# include/index_merge_2sweeps.inc # # 2-sweeps read Index_merge test # # Last update: # 2006-08-02 ML test refactored # old name was index_merge_innodb2.test # main code went into include/index_merge_2sweeps.inc # --source include/have_sequence.inc --echo #---------------- 2-sweeps read Index merge test 2 ------------------------------- create table t1 ( pk int primary key, key1 int, key2 int, filler char(200), filler2 char(200), index(key1), index(key2) ); insert into t1 select seq, seq, seq, 'filler-data', 'filler-data-2' from seq_1000_to_1; select * from t1 where (key1 >= 2 and key1 <= 10) or (pk >= 4 and pk <=8 ); set @maxv=1000; select * from t1 where (pk < 5) or (pk > 10 and pk < 15) or (pk >= 50 and pk < 55 ) or (pk > @maxv-10) or key1=18 or key1=60; select * from t1 where (pk < 5) or (pk > 10 and pk < 15) or (pk >= 50 and pk < 55 ) or (pk > @maxv-10) or key1 < 3 or key1 > @maxv-11; select * from t1 where (pk < 5) or (pk > 10 and pk < 15) or (pk >= 50 and pk < 55 ) or (pk > @maxv-10) or (key1 < 5) or (key1 > 10 and key1 < 15) or (key1 >= 50 and key1 < 55 ) or (key1 > @maxv-10); select * from t1 where (pk > 10 and pk < 15) or (pk >= 50 and pk < 55 ) or (key1 < 5) or (key1 > @maxv-10); drop table t1;