create table t1(a int); show create table t1; insert into t1 values (0),(1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9); create table t2(a int); insert into t2 select A.a + 10*(B.a + 10*C.a) from t1 A, t1 B, t1 C; create table t3 ( a char(8) not null, b char(8) not null, filler char(200), key(a) ); insert into t3 select @a:=concat('c-', 1000+ A.a, '=w'), @a, 'filler' from t2 A; insert into t3 select concat('c-', 1000+A.a, '=w'), concat('c-', 2000+A.a, '=w'), 'filler-1' from t2 A; insert into t3 select concat('c-', 1000+A.a, '=w'), concat('c-', 3000+A.a, '=w'), 'filler-2' from t2 A; # Test empty result set select a,filler from t3 where a >= 'c-9011=w'; # Ok, t3.ref_length=6, limit is 64 => 10 elements fit into the buffer # Test the cases when buffer gets exhausted at different points in source # intervals: # 1. Split is in the middle of the range select a,filler from t3 where a >= 'c-1011=w' and a <= 'c-1015=w'; # 2. Split is at range edge select a,filler from t3 where (a>='c-1011=w' and a <= 'c-1013=w') or (a>='c-1014=w' and a <= 'c-1015=w'); # 3. Split is at range edge, with some rows between ranges. insert into t3 values ('c-1013=z', 'c-1013=z', 'err'); insert into t3 values ('a-1014=w', 'a-1014=w', 'err'); select a,filler from t3 where (a>='c-1011=w' and a <= 'c-1013=w') or (a>='c-1014=w' and a <= 'c-1015=w'); delete from t3 where b in ('c-1013=z', 'a-1014=w'); # 4. Split is within the equality range. select a,filler from t3 where a='c-1011=w' or a='c-1012=w' or a='c-1013=w' or a='c-1014=w' or a='c-1015=w'; # 5. Split is at the edge of equality range. insert into t3 values ('c-1013=w', 'del-me', 'inserted'); select a,filler from t3 where a='c-1011=w' or a='c-1012=w' or a='c-1013=w' or a='c-1014=w' or a='c-1015=w'; delete from t3 where b='del-me'; # PK tests are not included here. alter table t3 add primary key(b); ## PK scan tests # 6. Split is between 'unique' PK ranges select b,filler from t3 where (b>='c-1011=w' and b<= 'c-1018=w') or b IN ('c-1019=w', 'c-1020=w', 'c-1021=w', 'c-1022=w', 'c-1023=w', 'c-1024=w'); # 7. Between non-uniq and uniq range select b,filler from t3 where (b>='c-1011=w' and b<= 'c-1020=w') or b IN ('c-1021=w', 'c-1022=w', 'c-1023=w'); # 8. Between uniq and non-uniq range select b,filler from t3 where (b>='c-1011=w' and b<= 'c-1018=w') or b IN ('c-1019=w', 'c-1020=w') or (b>='c-1021=w' and b<= 'c-1023=w'); ## End of PK scan tests # # Now try different keypart types and special values # --disable_warnings drop table if exists t4; --enable_warnings create table t4 (a varchar(10), b int, c char(10), filler char(200), key idx1 (a, b, c)); # insert buffer_size * 1.5 all-NULL tuples insert into t4 (filler) select concat('NULL-', 15-a) from t2 order by a limit 15; insert into t4 (a,b,c,filler) select 'b-1',NULL,'c-1', concat('NULL-', 15-a) from t2 order by a limit 15; insert into t4 (a,b,c,filler) select 'b-1',NULL,'c-222', concat('NULL-', 15-a) from t2 order by a limit 15; insert into t4 (a,b,c,filler) select 'bb-1',NULL,'cc-2', concat('NULL-', 15-a) from t2 order by a limit 15; insert into t4 (a,b,c,filler) select 'zz-1',NULL,'cc-2', 'filler-data' from t2 order by a limit 500; explain select * from t4 where a IS NULL and b IS NULL and (c IS NULL or c='no-such-row1' or c='no-such-row2'); select * from t4 where a IS NULL and b IS NULL and (c IS NULL or c='no-such-row1' or c='no-such-row2'); explain select * from t4 where (a ='b-1' or a='bb-1') and b IS NULL and (c='c-1' or c='cc-2'); select * from t4 where (a ='b-1' or a='bb-1') and b IS NULL and (c='c-1' or c='cc-2'); select * from t4 ignore index(idx1) where (a ='b-1' or a='bb-1') and b IS NULL and (c='c-1' or c='cc-2'); drop table t1, t2, t3, t4; # # Check how ICP works with NULLs and partially-covered indexes # create table t1 (a int, b int not null,unique key (a,b),index(b)); insert ignore into t1 values (1,1),(2,2),(3,3),(4,4),(5,5),(6,6),(null,7),(9,9),(8,8),(7,7),(null,9),(null,9),(6,6); create table t2 like t1; insert into t2 select * from t1; alter table t1 modify b blob not null, add c int not null, drop key a, add unique key (a,b(20),c), drop key b, add key (b(10)); select * from t1 where a is null; select * from t1 where (a is null or a > 0 and a < 3) and b > 7 limit 3; select * from t1 where a is null and b=9 or a is null and b=7 limit 3; drop table t1, t2;