source include/; # # MDEV-60 Support for Spatial Reference systems for the GIS data. # show create procedure mysql.AddGeometryColumn; show create procedure mysql.DropGeometryColumn; create table t1 (a int, b int); call mysql.AddGeometryColumn('', 'test', 't1', 'c', 10); show create table t1; call mysql.DropGeometryColumn('', 'test', 't1', 'c'); show create table t1; call mysql.DropGeometryColumn('', 'test', 't1', 'b'); show create table t1; drop table t1; create user foo@localhost; grant execute on mysql.* to foo@localhost; connect (foo, localhost, foo); --error ER_TABLEACCESS_DENIED_ERROR call mysql.AddGeometryColumn('', 'mysql', 'proc', 'c', 10); disconnect foo; connection default; drop user foo@localhost;