# Copyright (c) 2009, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. # Copyright (c) 2011, 2017, MariaDB Corporation # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA # We support different versions of SSL: # - "bundled" uses source code in /extra/wolfssl # - "system" (typically) uses headers/libraries in /usr/lib and /usr/lib64 # - a custom installation of openssl can be used like this # - cmake -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH= -DWITH_SSL="system" # or # - cmake -DWITH_SSL= # # The default value for WITH_SSL is "bundled" # set in cmake/build_configurations/feature_set.cmake # # For custom build/install of openssl, see the accompanying README and # INSTALL* files. When building with gcc, you must build the shared libraries # (in addition to the static ones): # ./config --prefix= --shared; make; make install # On some platforms (mac) you need to choose 32/64 bit architecture. # Build/Install of openssl on windows is slightly different: you need to run # perl and nmake. You might also need to # 'set path=\bin;%PATH% # in order to find the .dll files at runtime. SET(WITH_SSL_DOC "bundled (use wolfssl)") SET(WITH_SSL_DOC "${WITH_SSL_DOC}, yes (prefer os library if present, otherwise use bundled)") SET(WITH_SSL_DOC "${WITH_SSL_DOC}, system (use os library)") SET(WITH_SSL_DOC "${WITH_SSL_DOC}, ") MACRO (CHANGE_SSL_SETTINGS string) SET(WITH_SSL ${string} CACHE STRING ${WITH_SSL_DOC} FORCE) ENDMACRO() MACRO (MYSQL_USE_BUNDLED_SSL) SET(INC_DIRS ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/extra/wolfssl ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/extra/wolfssl/wolfssl ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/extra/wolfssl/wolfssl/wolfssl ) SET(SSL_LIBRARIES wolfssl) SET(SSL_INCLUDE_DIRS ${INC_DIRS}) SET(SSL_DEFINES "-DHAVE_OPENSSL -DHAVE_WOLFSSL -DWOLFSSL_USER_SETTINGS") SET(HAVE_ERR_remove_thread_state ON CACHE INTERNAL "wolfssl doesn't have ERR_remove_thread_state") SET(HAVE_EncryptAes128Ctr ON CACHE INTERNAL "wolfssl does support AES-CTR") SET(HAVE_EncryptAes128Gcm OFF CACHE INTERNAL "wolfssl does not support AES-GCM") SET(HAVE_des ON CACHE INTERNAL "wolfssl does support DES API") SET(HAVE_hkdf ON CACHE INTERNAL "wolfssl does support EVP_PKEY API") CHANGE_SSL_SETTINGS("bundled") ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(extra/wolfssl) MESSAGE_ONCE(SSL_LIBRARIES "SSL_LIBRARIES = ${SSL_LIBRARIES}") ENDMACRO() # MYSQL_CHECK_SSL # # Provides the following configure options: # WITH_SSL=[yes|bundled|system|] MACRO (MYSQL_CHECK_SSL) IF(NOT WITH_SSL) IF(WIN32) CHANGE_SSL_SETTINGS("bundled") ELSE() SET(WITH_SSL "yes") ENDIF() ENDIF() # See if WITH_SSL is of the form FILE(GLOB WITH_SSL_HEADER ${WITH_SSL}/include/openssl/ssl.h) IF (WITH_SSL_HEADER) SET(WITH_SSL_PATH ${WITH_SSL} CACHE PATH "path to custom SSL installation") ENDIF() IF(WITH_SSL STREQUAL "bundled") MYSQL_USE_BUNDLED_SSL() # Reset some variables, in case we switch from /path/to/ssl to "bundled". IF (WITH_SSL_PATH) UNSET(WITH_SSL_PATH) UNSET(WITH_SSL_PATH CACHE) ENDIF() IF (OPENSSL_ROOT_DIR) UNSET(OPENSSL_ROOT_DIR) UNSET(OPENSSL_ROOT_DIR CACHE) ENDIF() IF (OPENSSL_INCLUDE_DIR) UNSET(OPENSSL_INCLUDE_DIR) UNSET(OPENSSL_INCLUDE_DIR CACHE) ENDIF() IF (WIN32 AND OPENSSL_APPLINK_C) UNSET(OPENSSL_APPLINK_C) UNSET(OPENSSL_APPLINK_C CACHE) ENDIF() IF (OPENSSL_SSL_LIBRARY) UNSET(OPENSSL_SSL_LIBRARY) UNSET(OPENSSL_SSL_LIBRARY CACHE) ENDIF() ELSEIF(WITH_SSL STREQUAL "system" OR WITH_SSL STREQUAL "yes" OR WITH_SSL_PATH ) IF(NOT OPENSSL_ROOT_DIR) IF(WITH_SSL_PATH) # workaround for https://gitlab.kitware.com/cmake/cmake/-/issues/22945 SET(OPENSSL_ROOT_DIR ${WITH_SSL_PATH} ${WITH_SSL_PATH}/lib64) ENDIF() ENDIF() FIND_PACKAGE(OpenSSL) SET_PACKAGE_PROPERTIES(OpenSSL PROPERTIES TYPE RECOMMENDED) IF(OPENSSL_FOUND) SET(OPENSSL_LIBRARY ${OPENSSL_SSL_LIBRARY}) INCLUDE(CheckSymbolExists) SET(SSL_SOURCES "") SET(SSL_LIBRARIES ${OPENSSL_SSL_LIBRARY} ${OPENSSL_CRYPTO_LIBRARY}) IF(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "SunOS") SET(SSL_LIBRARIES ${SSL_LIBRARIES} ${LIBSOCKET}) ENDIF() IF(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "Linux") SET(SSL_LIBRARIES ${SSL_LIBRARIES} ${CMAKE_DL_LIBS}) ENDIF() MESSAGE_ONCE(OPENSSL_INCLUDE_DIR "OPENSSL_INCLUDE_DIR = ${OPENSSL_INCLUDE_DIR}") MESSAGE_ONCE(OPENSSL_SSL_LIBRARY "OPENSSL_SSL_LIBRARY = ${OPENSSL_SSL_LIBRARY}") MESSAGE_ONCE(OPENSSL_CRYPTO_LIBRARY "OPENSSL_CRYPTO_LIBRARY = ${OPENSSL_CRYPTO_LIBRARY}") MESSAGE_ONCE(OPENSSL_VERSION "OPENSSL_VERSION = ${OPENSSL_VERSION}") MESSAGE_ONCE(SSL_LIBRARIES "SSL_LIBRARIES = ${SSL_LIBRARIES}") SET(SSL_INCLUDE_DIRS ${OPENSSL_INCLUDE_DIR}) SET(SSL_INTERNAL_INCLUDE_DIRS "") SET(SSL_DEFINES "-DHAVE_OPENSSL") # Silence "deprecated in OpenSSL 3.0" IF((NOT OPENSSL_VERSION) # 3.0 not determined by older cmake OR NOT(OPENSSL_VERSION VERSION_LESS "3.0.0")) SET(SSL_DEFINES "${SSL_DEFINES} -DOPENSSL_API_COMPAT=0x10100000L") SET(CMAKE_REQUIRED_DEFINITIONS -DOPENSSL_API_COMPAT=0x10100000L) ENDIF() SET(CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES ${OPENSSL_INCLUDE_DIR}) SET(CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES ${SSL_LIBRARIES}) SET(CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES ${OPENSSL_INCLUDE_DIR}) CHECK_SYMBOL_EXISTS(ERR_remove_thread_state "openssl/err.h" HAVE_ERR_remove_thread_state) CHECK_SYMBOL_EXISTS(EVP_aes_128_ctr "openssl/evp.h" HAVE_EncryptAes128Ctr) CHECK_SYMBOL_EXISTS(EVP_aes_128_gcm "openssl/evp.h" HAVE_EncryptAes128Gcm) CHECK_SYMBOL_EXISTS(DES_set_key_unchecked "openssl/des.h" HAVE_des) CHECK_SYMBOL_EXISTS(EVP_PKEY_CTX_set_hkdf_md "string.h;stdarg.h;openssl/kdf.h" HAVE_hkdf) SET(CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES) SET(CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES) SET(CMAKE_REQUIRED_DEFINITIONS) ELSE() IF(WITH_SSL STREQUAL "system") MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "Cannot find appropriate system libraries for SSL. Use WITH_SSL=bundled to enable SSL support") ENDIF() MYSQL_USE_BUNDLED_SSL() ENDIF() ELSE() MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "Wrong option for WITH_SSL. Valid values are: ${WITH_SSL_DOC}") ENDIF() ENDMACRO() # Many executables will depend on libeay32.dll and ssleay32.dll at runtime. # In order to ensure we find the right version(s), we copy them into # the same directory as the executables. # NOTE: Using dlls will likely crash in malloc/free, # see INSTALL.W32 which comes with the openssl sources. # So we should be linking static versions of the libraries. MACRO (COPY_OPENSSL_DLLS target_name) IF (WIN32 AND WITH_SSL_PATH) GET_FILENAME_COMPONENT(CRYPTO_NAME "${OPENSSL_CRYPTO_LIBRARY}" NAME_WE) GET_FILENAME_COMPONENT(OPENSSL_NAME "${OPENSSL_SSL_LIBRARY}" NAME_WE) FILE(GLOB HAVE_CRYPTO_DLL "${WITH_SSL_PATH}/bin/${CRYPTO_NAME}.dll") FILE(GLOB HAVE_OPENSSL_DLL "${WITH_SSL_PATH}/bin/${OPENSSL_NAME}.dll") IF (HAVE_CRYPTO_DLL AND HAVE_OPENSSL_DLL) ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND(OUTPUT ${target_name} COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy_if_different "${WITH_SSL_PATH}/bin/${CRYPTO_NAME}.dll" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${CMAKE_CFG_INTDIR}/${CRYPTO_NAME}.dll" COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy_if_different "${WITH_SSL_PATH}/bin/${OPENSSL_NAME}.dll" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${CMAKE_CFG_INTDIR}/${OPENSSL_NAME}.dll" ) ADD_CUSTOM_TARGET(${target_name} ALL) ENDIF() ENDIF() ENDMACRO()