# # Test of auto_increment at end of range # --source include/have_innodb.inc set default_storage_engine=innodb; --source auto_increment_ranges.inc # # MDEV-17377 invalid gap in auto-increment values after LOAD DATA # create table t1 (pk int auto_increment primary key, f varchar(20)); insert t1 (f) values ('a'), ('b'), ('c'), ('d'); --disable_ps2_protocol select null, f into outfile 'load.data' from t1 limit 1; --enable_ps2_protocol load data infile 'load.data' into table t1; insert t1 (f) values ('<==='); select * from t1; drop table t1; --let $datadir=`select @@datadir` --remove_file $datadir/test/load.data --echo # --echo # MDEV-21842: auto_increment does not increment with compound primary --echo # key on partitioned table --echo # --disable_service_connection create or replace table `t` ( `id` bigint(20) unsigned not null auto_increment, `a` int(10) not null , `dt` date not null, primary key (`id`, `dt`) , unique key (`a`, `dt`) ) partition by range columns(`dt`) ( partition `p202002` values less than ('2020-03-01'), partition `P202003` values less than ('2020-04-01') ); connect (con1, localhost, root,,); connect (con2, localhost, root,,); --connection con1 start transaction; insert into t (a, dt) values (1, '2020-02-29'); --connection con2 start transaction; let $conn2_id= `SELECT CONNECTION_ID()`; send insert into t (a, dt) values (1, '2020-02-29'); --connection con1 # Ensure that the above insert via conn2 increments next_auto_inc_val # before the following insert via conn1 starts. let $wait_condition=select 1 from Information_schema.INNODB_TRX where trx_mysql_thread_id = $conn2_id and trx_state = 'LOCK WAIT' and trx_query = "insert into t (a, dt) values (1, '2020-02-29')"; --source include/wait_condition.inc insert into t (a, dt) values (2, '2020-02-29'); select auto_increment from information_schema.tables where table_name='t'; commit; --connection con2 --error ER_DUP_ENTRY reap; --connection con1 select auto_increment from information_schema.tables where table_name='t'; insert into t (a, dt) values (3, '2020-02-29'); insert into t (a, dt) values (4, '2020-02-29'); disconnect con1; disconnect con2; --connection default select * from t; drop table t; --enable_service_connection