'\" t .\" Copyright (c) 2003 Andries Brouwer (aeb@cwi.nl) .\" .\" SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later .\" .TH wordexp 3 2024-05-02 "Linux man-pages (unreleased)" .SH NAME wordexp, wordfree \- perform word expansion like a posix-shell .SH LIBRARY Standard C library .RI ( libc ", " \-lc ) .SH SYNOPSIS .nf .B "#include " .P .BI "int wordexp(const char *restrict " s ", wordexp_t *restrict " p \ ", int " flags ); .BI "void wordfree(wordexp_t *" p ); .fi .P .RS -4 Feature Test Macro Requirements for glibc (see .BR feature_test_macros (7)): .RE .P .BR wordexp (), .BR wordfree (): .nf _XOPEN_SOURCE .fi .SH DESCRIPTION The function .BR wordexp () performs a shell-like expansion of the string .I s and returns the result in the structure pointed to by .IR p . The data type .I wordexp_t is a structure that at least has the fields .IR we_wordc , .IR we_wordv , and .IR we_offs . The field .I we_wordc is a .I size_t that gives the number of words in the expansion of .IR s . The field .I we_wordv is a .I "char\ **" that points to the array of words found. The field .I we_offs of type .I size_t is sometimes (depending on .IR flags , see below) used to indicate the number of initial elements in the .I we_wordv array that should be filled with NULLs. .P The function .BR wordfree () frees the allocated memory again. More precisely, it does not free its argument, but it frees the array .I we_wordv and the strings that points to. .SS The string argument Since the expansion is the same as the expansion by the shell (see .BR sh (1)) of the parameters to a command, the string .I s must not contain characters that would be illegal in shell command parameters. In particular, there must not be any unescaped newline or |, &, ;, <, >, (, ), {, } characters outside a command substitution or parameter substitution context. .P If the argument .I s contains a word that starts with an unquoted comment character #, then it is unspecified whether that word and all following words are ignored, or the # is treated as a non-comment character. .SS The expansion The expansion done consists of the following stages: tilde expansion (replacing \[ti]user by user's home directory), variable substitution (replacing $FOO by the value of the environment variable FOO), command substitution (replacing $(command) or \`command\` by the output of command), arithmetic expansion, field splitting, wildcard expansion, quote removal. .P The result of expansion of special parameters ($@, $*, $#, $?, $\-, $$, $!, $0) is unspecified. .P Field splitting is done using the environment variable $IFS. If it is not set, the field separators are space, tab, and newline. .SS The output array The array .I we_wordv contains the words found, followed by a NULL. .SS The flags argument The .I flag argument is a bitwise inclusive OR of the following values: .TP .B WRDE_APPEND Append the words found to the array resulting from a previous call. .TP .B WRDE_DOOFFS Insert .I we_offs initial NULLs in the array .IR we_wordv . (These are not counted in the returned .IR we_wordc .) .TP .B WRDE_NOCMD Don't do command substitution. .TP .B WRDE_REUSE The argument .I p resulted from a previous call to .BR wordexp (), and .BR wordfree () was not called. Reuse the allocated storage. .TP .B WRDE_SHOWERR Normally during command substitution .I stderr is redirected to .IR /dev/null . This flag specifies that .I stderr is not to be redirected. .TP .B WRDE_UNDEF Consider it an error if an undefined shell variable is expanded. .SH RETURN VALUE On success, .BR wordexp () returns 0. On failure, .BR wordexp () returns one of the following nonzero values: .TP .B WRDE_BADCHAR Illegal occurrence of newline or one of |, &, ;, <, >, (, ), {, }. .TP .B WRDE_BADVAL An undefined shell variable was referenced, and the .B WRDE_UNDEF flag told us to consider this an error. .TP .B WRDE_CMDSUB Command substitution requested, but the .B WRDE_NOCMD flag told us to consider this an error. .TP .B WRDE_NOSPACE Out of memory. .TP .B WRDE_SYNTAX Shell syntax error, such as unbalanced parentheses or unmatched quotes. .SH ATTRIBUTES For an explanation of the terms used in this section, see .BR attributes (7). .TS allbox; lb lb lbx l l l. Interface Attribute Value T{ .na .nh .BR wordexp () T} Thread safety T{ .na .nh MT-Unsafe race:utent const:env env sig:ALRM timer locale T} T{ .na .nh .BR wordfree () T} Thread safety MT-Safe .TE .P In the above table, .I utent in .I race:utent signifies that if any of the functions .BR setutent (3), .BR getutent (3), or .BR endutent (3) are used in parallel in different threads of a program, then data races could occur. .BR wordexp () calls those functions, so we use race:utent to remind users. .SH STANDARDS POSIX.1-2008. .SH HISTORY POSIX.1-2001. glibc 2.1. .SH EXAMPLES The output of the following example program is approximately that of "ls [a-c]*.c". .P .\" SRC BEGIN (wordexp.c) .EX #include #include #include \& int main(void) { wordexp_t p; char **w; \& wordexp("[a\-c]*.c", &p, 0); w = p.we_wordv; for (size_t i = 0; i < p.we_wordc; i++) printf("%s\en", w[i]); wordfree(&p); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } .EE .\" SRC END .SH SEE ALSO .BR fnmatch (3), .BR glob (3)