version=4 opts=\ pgpsigurlmangle=s/$/.asc/,\ uversionmangle=s/-(rc|beta)/$1/,pasv \[\d\.]*(?:-beta|-rc)?)/source/ mariadb-([\d\.]*(?:-beta|-rc)?).tar.gz # String "-10.11." needs to be in path as MariaDB releases several series in # parallel (e.g 10.11, 10.4, 10.3 etc) and uscan should check for updates only # in the 10.11-series. # Automated signature checking with pgpsigurlmangle has been available # only since devscripts version 2.13.3 # Specifically use because it supports https and the main # page has a file listing suitable for scanning new releases. # The service is under MariaDB Foundation control and is # the official source for new releases.