# t/cache_innodb.test # # Last update: # 2006-07-26 ML test refactored (MySQL 5.1) # main code t/innodb_cache.test --> include/query_cache.inc # new wrapper t/cache_innodb.test # --source include/have_query_cache.inc --source include/have_innodb.inc let $engine_type= InnoDB; # InnoDB supports FOREIGN KEYs let $test_foreign_keys= 1; --source include/query_cache.inc # # Bug#56452 Assertion failed: thd->transaction.stmt.is_empty() || # thd->in_sub_stmt # --disable_view_protocol CREATE TABLE t1 (a INT) ENGINE=InnoDB; BEGIN; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(1); ROLLBACK WORK AND CHAIN NO RELEASE; SELECT a FROM t1; ROLLBACK WORK AND CHAIN NO RELEASE; SELECT a FROM t1; ROLLBACK; DROP TABLE t1; --enable_view_protocol