# # Set desired charset_connection and collation_collation # before including this file. # # The next query creates a LONGTEXT column # using the current character_set_connection # and collation_connection. create table t1 select repeat('a',4000) a; delete from t1; insert into t1 values ('a'), ('a '), ('a\t'); select collation(a),hex(a) from t1 order by a; drop table t1; --echo # --echo # MDEV-5453 Assertion `src' fails in my_strnxfrm_unicode on GROUP BY MID(..) WITH ROLLUP --echo # SELECT @@collation_connection; CREATE TABLE t1 (i INT) ENGINE=MyISAM; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1),(2); SELECT * FROM t1 GROUP BY MID(CURRENT_USER,0) WITH ROLLUP; SELECT * FROM t1 GROUP BY MID('test',0) WITH ROLLUP; DROP TABLE t1; --echo # --echo # MDEV-6170 Incorrect ordering with utf8_bin and utf8mb4_bin collations --echo # SELECT @@collation_connection; CREATE TABLE t1 ENGINE=MEMORY AS SELECT REPEAT('a',5) AS a LIMIT 0; INSERT INTO t1 (a) VALUES ("a"); INSERT INTO t1 (a) VALUES ("b"); INSERT INTO t1 (a) VALUES ("c"); INSERT INTO t1 (a) VALUES ("d"); INSERT INTO t1 (a) VALUES ("e"); INSERT INTO t1 (a) VALUES ("f"); INSERT INTO t1 (a) VALUES ("g"); INSERT INTO t1 (a) VALUES ("h"); INSERT INTO t1 (a) VALUES ("i"); INSERT INTO t1 (a) VALUES ("j"); INSERT INTO t1 (a) VALUES ("k"); INSERT INTO t1 (a) VALUES ("l"); INSERT INTO t1 (a) VALUES ("m"); SELECT * FROM t1 ORDER BY LOWER(a); SELECT * FROM t1 ORDER BY LOWER(a) DESC; DROP TABLE t1;