# -*- cperl -*- # Copyright (c) 2008, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA package My::Options; # # Utility functions to work with list of options # use strict; sub same($$) { my $l1= shift; my $l2= shift; return compare($l1,$l2) == 0; } sub compare ($$) { my $l1= shift; my $l2= shift; my @l1= @$l1; my @l2= @$l2; return -1 if @l1 < @l2; return 1 if @l1 > @l2; while ( @l1 ) # Same length { my $e1= shift @l1; my $e2= shift @l2; my $cmp= ($e1 cmp $e2); return $cmp if $cmp != 0; } return 0; # They are the same } sub _split_option { my ($option)= @_; if ($option=~ /^--(.*)=(.*)$/){ return ($1, $2); } elsif ($option=~ /^--(.*)$/){ return ($1, undef) } elsif ($option=~ /^\$(.*)$/){ # $VAR return ($1, undef) } elsif ($option=~ /^(.*)=(.*)$/){ return ($1, $2) } die "Unknown option format '$option'"; } sub _build_option { my ($name, $value)= @_; if ($name =~ /^O, /){ return "-".$name."=".$value; } elsif ($value){ return "--".$name."=".$value; } return "--".$name; } # # Compare two list of options and return what would need # to be done to get the server running with the new settings # sub diff { my ($from_opts, $to_opts)= @_; my %from; foreach my $from (@$from_opts) { my ($opt, $value)= _split_option($from); next unless defined($opt); $from{$opt}= $value; } #print "from: ", %from, "\n"; my %to; foreach my $to (@$to_opts) { my ($opt, $value)= _split_option($to); next unless defined($opt); $to{$opt}= $value; } #print "to: ", %to, "\n"; # Remove the ones that are in both lists foreach my $name (keys %from){ if (exists $to{$name} and $to{$name} eq $from{$name}){ #print "removing '$name' from both lists\n"; delete $to{$name}; delete $from{$name}; } } #print "from: ", %from, "\n"; #print "to: ", %to, "\n"; # Add all keys in "to" to result my @result; foreach my $name (keys %to){ push(@result, _build_option($name, $to{$name})); } # Add all keys in "from" that are not in "to" # to result as "set to default" foreach my $name (keys %from){ if (not exists $to{$name}) { push(@result, _build_option($name, "default")); } } return @result; } sub is_subset { my ($set, $subset)= @_; my %cache = map { join('=', _split_option($_)), 1 } @$set; for (@$subset){ my ($name, $value)= _split_option($_); return 0 unless $cache{"$name=$value"}; } return 1; } sub toSQL { my (@options)= @_; my @sql; foreach my $option (@options) { my ($sql_name, $value)= _split_option($option); #print "name: $sql_name\n"; #print "value: $value\n"; $sql_name=~ s/-/_/g; push(@sql, "SET GLOBAL $sql_name=$value"); } return join("; ", @sql); } sub toStr { my $name= shift; return "$name: ", "['", join("', '", @_), "']\n"; } 1;