Name Mail - instructions for sending email to the project Description The main discussions regarding development of the project, patches, bugs, news, doubts, etc. happen on the mailing list. To send an email to the project, send it to Alejandro and CC the mailing list: To: Alejandro Colomar Cc: Please CC any relevant developers and mailing lists that may know about or be interested in the discussion. If your email discusses a feature or change, and you know which developers added the feature or made the change that your email discusses, please CC them on the email; with luck they may review and comment on it. If you don't know who the developers are, you may be able to discover that information from mailing list archives or from git(1) logs or logs in other version control systems. Obviously, if you are the developer of the feature being discussed in a man-pages email, please identify yourself as such. Relevant mailing lists may include: Cc: LKML Cc: Linux API Cc: Glibc For other kernel mailing lists and maintainers, check the file in the Linux kernel repository. Please don't send HTML email; it will be discarded by the list. Archives: Subscription: It is not necessary to subscribe to the list to send an email. For subscribing to the list, or information about it, go to . Sign your emails with PGP We encourage that you sign all of your emails sent to the mailing list, (especially) including the ones containing patches, with your PGP key. This helps establish trust between you and other contributors of this project, and prevent others impersonating you. If you don't have a key, it's not mandatory to sign your email, but you're encouraged to create and start using a PGP key. See also: There are many ways you can sign your patches, and it depends on your preferred tools. You can use neomutt(1) (>= 20240201) as a driver for git-send-email(1). In <~/.gitconfig>, add the following section: [sendemail] sendmailcmd = neomutt -C -H - && true See also CONTRIBUTING CONTRIBUTING.d/*