fontlst{$cft}->{FNT}->{spacewidth}*$cftsz;
- $stream.="/F$cft";
- $stream.=".$cftsup" if $cftsup;
- $stream.=" $cftsz Tf\n";
- }
- $stream.="$curkern Tc\n";
- }
- if ($poschg or $matrixchg)
- {
- PutLine(0) if $matrixchg;
- $stream.="$matrix ".PutXY($xpos,$ypos)." Tm\n", $poschg=0;
- $tmxpos=$xpos;
- $matrixchg=0;
- $stream.="$curkern Tc\n";
- }
- if ($fontchg)
- {
- PutLine(0);
- if (defined($cft))
- {
- $whtsz=$fontlst{$cft}->{FNT}->{spacewidth}*$cftsz;
- $stream.="/F$cft";
- $stream.=".$cftsup" if $cftsup;
- $stream.=" $cftsz Tf\n";
- $fontchg=0;
- }
- }
- $mode='t';
-sub IsGraphic
- if ($mode eq 't')
- {
- PutLine();
- $stream.="ET Q\n";
- $xpos+=($pendmv-$nomove)/$unitwidth;
- $pendmv=0;
- $nomove=0;
- $stream.=$strkcol."\n", $curstrk=$strkcol if $strkcol ne $curstrk;
- $curfill=$fillcol;
- }
- $mode='g';
-sub do_s
- my $par=shift;
- $par/=$unitwidth;
- if ($par != $cftsz and defined($cft))
- {
- PutLine();
- $cftsz=$par;
- Set_LWidth() if $lwidth < 1;
-# $stream.="/F$cft $cftsz Tf\n";
- $fontchg=1;
- $widtbl=CacheWid($cft);
- }
- else
- {
- $cftsz=$par;
- Set_LWidth() if $lwidth < 1;
- }
-sub Set_LWidth
- IsGraphic();
- $stream.=((($desc{res}/(72*$desc{sizescale}))*$linewidth*$cftsz)/1000)." w\n";
- return;
-sub do_m
- # Groff uses /m[] for text & graphic stroke, and /M[] (DF?) for graphic fill.
- # PDF uses G/RG/K for graphic stroke, and g/rg/k for text & graphic fill.
- #
- # This means that we must maintain g/rg/k state separately for text colour & graphic fill (this is
- # probably why 'gs' maintains separate graphic states for text & graphics when distilling PS -> PDF).
- #
- # To facilitate this:-
- #
- # $textcol = current groff stroke colour
- # $fillcol = current groff fill colour
- # $curfill = current PDF fill colour
- my $par=shift;
- my $mcmd=substr($par,0,1);
- $par=substr($par,1);
- $par=~s/^ +//;
-# IsGraphic();
- $textcol=set_col($mcmd,$par,0);
- $strkcol=set_col($mcmd,$par,1);
- if ($mode eq 't')
- {
- PutLine();
- $stream.=$textcol."\n";
- $curfill=$textcol;
- }
- else
- {
- $stream.="$strkcol\n";
- $curstrk=$strkcol;
- }
-sub set_col
- my $mcmd=shift;
- my $par=shift;
- my $upper=shift;
- my @oper=('g','k','rg');
- @oper=('G','K','RG') if $upper;
- if ($mcmd eq 'd')
- {
- # default colour
- return("0 $oper[0]");
- }
- my (@c)=split(' ',$par);
- if ($mcmd eq 'c')
- {
- # Text CMY
- return(d3($c[0]/65535).' '.d3($c[1]/65535).' '.d3($c[2]/65535)." 0 $oper[1]");
- }
- elsif ($mcmd eq 'k')
- {
- # Text CMYK
- return(d3($c[0]/65535).' '.d3($c[1]/65535).' '.d3($c[2]/65535).' '.d3($c[3]/65535)." $oper[1]");
- }
- elsif ($mcmd eq 'g')
- {
- # Text Grey
- return(d3($c[0]/65535)." $oper[0]");
- }
- elsif ($mcmd eq 'r')
- {
- # Text RGB0
- return(d3($c[0]/65535).' '.d3($c[1]/65535).' '.d3($c[2]/65535)." $oper[2]");
- }
-sub do_D
- my $par=shift;
- my $Dcmd=substr($par,0,1);
- $par=substr($par,1);
- $xpos+=$pendmv/$unitwidth;
- $pendmv=0;
- IsGraphic();
- if ($Dcmd eq 'F')
- {
- my $mcmd=substr($par,0,1);
- $par=substr($par,1);
- $par=~s/^ +//;
- $fillcol=set_col($mcmd,$par,0);
- $stream.="$fillcol\n";
- $curfill=$fillcol;
- }
- elsif ($Dcmd eq 'f')
- {
- my $mcmd=substr($par,0,1);
- $par=substr($par,1);
- $par=~s/^ +//;
- ($par)=split(' ',$par);
- if ($par >= 0 and $par <= 1000)
- {
- $fillcol=set_col('g',int((1000-$par)*65535/1000),0);
- }
- else
- {
- $fillcol=lc($textcol);
- }
- $stream.="$fillcol\n";
- $curfill=$fillcol;
- }
- elsif ($Dcmd eq '~')
- {
- # B-Spline
- my (@p)=split(' ',$par);
- my ($nxpos,$nypos);
- foreach my $p (@p) { $p/=$unitwidth; }
- $stream.=PutXY($xpos,$ypos)." m\n";
- $xpos+=($p[0]/2);
- $ypos+=($p[1]/2);
- $stream.=PutXY($xpos,$ypos)." l\n";
- for (my $i=0; $i < $#p-1; $i+=2)
- {
- $nxpos=(($p[$i]*$tnum)/(2*$tden));
- $nypos=(($p[$i+1]*$tnum)/(2*$tden));
- $stream.=PutXY(($xpos+$nxpos),($ypos+$nypos))." ";
- $nxpos=($p[$i]/2 + ($p[$i+2]*($tden-$tnum))/(2*$tden));
- $nypos=($p[$i+1]/2 + ($p[$i+3]*($tden-$tnum))/(2*$tden));
- $stream.=PutXY(($xpos+$nxpos),($ypos+$nypos))." ";
- $nxpos=(($p[$i]-$p[$i]/2) + $p[$i+2]/2);
- $nypos=(($p[$i+1]-$p[$i+1]/2) + $p[$i+3]/2);
- $stream.=PutXY(($xpos+$nxpos),($ypos+$nypos))." c\n";
- $xpos+=$nxpos;
- $ypos+=$nypos;
- }
- $xpos+=($p[$#p-1]-$p[$#p-1]/2);
- $ypos+=($p[$#p]-$p[$#p]/2);
- $stream.=PutXY($xpos,$ypos)." l\nS\n";
- $poschg=1;
- }
- elsif ($Dcmd eq 'p' or $Dcmd eq 'P')
- {
- # Polygon
- my (@p)=split(' ',$par);
- my ($nxpos,$nypos);
- foreach my $p (@p) { $p/=$unitwidth; }
- $stream.=PutXY($xpos,$ypos)." m\n";
- for (my $i=0; $i < $#p; $i+=2)
- {
- $xpos+=($p[$i]);
- $ypos+=($p[$i+1]);
- $stream.=PutXY($xpos,$ypos)." l\n";
- }
- if ($Dcmd eq 'p')
- {
- $stream.="s\n";
- }
- else
- {
- $stream.="f\n";
- }
- $poschg=1;
- }
- elsif ($Dcmd eq 'c')
- {
- # Stroke circle
- $par=substr($par,1);
- my (@p)=split(' ',$par);
- DrawCircle($p[0],$p[0]);
- $stream.="s\n";
- $poschg=1;
- }
- elsif ($Dcmd eq 'C')
- {
- # Fill circle
- $par=substr($par,1);
- my (@p)=split(' ',$par);
- DrawCircle($p[0],$p[0]);
- $stream.="f\n";
- $poschg=1;
- }
- elsif ($Dcmd eq 'e')
- {
- # Stroke ellipse
- $par=substr($par,1);
- my (@p)=split(' ',$par);
- DrawCircle($p[0],$p[1]);
- $stream.="s\n";
- $poschg=1;
- }
- elsif ($Dcmd eq 'E')
- {
- # Fill ellipse
- $par=substr($par,1);
- my (@p)=split(' ',$par);
- DrawCircle($p[0],$p[1]);
- $stream.="f\n";
- $poschg=1;
- }
- elsif ($Dcmd eq 'l')
- {
- # Line To
- $par=substr($par,1);
- my (@p)=split(' ',$par);
- foreach my $p (@p) { $p/=$unitwidth; }
- $stream.=PutXY($xpos,$ypos)." m\n";
- $xpos+=$p[0];
- $ypos+=$p[1];
- $stream.=PutXY($xpos,$ypos)." l\n";
- $stream.="S\n";
- $poschg=1;
- }
- elsif ($Dcmd eq 't')
- {
- # Line Thickness
- $par=substr($par,1);
- my (@p)=split(' ',$par);
- foreach my $p (@p) { $p/=$unitwidth; }
- # $xpos+=$p[0]*100; # WTF!!!
- #int lw = ((font::res/(72*font::sizescale))*linewidth*env->size)/1000;
- $p[0]=(($desc{res}/(72*$desc{sizescale}))*$linewidth*$cftsz)/1000 if $p[0] < 0;
- $lwidth=$p[0];
- $stream.="$p[0] w\n";
- $poschg=1;
- $xpos+=$lwidth;
- }
- elsif ($Dcmd eq 'a')
- {
- # Arc
- $par=substr($par,1);
- my (@p)=split(' ',$par);
- my $rad180=3.14159;
- my $rad360=$rad180*2;
- my $rad90=$rad180/2;
- foreach my $p (@p) { $p/=$unitwidth; }
- # Documentation is wrong. Groff does not use Dh1,Dv1 as centre of the circle!
- my $centre=adjust_arc_centre(\@p);
- # Using formula here :
- # First calculate angle between start and end point
- my ($startang,$r)=RtoP(-$centre->[0],$centre->[1]);
- my ($endang,$r2)=RtoP(($p[0]+$p[2])-$centre->[0],-($p[1]+$p[3]-$centre->[1]));
- $endang+=$rad360 if $endang < $startang;
- my $totang=($endang-$startang)/4; # do it in 4 pieces
- # Now 1 piece
- my $x0=cos($totang/2);
- my $y0=sin($totang/2);
- my $x3=$x0;
- my $y3=-$y0;
- my $x1=(4-$x0)/3;
- my $y1=((1-$x0)*(3-$x0))/(3*$y0);
- my $x2=$x1;
- my $y2=-$y1;
- # Rotate to start position and draw 4 pieces
- foreach my $j (0..3)
- {
- PlotArcSegment($totang/2+$startang+$j*$totang,$r,$xpos+$centre->[0],GraphY($ypos+$centre->[1]),$x0,$y0,$x1,$y1,$x2,$y2,$x3,$y3);
- }
- $xpos+=$p[0]+$p[2];
- $ypos+=$p[1]+$p[3];
- $poschg=1;
- }
-sub deg
- return int($_[0]*180/3.14159);
-sub adjust_arc_centre
- # Taken from geometry.cpp
- # We move the center along a line parallel to the line between
- # the specified start point and end point so that the center
- # is equidistant between the start and end point.
- # It can be proved (using Lagrange multipliers) that this will
- # give the point nearest to the specified center that is equidistant
- # between the start and end point.
- my $p=shift;
- my @c;
- my $x = $p->[0] + $p->[2]; # (x, y) is the end point
- my $y = $p->[1] + $p->[3];
- my $n = $x*$x + $y*$y;
- if ($n != 0)
- {
- $c[0]= $p->[0];
- $c[1] = $p->[1];
- my $k = .5 - ($c[0]*$x + $c[1]*$y)/$n;
- $c[0] += $k*$x;
- $c[1] += $k*$y;
- return(\@c);
- }
- else
- {
- return(undef);
- }
-sub PlotArcSegment
- my ($ang,$r,$transx,$transy,$x0,$y0,$x1,$y1,$x2,$y2,$x3,$y3)=@_;
- my $cos=cos($ang);
- my $sin=sin($ang);
- my @mat=($cos,$sin,-$sin,$cos,0,0);
- my $lw=$lwidth/$r;
- $stream.="q $r 0 0 $r $transx $transy cm ".join(' ',@mat)." cm $lw w $x0 $y0 m $x1 $y1 $x2 $y2 $x3 $y3 c S Q\n";
-sub DrawCircle
- my $hd=shift;
- my $vd=shift;
- my $hr=$hd/2/$unitwidth;
- my $vr=$vd/2/$unitwidth;
- my $kappa=0.5522847498;
- $hd/=$unitwidth;
- $vd/=$unitwidth;
- $stream.=PutXY(($xpos+$hd),$ypos)." m\n";
- $stream.=PutXY(($xpos+$hd),($ypos+$vr*$kappa))." ".PutXY(($xpos+$hr+$hr*$kappa),($ypos+$vr))." ".PutXY(($xpos+$hr),($ypos+$vr))." c\n";
- $stream.=PutXY(($xpos+$hr-$hr*$kappa),($ypos+$vr))." ".PutXY(($xpos),($ypos+$vr*$kappa))." ".PutXY(($xpos),($ypos))." c\n";
- $stream.=PutXY(($xpos),($ypos-$vr*$kappa))." ".PutXY(($xpos+$hr-$hr*$kappa),($ypos-$vr))." ".PutXY(($xpos+$hr),($ypos-$vr))." c\n";
- $stream.=PutXY(($xpos+$hr+$hr*$kappa),($ypos-$vr))." ".PutXY(($xpos+$hd),($ypos-$vr*$kappa))." ".PutXY(($xpos+$hd),($ypos))." c\n";
- $xpos+=$hd;
- $poschg=1;
-sub FindCircle
- my ($x1,$y1,$x2,$y2,$x3,$y3)=@_;
- my ($Xo, $Yo);
- my $x=$x2+$x3;
- my $y=$y2+$y3;
- my $n=$x**2+$y**2;
- if ($n)
- {
- my $k=.5-($x2*$x + $y2*$y)/$n;
- return(sqrt($n),$x2+$k*$x,$y2+$k*$y);
- }
- else
- {
- return(-1);
- }
-sub PtoR
- my ($theta,$r)=@_;
- return($r*cos($theta),$r*sin($theta));
-sub RtoP
- my ($x,$y)=@_;
- return(atan2($y,$x),sqrt($x**2+$y**2));
-sub PutLine
- my $f=shift;
- IsText() if !defined($f);
- return if (scalar(@lin) == 0) or (!defined($lin[0]->[0]) and $#lin == 0);
-# $stream.="% --- wht=$whtsz, pend=$pendmv, nomv=$nomove\n" if $debug;
- $pendmv-=$nomove;
- $lin[$#lin]->[1]=-$pendmv/$cftsz if ($pendmv != 0);
- foreach my $wd (@lin)
- {
- next if !defined($wd->[0]);
- $wd->[0]=~s/\\/\\\\/g;
- $wd->[0]=~s/\(/\\(/g;
- $wd->[0]=~s/\)/\\)/g;
- $wd->[0]=~s/!\|!\|/\\/g;
- $wd->[1]=d3($wd->[1]);
- }
- if (0)
- {
- if (scalar(@lin) == 1 and (!defined($lin[0]->[1]) or $lin[0]->[1] == 0))
- {
- $stream.="($lin[0]->[0]) Tj\n";
- }
- else
- {
- $stream.="[";
- foreach my $wd (@lin)
- {
- $stream.="($wd->[0]) " if defined($wd->[0]);
- $stream.="$wd->[1] " if defined($wd->[1]) and $wd->[1] != 0;
- }
- $stream.="] TJ\n";
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (scalar(@lin) == 1 and (!defined($lin[0]->[1]) or $lin[0]->[1] == 0))
- {
- $stream.="0 Tw ($lin[0]->[0]) Tj\n";
- }
- else
- {
- if ($wt>=-1 or $#lin == 0 or $lin[0]->[1]>=0)
- {
- $stream.="0 Tw [";
- foreach my $wd (@lin)
- {
- $stream.="($wd->[0]) " if defined($wd->[0]);
- $stream.="$wd->[1] " if defined($wd->[1]) and $wd->[1] != 0;
- }
- $stream.="] TJ\n";
- }
- else
- {
- # $stream.="\%dg 0 Tw [";
- #
- # foreach my $wd (@lin)
- # {
- # $stream.="($wd->[0]) " if defined($wd->[0]);
- # $stream.="$wd->[1] " if defined($wd->[1]) and $wd->[1] != 0;
- # }
- #
- # $stream.="] TJ\n";
- #
- # my $wt=$lin[0]->[1]||0;
- # while ($wt < -$whtsz/$cftsz)
- # {
- # $wt+=$whtsz/$cftsz;
- # }
- $stream.=sprintf( "%.3f Tw ",-($whtsz+$wt*$cftsz)/$unitwidth-$curkern );
- if (!defined($lin[0]->[0]) and defined($lin[0]->[1]))
- {
- $stream.="[ $lin[0]->[1] (";
- shift @lin;
- }
- else
- {
- $stream.="[(";
- }
- foreach my $wd (@lin)
- {
- my $wwt=$wd->[1]||0;
- while ($wwt <= $wt+.1)
- {
- $wwt-=$wt;
- $wd->[0].=' ';
- }
- if (abs($wwt) < .1 or $wwt == 0)
- {
- $stream.="$wd->[0]" if defined($wd->[0]);
- }
- else
- {
- $wwt=sprintf("%.3f",$wwt);
- $stream.="$wd->[0]) $wwt (" if defined($wd->[0]);
- }
- }
- $stream.=")] TJ\n";
- }
- }
- }
- @lin=();
- $xpos+=$pendmv/$unitwidth;
- $pendmv=0;
- $nomove=0;
- $wt=-1;
-sub d3
- return(sprintf("%.3f",shift || 0));
-sub LoadAhead
- my $no=shift;
- foreach my $j (1..$no)
- {
- my $lin=<>;
- chomp($lin);
- $lin=~s/\r$//;
- $lct++;
- push(@ahead,$lin);
- $stream.="%% $lin\n" if $debug;
- }
-sub do_V
- my $par=shift;
- if ($mode eq 't')
- {
- PutLine();
- }
- else
- {
- $xpos+=$pendmv/$unitwidth;
- $pendmv=0;
- }
- $ypos=$par/$unitwidth;
- LoadAhead(1);
- if (substr($ahead[0],0,1) eq 'H')
- {
- $xpos=substr($ahead[0],1)/$unitwidth;
- $nomove=$pendmv=0;
- @ahead=();
- }
- $poschg=1;
-sub do_v
- my $par=shift;
- PutLine() if $mode eq 't';
- $ypos+=$par/$unitwidth;
- $poschg=1;
-sub TextWid
- my $txt=shift;
- my $sup=shift;
- my $fnt=shift;
- my $w=0;
- my $ck=0;
- foreach my $c (split('',$txt))
- {
- my $cn=ord($c);
- $cn+=$sup*256;
- $widtbl->[$cn]=$origwidtbl->[$cn]*$cftsz if !defined($widtbl->[$cn]);
- $w+=$widtbl->[$cn];
- }
- $ck=length($txt)*$curkern;
- return(($w/$unitwidth)+$ck);
-sub do_t
- my $par=shift;
- my $fnt=$fontlst{$cft}->{FNT};
- my $sup = shift || 0;
- $fontchg=1 if $cftsup != $sup;
- $cftsup = $sup;
- if ($kernadjust != $curkern)
- {
- PutLine();
- $stream.="$kernadjust Tc\n";
- $curkern=$kernadjust;
- }
- my $par2=$par;
- $par2=~s/^!\|!\|(\d\d\d)/chr(oct($1))/e;
- foreach my $j (0..length($par2)-1)
- {
- my $cn=ord(substr($par2,$j,1));
- $cn+=$sup*256;
- my $chnm=$fnt->{NO}->[$cn]->[1];
- if (!$fnt->{NAM}->{$chnm}->[USED])
- {
- my ($cn2, $sup2) = RemapChr($cn, $fnt, $chnm);
- $stream.="% MMM Remap $cn,$sup to $cn2,$sup2\n" if $debug;
- Msg(0, "got: $fnt->{NM}.$sup2; expected: $fnt->{NM}.$sup\n") if $sup != $sup2;
- #if ($cn2)
- {
- substr($par2,$j,1)=chr($cn2);
- if ($par=~m/^!\|!\|(\d\d\d)/)
- {
- substr($par,4,3)=sprintf("%03o",$cn2);
- }
- else
- {
- substr($par,$j,1)=chr($cn2);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- my $wid=TextWid($par2,$sup,$fnt);
- $par=reverse(split('',$par)) if $xrev and $par!~m/^!\|!\|(\d\d\d)/;
- if ($n_flg and defined($mark))
- {
- $mark->{ypos}=$ypos;
- $mark->{xpos}=$xpos;
- }
- $n_flg=0;
- IsText();
- $xpos+=$wid;
- $xpos+=($pendmv-$nomove)/$unitwidth;
- $stream.="% == '$par'=$wid 'xpos=$xpos\n" if $debug;
- # $pendmv = 'h' move since last 't'
- # $nomove = width of char(s) added by 'C', 'N' or 'c'
- # $w-flg = 'w' seen since last t
- if ($fontchg)
- {
- PutLine();
- if (defined($cft))
- {
- $whtsz=$fontlst{$cft}->{FNT}->{spacewidth} * $cftsz;
- $stream.="/F$cft";
- $stream.=".$cftsup" if $cftsup;
- $stream.=" $cftsz Tf\n";
- $fontchg=0;
- }
- }
- $gotT=1;
- $stream.="% --- wht=$whtsz, pend=$pendmv, nomv=$nomove\n" if $debug;
-# if ($w_flg && $#lin > -1)
-# {
-# $lin[$#lin]->[0].=' ';
-# $pendmv-=$whtsz;
-# $dontglue=1 if $pendmv==0;
-# }
- $wt=-$pendmv/$cftsz if $w_flg and $wt==-1;
- $pendmv-=$nomove;
- $nomove=0;
- $w_flg=0;
- if ($xrev)
- {
- PutLine(0) if $#lin > -1;
- MakeMatrix(1);
- $stream.="$matrix ".PutXY($xpos,$ypos)." Tm\n", $poschg=0;
- $stream.="$curkern Tc\n";
- $stream.="0 Tw ";
- $stream.="($par) Tj\n";
- MakeMatrix();
- $stream.="$matrix ".PutXY($xpos,$ypos)." Tm\n", $poschg=0;
- $matrixchg=0;
- $stream.="$curkern Tc\n";
- return;
- }
- if ($pendmv)
- {
- if ($#lin == -1)
- {
- push(@lin,[undef,-$pendmv/$cftsz]);
- }
- else
- {
- $lin[$#lin]->[1]=-$pendmv/$cftsz;
- }
- push(@lin,[$par,undef]);
-# $xpos+=$pendmv/$unitwidth;
- $pendmv=0
- }
- else
- {
- if ($#lin == -1)
- {
- push(@lin,[$par,undef]);
- }
- else
- {
- $lin[$#lin]->[0].=$par;
- }
- }
-sub do_u
- my $par=shift;
- $par=m/([+-]?\d+) (.*)/;
- $kernadjust=$1/$unitwidth;
- do_t($2);
- $kernadjust=0;
-sub do_h
- $pendmv+=shift;
-sub do_H
- my $par=shift;
- if ($mode eq 't')
- {
- PutLine();
- }
- else
- {
- $xpos+=$pendmv/$unitwidth;
- $pendmv=0;
- }
- my $newx=$par/$unitwidth;
- $stream.=sprintf("%.3f",$newx-$tmxpos)." 0 Td\n" if $mode eq 't';
- $tmxpos=$xpos=$newx;
- $pendmv=$nomove=0;
-sub do_C
- my $par=shift;
- do_t(FindChar($par));
- $nomove=$fontlst{$cft}->{FNT}->{NAM}->{$par}->[WIDTH]*$cftsz ;
-sub FindChar
- my $chnm=shift;
- my $fnt=$fontlst{$cft}->{FNT};
- if (exists($fnt->{NAM}->{$chnm}))
- {
- my ($ch,$sup,$used)=@{$fnt->{NAM}->{$chnm}}[ASSIGNED,SUPPL,USED];
- ($ch,$sup) = RemapChr($ch,$fnt,$chnm) if !$used;
- return ($ch<32)? sprintf("!|!|%03o",$ch) : chr($ch), $sup;
- }
- else
- {
- return(' ');
- }
-sub RemapChr
- my $ch=shift;
- my $fnt=shift;
- my $chnm=shift;
- my $unused;
- if ($use_suppl_font) {
- while (defined(my $un = shift @{$fnt->{REMAP}})) {
- my $ux = $un + $fnt->{SUPPL} * 256;
- my $glyph = $fnt->{NO}->[$ux]->[1];
- $unused = $un, last if !$glyph || !$fnt->{NAM}->{$glyph}->[USED];
- }
- if (!defined $unused) {
- if (!$fnt->{NEXT}) {
- my $fnt2 = {
- %{$fnt}{qw/NM NO NAM/},
- SUPPL => $fnt->{SUPPL} + 1,
- REMAP => [ 0..31, 33..255 ],
- };
- $fnt->{NEXT} = $fnt2;
- }
- return RemapChr($ch, $fnt->{NEXT}, $chnm);
- }
- my $ux = $unused + $fnt->{SUPPL} * 256;
- my $glyph = $fnt->{NO}->[$ux]->[1];
- delete($fontlst{$cft}->{CACHE}->{$cftsz});
- @{$fnt->{NAM}->{$chnm}}[ASSIGNED, SUPPL, USED] = ($unused, $fnt->{SUPPL}, 1);
- $fnt->{NO}->[$ux]->[1] = $chnm;
- $widtbl = CacheWid($cft);
- $stream .= "% AAA Assign $chnm ($ch) to $unused ($fnt->{SUPPL})\n" if $debug;
- $ch = $unused;
- return ($ch, $fnt->{SUPPL});
- }
- foreach my $un (0..$#{$fnt->{NO}})
- {
- next if $un >= 139 and $un <= 144;
- $unused=$un,last if $fnt->{NO}->[$un]->[1] eq '';
- }
- if (!defined $unused)
- {
- foreach my $un (128..255)
- {
- next if $un >= 139 and $un <= 144;
- my $glyph=$fnt->{NO}->[$un]->[1];
- $unused=$un,last if $fnt->{NAM}->{$glyph}->[USED] == 0;
- }
- }
- if (defined $unused && $unused <= 255)
- {
- my $glyph=$fnt->{NO}->[$unused]->[1];
- delete($fontlst{$cft}->{CACHE}->{$cftsz});
- $fnt->{NAM}->{$chnm}->[ASSIGNED]=$unused;
- $fnt->{NO}->[$unused]->[1]=$chnm;
- $widtbl=CacheWid($cft);
- $stream.="% AAA Assign $chnm ($ch) to $unused\n" if $debug;
- $ch=$unused;
- return($ch,0);
- }
- else
- {
- Msg(0,"Too many glyphs used in font '$cft'");
- return(32,0);
- }
-sub do_c
- my $par=shift;
- push(@ahead,substr($par,1));
- $par=substr($par,0,1);
- my $ch=ord($par);
- do_N($ch);
-sub do_N
- my $par=shift;
- my $fnt=$fontlst{$cft}->{FNT};
- if (!defined($fnt->{NO}->[$par]))
- {
- Msg(0,"No chr($par) in font $fnt->{internalname}");
- return;
- }
- my $chnm=$fnt->{NO}->[$par]->[0];
- do_C($chnm);
-sub do_n
- $gotT=0;
- PutLine(0);
- $pendmv=$nomove=0;
- $n_flg=1;
- @lin=();
- PutHotSpot($xpos) if defined($mark);
-### Emacs settings
-# Local Variables:
-# mode: CPerl
-# End: