# Can't test with embedded server -- source include/not_embedded.inc # Save the initial number of concurrent sessions --source include/count_sessions.inc connect (root,localhost,root,,test); connection root; --disable_warnings create database mysqltest; --enable_warnings create user mysqltest_1@localhost; connect (user1,localhost,mysqltest_1,,"*NO-ONE*"); connection user1; connection root; create table mysqltest.t1 (a int, b int); insert into mysqltest.t1 values (2,10), (1,30); create table mysqltest.t2 (c int, d char(32)); insert into mysqltest.t2 values (1,'xxx'), (1,'zzz'); grant select on mysqltest.t1 to mysqltest_1@localhost; grant select (c) on mysqltest.t2 to mysqltest_1@localhost; connection user1; with t as (select c from mysqltest.t2 where c < 2) select t.c,t1.b from t,mysqltest.t1 where t.c=t1.a; --error ER_COLUMNACCESS_DENIED_ERROR select t.c,t.d,t1.b from (select c,d from mysqltest.t2 where c < 2) as t, mysqltest.t1 where t.c=t1.a; --error ER_COLUMNACCESS_DENIED_ERROR with t as (select c,d from mysqltest.t2 where c < 2) select t.c,t.d,t1.b from t,mysqltest.t1 where t.c=t1.a; connection root; create view mysqltest.v1(f1,f2) as with t as (select c from mysqltest.t2 where c < 2) select t.c,t1.b from t,mysqltest.t1 where t.c=t1.a; create view mysqltest.v2(c,d) as with t as (select a from mysqltest.t1 where a>=3) select t.a,b from t,mysqltest.t1 where mysqltest.t1.a = t.a; grant select on mysqltest.v1 to mysqltest_1@localhost; grant select (c) on mysqltest.v2 to mysqltest_1@localhost; grant create view on mysqltest.* to mysqltest_1@localhost; connection user1; create view mysqltest.v3(c,d) as with t as (select c from mysqltest.t2 where c < 2) select t.c,t1.b from t,mysqltest.t1 where t.c=t1.a; --error ER_COLUMNACCESS_DENIED_ERROR create view mysqltest.v4(f1,f2,f3) as with t as (select c,d from mysqltest.t2 where c < 2) select t.c,t.d,t1.b from t,mysqltest.t1 where t.c=t1.a; select * from mysqltest.v1; select c from mysqltest.v2; # there are no privileges on column 'd' --error ER_COLUMNACCESS_DENIED_ERROR select d from mysqltest.v2; --error ER_TABLEACCESS_DENIED_ERROR select * from mysqltest.v3; connection root; grant select on mysqltest.v3 to mysqltest_1@localhost; connection user1; select * from mysqltest.v3; connection root; revoke all privileges on mysqltest.v1 from mysqltest_1@localhost; drop user mysqltest_1@localhost; drop database mysqltest; --echo # --echo # MDEV-13453: privileges checking for CTE --echo # create database db; use db; create table t1 (i int); insert into t1 values (3), (7), (1), (4), (2), (3), (1); create table t2 (a int, b int); insert into t2 values (3,10), (7,11), (1,17), (4,15), (2,11), (3,10), (1,15); create user foo@localhost; grant SELECT on db.t1 to foo@localhost; grant SELECT(a) on db.t2 to foo@localhost; --connect (con1,localhost,foo,,db) with cte as (select * from t1 where i < 4) select * from cte; with cte as (select * from t1 where i < 4 group by i) select * from cte; with cte as (select * from t1 where i < 4) select * from cte cte1 where i < 2 union select * from cte cte2 where i > 2; with cte as (select * from t1 where i < 4 group by i) select * from cte cte1 where i < 2 union select * from cte cte2 where i > 2; --error ER_COLUMNACCESS_DENIED_ERROR with cte as (select b from t2 where a < 4) select * from cte cte1 where b < 15 union select * from cte cte2 where b > 15; with cte as (select a from t2 where a < 4) select * from cte cte1 where a < 2 union select * from cte cte2 where a > 2; --connection default revoke SELECT on db.t1 from foo@localhost; --connection con1 --error ER_TABLEACCESS_DENIED_ERROR with cte as (select * from t1 where i < 4) select * from cte; # Cleanup --disconnect con1 --connection default drop database db; drop user foo@localhost;