# # Start of 10.5 tests # # # MDEV-21743 Split up SUPER privilege to smaller privileges # # # Test that KILL is not allowed without CONNECTION ADMIN or SUPER # CREATE USER foo@localhost; GRANT SELECT ON *.* TO foo@localhost; CREATE USER bar@localhost; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO bar@localhost; REVOKE CONNECTION ADMIN, SUPER ON *.* FROM bar@localhost; connect foo,localhost,foo,,; connect bar,localhost,bar,,; SELECT user FROM information_schema.processlist ORDER BY user; user bar foo root KILL ID; ERROR HY000: You are not owner of thread ID disconnect foo; disconnect bar; connection default; DROP USER foo@localhost; DROP USER bar@localhost; # # Test that KILL is allowed with CONNECTION ADMIN # CREATE USER foo@localhost; GRANT SELECT ON *.* TO foo@localhost; CREATE USER bar@localhost; GRANT PROCESS, CONNECTION ADMIN ON *.* TO bar@localhost; connect foo,localhost,foo,,; connect bar,localhost,bar,,; SELECT user FROM information_schema.processlist ORDER BY user; user bar foo root KILL ID; connection default; disconnect foo; disconnect bar; DROP USER foo@localhost; DROP USER bar@localhost; # # Test that KILL is allowed with SUPER # CREATE USER foo@localhost; GRANT SELECT ON *.* TO foo@localhost; CREATE USER bar@localhost; GRANT PROCESS, SUPER ON *.* TO bar@localhost; connect foo,localhost,foo,,; connect bar,localhost,bar,,; SELECT user FROM information_schema.processlist ORDER BY user; user bar foo root KILL ID; connection default; disconnect foo; disconnect bar; DROP USER foo@localhost; DROP USER bar@localhost; # # End of 10.5 tests #