drop table if exists t1; create table t1 (time time, date date, timestamp timestamp, quarter int, week int, year int, timestampadd int, timestampdiff int); insert into t1 values ("12:22:22","97:02:03","1997-01-02",1,2,3,4,5); select * from t1; time date timestamp quarter week year timestampadd timestampdiff 12:22:22 1997-02-03 1997-01-02 00:00:00 1 2 3 4 5 select t1.time+0,t1.date+0,t1.timestamp+0,concat(date," ",time), t1.quarter+t1.week, t1.year+timestampadd, timestampdiff from t1; t1.time+0 t1.date+0 t1.timestamp+0 concat(date," ",time) t1.quarter+t1.week t1.year+timestampadd timestampdiff 122222 19970203 19970102000000 1997-02-03 12:22:22 3 7 5 drop table t1; create table events(binlog int); insert into events values(1); select events.binlog from events; binlog 1 drop table events; create procedure p1() begin declare n int default 2; authors: while n > 0 do set n = n -1; end while authors; end| create procedure p2() begin declare n int default 2; contributors: while n > 0 do set n = n -1; end while contributors; end| drop procedure p1; drop procedure p2; create table t1 (connection int, b int); create procedure p1() begin declare connection int; select max(t1.connection) into connection from t1; select concat("max=",connection) 'p1'; end| insert into t1 (connection) values (1); call p1(); p1 max=1 drop procedure p1; drop table t1; CREATE TABLE slow (slow INT, general INT, master_heartbeat_period INT, ignore_server_ids INT); INSERT INTO slow(slow, general, master_heartbeat_period, ignore_server_ids) VALUES (1,2,3,4), (5,6,7,8); INSERT INTO slow(slow, general, master_heartbeat_period) VALUES (1,2,3), (5,6,7); INSERT INTO slow(slow, general) VALUES (1,2), (5,6); INSERT INTO slow(slow) VALUES (1), (5); SELECT slow, general, master_heartbeat_period, ignore_server_ids FROM slow ORDER BY slow; slow general master_heartbeat_period ignore_server_ids 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 NULL 1 2 NULL NULL 1 NULL NULL NULL 5 6 7 8 5 6 7 NULL 5 6 NULL NULL 5 NULL NULL NULL SELECT slow, general, master_heartbeat_period FROM slow ORDER BY slow; slow general master_heartbeat_period 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 NULL 1 NULL NULL 5 6 7 5 6 7 5 6 NULL 5 NULL NULL SELECT slow, master_heartbeat_period FROM slow ORDER BY slow; slow master_heartbeat_period 1 3 1 3 1 NULL 1 NULL 5 7 5 7 5 NULL 5 NULL SELECT slow FROM slow ORDER BY slow; slow 1 1 1 1 5 5 5 5 DROP TABLE slow; CREATE TABLE general (slow INT, general INT, master_heartbeat_period INT, ignore_server_ids INT); INSERT INTO general(slow, general, master_heartbeat_period, ignore_server_ids) VALUES (1,2,3,4), (5,6,7,8); INSERT INTO general(slow, general, master_heartbeat_period) VALUES (1,2,3), (5,6,7); INSERT INTO general(slow, general) VALUES (1,2), (5,6); INSERT INTO general(slow) VALUES (1), (5); SELECT slow, general, master_heartbeat_period, ignore_server_ids FROM general ORDER BY slow; slow general master_heartbeat_period ignore_server_ids 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 NULL 1 2 NULL NULL 1 NULL NULL NULL 5 6 7 8 5 6 7 NULL 5 6 NULL NULL 5 NULL NULL NULL SELECT slow, general, master_heartbeat_period FROM general ORDER BY slow; slow general master_heartbeat_period 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 NULL 1 NULL NULL 5 6 7 5 6 7 5 6 NULL 5 NULL NULL SELECT slow, master_heartbeat_period FROM general ORDER BY slow; slow master_heartbeat_period 1 3 1 3 1 NULL 1 NULL 5 7 5 7 5 NULL 5 NULL SELECT slow FROM general ORDER BY slow; slow 1 1 1 1 5 5 5 5 DROP TABLE general; CREATE TABLE master_heartbeat_period (slow INT, general INT, master_heartbeat_period INT, ignore_server_ids INT); INSERT INTO master_heartbeat_period(slow, general, master_heartbeat_period, ignore_server_ids) VALUES (1,2,3,4), (5,6,7,8); INSERT INTO master_heartbeat_period(slow, general, master_heartbeat_period) VALUES (1,2,3), (5,6,7); INSERT INTO master_heartbeat_period(slow, general) VALUES (1,2), (5,6); INSERT INTO master_heartbeat_period(slow) VALUES (1), (5); SELECT slow, general, master_heartbeat_period, ignore_server_ids FROM master_heartbeat_period ORDER BY slow; slow general master_heartbeat_period ignore_server_ids 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 NULL 1 2 NULL NULL 1 NULL NULL NULL 5 6 7 8 5 6 7 NULL 5 6 NULL NULL 5 NULL NULL NULL SELECT slow, general, master_heartbeat_period FROM master_heartbeat_period ORDER BY slow; slow general master_heartbeat_period 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 NULL 1 NULL NULL 5 6 7 5 6 7 5 6 NULL 5 NULL NULL SELECT slow, master_heartbeat_period FROM master_heartbeat_period ORDER BY slow; slow master_heartbeat_period 1 3 1 3 1 NULL 1 NULL 5 7 5 7 5 NULL 5 NULL SELECT slow FROM master_heartbeat_period ORDER BY slow; slow 1 1 1 1 5 5 5 5 DROP TABLE master_heartbeat_period; CREATE TABLE ignore_server_ids (slow INT, general INT, master_heartbeat_period INT, ignore_server_ids INT); INSERT INTO ignore_server_ids(slow, general, master_heartbeat_period, ignore_server_ids) VALUES (1,2,3,4), (5,6,7,8); INSERT INTO ignore_server_ids(slow, general, master_heartbeat_period) VALUES (1,2,3), (5,6,7); INSERT INTO ignore_server_ids(slow, general) VALUES (1,2), (5,6); INSERT INTO ignore_server_ids(slow) VALUES (1), (5); SELECT slow, general, master_heartbeat_period, ignore_server_ids FROM ignore_server_ids ORDER BY slow; slow general master_heartbeat_period ignore_server_ids 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 NULL 1 2 NULL NULL 1 NULL NULL NULL 5 6 7 8 5 6 7 NULL 5 6 NULL NULL 5 NULL NULL NULL SELECT slow, general, master_heartbeat_period FROM ignore_server_ids ORDER BY slow; slow general master_heartbeat_period 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 NULL 1 NULL NULL 5 6 7 5 6 7 5 6 NULL 5 NULL NULL SELECT slow, master_heartbeat_period FROM ignore_server_ids ORDER BY slow; slow master_heartbeat_period 1 3 1 3 1 NULL 1 NULL 5 7 5 7 5 NULL 5 NULL SELECT slow FROM ignore_server_ids ORDER BY slow; slow 1 1 1 1 5 5 5 5 DROP TABLE ignore_server_ids; CREATE TABLE t1 (slow INT, general INT, ignore_server_ids INT, master_heartbeat_period INT); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1,2,3,4); CREATE PROCEDURE p1() BEGIN DECLARE slow INT; DECLARE general INT; DECLARE ignore_server_ids INT; DECLARE master_heartbeat_period INT; SELECT max(t1.slow) INTO slow FROM t1; SELECT max(t1.general) INTO general FROM t1; SELECT max(t1.ignore_server_ids) INTO ignore_server_ids FROM t1; SELECT max(t1.master_heartbeat_period) INTO master_heartbeat_period FROM t1; SELECT slow, general, ignore_server_ids, master_heartbeat_period; END| CREATE PROCEDURE p2() BEGIN DECLARE n INT DEFAULT 2; general: WHILE n > 0 DO SET n = n -1; END WHILE general; SET n = 2; slow: WHILE n > 0 DO SET n = n -1; END WHILE slow; SET n = 2; ignore_server_ids: WHILE n > 0 DO SET n = n -1; END WHILE ignore_server_ids; SET n = 2; master_heartbeat_period: WHILE n > 0 DO SET n = n -1; END WHILE master_heartbeat_period; END| CALL p1(); slow general ignore_server_ids master_heartbeat_period 1 2 3 4 call p2(); DROP PROCEDURE p1; DROP PROCEDURE p2; DROP TABLE t1; create table option (option int not null); drop table option; set option=1; ERROR HY000: Unknown system variable 'option' set option option=1; ERROR 42000: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'option=1' at line 1 # # MDEV-9979 Keywords UNBOUNDED, PRECEDING, FOLLOWING, TIES, OTHERS should be non-reserved # CREATE TABLE EXCLUDE (EXCLUDE INT); SELECT EXCLUDE FROM EXCLUDE; EXCLUDE SELECT EXCLUDE EXCLUDE FROM EXCLUDE; EXCLUDE SELECT EXCLUDE AS EXCLUDE FROM EXCLUDE; EXCLUDE DROP TABLE EXCLUDE; CREATE TABLE UNBOUNDED (UNBOUNDED INT); SELECT UNBOUNDED FROM UNBOUNDED; UNBOUNDED SELECT UNBOUNDED UNBOUNDEX FROM UNBOUNDED; UNBOUNDEX SELECT UNBOUNDED AS UNBOUNDEX FROM UNBOUNDED; UNBOUNDEX DROP TABLE UNBOUNDED; CREATE TABLE PRECEDING (PRECEDING INT); SELECT PRECEDING FROM PRECEDING; PRECEDING SELECT PRECEDING PRECEDING FROM PRECEDING; PRECEDING SELECT PRECEDING AS PRECEDING FROM PRECEDING; PRECEDING DROP TABLE PRECEDING; CREATE TABLE FOLLOWING (FOLLOWING INT); SELECT FOLLOWING FROM FOLLOWING; FOLLOWING SELECT FOLLOWING FOLLOWING FROM FOLLOWING; FOLLOWING SELECT FOLLOWING AS FOLLOWING FROM FOLLOWING; FOLLOWING DROP TABLE FOLLOWING; CREATE TABLE TIES (TIES INT); SELECT TIES FROM TIES; TIES SELECT TIES TIES FROM TIES; TIES SELECT TIES AS TIES FROM TIES; TIES DROP TABLE TIES; CREATE TABLE OTHERS (OTHERS INT); SELECT OTHERS FROM OTHERS; OTHERS SELECT OTHERS OTHERS FROM OTHERS; OTHERS SELECT OTHERS AS OTHERS FROM OTHERS; OTHERS DROP TABLE OTHERS; # # MDEV-10585 EXECUTE IMMEDIATE statement # CREATE TABLE immediate (immediate int); DROP TABLE immediate; # # MDEV-10142 Pluggable parser # Testing keywords that were added into lex.h for Oracle compatibility # that are not reserved keywords in MariaDB # CREATE TABLE clob (clob int); DROP TABLE clob; CREATE TABLE elsif (elsif INT); DROP TABLE elsif; CREATE TABLE exception (exception INT); DROP TABLE exception; CREATE TABLE raw (raw int); DROP TABLE raw; CREATE TABLE varchar2 (varchar2 int); DROP TABLE varchar2; CREATE TABLE decode (decode int); DROP TABLE decode; CREATE TABLE rowcount (rowcount int); DROP TABLE rowcount; CREATE TABLE isopen (isopen int); DROP TABLE isopen; CREATE TABLE notfound (notfound int); DROP TABLE notfound; CREATE TABLE raise (raise int); DROP TABLE raise; CREATE TABLE reuse (reuse int); DROP TABLE reuse; # # MDEV-17363 Compressed columns cannot be restored from dump # COMPRESSED is not valid as an SP label any more # but is still valid as an SP variable name. # BEGIN NOT ATOMIC compressed: BEGIN SELECT 1 AS a; END; END $$ ERROR 42000: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'compressed: BEGIN SELECT 1 AS a; END; END' at line 2 BEGIN NOT ATOMIC `compressed`: BEGIN SELECT 1 AS a; END; END $$ a 1 BEGIN NOT ATOMIC DECLARE compressed INT DEFAULT 1; SELECT compressed; END $$ compressed 1 # # Testing various keywords in various contexts # CREATE PROCEDURE p1(query TEXT, var TEXT) BEGIN DECLARE errmsg TEXT DEFAULT ''; DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR SQLEXCEPTION BEGIN GET DIAGNOSTICS CONDITION 1 errmsg = MESSAGE_TEXT; SET errmsg= REPLACE(errmsg, 'You have an error in your SQL ', '..'); SET errmsg= REPLACE(errmsg, '; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use', '..'); END; SET query=REPLACE(query, '$(VAR)', var); EXECUTE IMMEDIATE query; SELECT CONCAT(query, '; -- ', LEFT(COALESCE(errmsg,''),40)) AS `--------`; END; $$ CREATE PROCEDURE p2(query TEXT) BEGIN FOR row IN (SELECT word FROM t1 ORDER BY category, word) DO CALL p1(query, row.word); END FOR; END; $$ CREATE TABLE t1 (word TEXT, category TEXT); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('non_keyword', '00 Simple identifier'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('lpad', '01 Built-in native function'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('rpad', '01 Built-in native function'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('adddate', '02 function_call_nonkeyword'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('substr', '02 function_call_nonkeyword'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('substring', '02 function_call_nonkeyword'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('trim_oracle', '02 function_call_nonkeyword'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('ascii', '03 function_call_conflict'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('replace', '03 function_call_conflict'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('weight_string', '03 function_call_conflict'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('char', '04 function_call_keyword'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('trim', '04 function_call_keyword'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('year', '04 function_call_keyword'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('create', '05 Reserved keyword'); CALL p2('SELECT @@$(VAR)'); -------- SELECT @@non_keyword; -- Unknown system variable 'non_keyword' -------- SELECT @@lpad; -- Unknown system variable 'lpad' -------- SELECT @@rpad; -- Unknown system variable 'rpad' -------- SELECT @@adddate; -- Unknown system variable 'adddate' -------- SELECT @@substr; -- Unknown system variable 'substr' -------- SELECT @@substring; -- Unknown system variable 'substring' -------- SELECT @@trim_oracle; -- Unknown system variable 'trim_oracle' -------- SELECT @@ascii; -- Unknown system variable 'ascii' -------- SELECT @@replace; -- ..syntax.. near 'replace' at line 1 -------- SELECT @@weight_string; -- Unknown system variable 'weight_string' -------- SELECT @@char; -- ..syntax.. near 'char' at line 1 -------- SELECT @@trim; -- Unknown system variable 'trim' -------- SELECT @@year; -- Unknown system variable 'year' -------- SELECT @@create; -- ..syntax.. near 'create' at line 1 CALL p2('SELECT @@global.$(VAR)'); -------- SELECT @@global.non_keyword; -- Unknown system variable 'non_keyword' -------- SELECT @@global.lpad; -- Unknown system variable 'lpad' -------- SELECT @@global.rpad; -- Unknown system variable 'rpad' -------- SELECT @@global.adddate; -- Unknown system variable 'adddate' -------- SELECT @@global.substr; -- Unknown system variable 'substr' -------- SELECT @@global.substring; -- Unknown system variable 'substring' -------- SELECT @@global.trim_oracle; -- Unknown system variable 'trim_oracle' -------- SELECT @@global.ascii; -- Unknown system variable 'ascii' -------- SELECT @@global.replace; -- Unknown system variable 'replace' -------- SELECT @@global.weight_string; -- Unknown system variable 'weight_string' -------- SELECT @@global.char; -- Unknown system variable 'char' -------- SELECT @@global.trim; -- Unknown system variable 'trim' -------- SELECT @@global.year; -- Unknown system variable 'year' -------- SELECT @@global.create; -- Unknown system variable 'create' CALL p2('SELECT @@global.$(VAR)()'); -------- SELECT @@global.non_keyword(); -- Unknown system variable 'non_keyword' -------- SELECT @@global.lpad(); -- Unknown system variable 'lpad' -------- SELECT @@global.rpad(); -- Unknown system variable 'rpad' -------- SELECT @@global.adddate(); -- Unknown system variable 'adddate' -------- SELECT @@global.substr(); -- ..syntax.. near 'substr()' at line 1 -------- SELECT @@global.substring(); -- ..syntax.. near 'substring()' at line 1 -------- SELECT @@global.trim_oracle(); -- Unknown system variable 'trim_oracle' -------- SELECT @@global.ascii(); -- Unknown system variable 'ascii' -------- SELECT @@global.replace(); -- ..syntax.. near 'replace()' at line 1 -------- SELECT @@global.weight_string(); -- Unknown system variable 'weight_string' -------- SELECT @@global.char(); -- Unknown system variable 'char' -------- SELECT @@global.trim(); -- ..syntax.. near 'trim()' at line 1 -------- SELECT @@global.year(); -- Unknown system variable 'year' -------- SELECT @@global.create(); -- Unknown system variable 'create' CALL p2('SELECT $(VAR)()'); -------- SELECT non_keyword(); -- FUNCTION test.non_keyword does not exist -------- SELECT lpad(); -- Incorrect parameter count in the call to -------- SELECT rpad(); -- Incorrect parameter count in the call to -------- SELECT adddate(); -- ..syntax.. near ')' at line 1 -------- SELECT substr(); -- ..syntax.. near ')' at line 1 -------- SELECT substring(); -- ..syntax.. near ')' at line 1 -------- SELECT trim_oracle(); -- ..syntax.. near ')' at line 1 -------- SELECT ascii(); -- ..syntax.. near ')' at line 1 -------- SELECT replace(); -- ..syntax.. near ')' at line 1 -------- SELECT weight_string(); -- ..syntax.. near ')' at line 1 -------- SELECT char(); -- ..syntax.. near ')' at line 1 -------- SELECT trim(); -- ..syntax.. near ')' at line 1 -------- SELECT year(); -- ..syntax.. near ')' at line 1 -------- SELECT create(); -- ..syntax.. near 'create()' at line 1 CALL p2('SELECT test.$(VAR)()'); -------- SELECT test.non_keyword(); -- FUNCTION test.non_keyword does not exist -------- SELECT test.lpad(); -- FUNCTION test.lpad does not exist -------- SELECT test.rpad(); -- FUNCTION test.rpad does not exist -------- SELECT test.adddate(); -- FUNCTION test.adddate does not exist. Ch -------- SELECT test.substr(); -- FUNCTION test.substr does not exist. Che -------- SELECT test.substring(); -- FUNCTION test.substring does not exist. -------- SELECT test.trim_oracle(); -- FUNCTION test.trim_oracle does not exist -------- SELECT test.ascii(); -- FUNCTION test.ascii does not exist. Chec -------- SELECT test.replace(); -- FUNCTION test.replace does not exist. Ch -------- SELECT test.weight_string(); -- FUNCTION test.weight_string does not exi -------- SELECT test.char(); -- FUNCTION test.char does not exist. Check -------- SELECT test.trim(); -- FUNCTION test.trim does not exist. Check -------- SELECT test.year(); -- FUNCTION test.year does not exist. Check -------- SELECT test.create(); -- FUNCTION test.create does not exist. Che CALL p2('SELECT $(VAR) FROM t1'); -------- SELECT non_keyword FROM t1; -- Unknown column 'non_keyword' in 'field l -------- SELECT lpad FROM t1; -- Unknown column 'lpad' in 'field list' -------- SELECT rpad FROM t1; -- Unknown column 'rpad' in 'field list' -------- SELECT adddate FROM t1; -- Unknown column 'adddate' in 'field list' -------- SELECT substr FROM t1; -- Unknown column 'substr' in 'field list' -------- SELECT substring FROM t1; -- Unknown column 'substring' in 'field lis -------- SELECT trim_oracle FROM t1; -- Unknown column 'trim_oracle' in 'field l -------- SELECT ascii FROM t1; -- Unknown column 'ascii' in 'field list' -------- SELECT replace FROM t1; -- ..syntax.. near 'FROM t1' at line 1 -------- SELECT weight_string FROM t1; -- Unknown column 'weight_string' in 'field -------- SELECT char FROM t1; -- ..syntax.. near 'FROM t1' at line 1 -------- SELECT trim FROM t1; -- Unknown column 'trim' in 'field list' -------- SELECT year FROM t1; -- Unknown column 'year' in 'field list' -------- SELECT create FROM t1; -- ..syntax.. near 'create FROM t1' at line CALL p2('SELECT t1.$(VAR) FROM t1'); -------- SELECT t1.non_keyword FROM t1; -- Unknown column 't1.non_keyword' in 'fiel -------- SELECT t1.lpad FROM t1; -- Unknown column 't1.lpad' in 'field list' -------- SELECT t1.rpad FROM t1; -- Unknown column 't1.rpad' in 'field list' -------- SELECT t1.adddate FROM t1; -- Unknown column 't1.adddate' in 'field li -------- SELECT t1.substr FROM t1; -- Unknown column 't1.substr' in 'field lis -------- SELECT t1.substring FROM t1; -- Unknown column 't1.substring' in 'field -------- SELECT t1.trim_oracle FROM t1; -- Unknown column 't1.trim_oracle' in 'fiel -------- SELECT t1.ascii FROM t1; -- Unknown column 't1.ascii' in 'field list -------- SELECT t1.replace FROM t1; -- Unknown column 't1.replace' in 'field li -------- SELECT t1.weight_string FROM t1; -- Unknown column 't1.weight_string' in 'fi -------- SELECT t1.char FROM t1; -- Unknown column 't1.char' in 'field list' -------- SELECT t1.trim FROM t1; -- Unknown column 't1.trim' in 'field list' -------- SELECT t1.year FROM t1; -- Unknown column 't1.year' in 'field list' -------- SELECT t1.create FROM t1; -- Unknown column 't1.create' in 'field lis CALL p2('DROP TABLE $(VAR)'); -------- DROP TABLE non_keyword; -- Unknown table 'test.non_keyword' -------- DROP TABLE lpad; -- Unknown table 'test.lpad' -------- DROP TABLE rpad; -- Unknown table 'test.rpad' -------- DROP TABLE adddate; -- Unknown table 'test.adddate' -------- DROP TABLE substr; -- Unknown table 'test.substr' -------- DROP TABLE substring; -- Unknown table 'test.substring' -------- DROP TABLE trim_oracle; -- Unknown table 'test.trim_oracle' -------- DROP TABLE ascii; -- Unknown table 'test.ascii' -------- DROP TABLE replace; -- ..syntax.. near 'replace' at line 1 -------- DROP TABLE weight_string; -- Unknown table 'test.weight_string' -------- DROP TABLE char; -- ..syntax.. near 'char' at line 1 -------- DROP TABLE trim; -- Unknown table 'test.trim' -------- DROP TABLE year; -- Unknown table 'test.year' -------- DROP TABLE create; -- ..syntax.. near 'create' at line 1 CALL p2('DROP TABLE test.$(VAR)'); -------- DROP TABLE test.non_keyword; -- Unknown table 'test.non_keyword' -------- DROP TABLE test.lpad; -- Unknown table 'test.lpad' -------- DROP TABLE test.rpad; -- Unknown table 'test.rpad' -------- DROP TABLE test.adddate; -- Unknown table 'test.adddate' -------- DROP TABLE test.substr; -- Unknown table 'test.substr' -------- DROP TABLE test.substring; -- Unknown table 'test.substring' -------- DROP TABLE test.trim_oracle; -- Unknown table 'test.trim_oracle' -------- DROP TABLE test.ascii; -- Unknown table 'test.ascii' -------- DROP TABLE test.replace; -- Unknown table 'test.replace' -------- DROP TABLE test.weight_string; -- Unknown table 'test.weight_string' -------- DROP TABLE test.char; -- Unknown table 'test.char' -------- DROP TABLE test.trim; -- Unknown table 'test.trim' -------- DROP TABLE test.year; -- Unknown table 'test.year' -------- DROP TABLE test.create; -- Unknown table 'test.create' CALL p2('CREATE FUNCTION $(VAR)() RETURNS OOPS'); -------- CREATE FUNCTION non_keyword() RETURNS OOPS; -- Unknown data type: 'OOPS' -------- CREATE FUNCTION lpad() RETURNS OOPS; -- Unknown data type: 'OOPS' -------- CREATE FUNCTION rpad() RETURNS OOPS; -- Unknown data type: 'OOPS' -------- CREATE FUNCTION adddate() RETURNS OOPS; -- Unknown data type: 'OOPS' -------- CREATE FUNCTION substr() RETURNS OOPS; -- ..syntax.. near 'substr() RETURNS OOPS' -------- CREATE FUNCTION substring() RETURNS OOPS; -- ..syntax.. near 'substring() RETURNS OOP -------- CREATE FUNCTION trim_oracle() RETURNS OOPS; -- Unknown data type: 'OOPS' -------- CREATE FUNCTION ascii() RETURNS OOPS; -- Unknown data type: 'OOPS' -------- CREATE FUNCTION replace() RETURNS OOPS; -- ..syntax.. near 'replace() RETURNS OOPS' -------- CREATE FUNCTION weight_string() RETURNS OOPS; -- Unknown data type: 'OOPS' -------- CREATE FUNCTION char() RETURNS OOPS; -- ..syntax.. near 'char() RETURNS OOPS' at -------- CREATE FUNCTION trim() RETURNS OOPS; -- ..syntax.. near 'trim() RETURNS OOPS' at -------- CREATE FUNCTION year() RETURNS OOPS; -- Unknown data type: 'OOPS' -------- CREATE FUNCTION create() RETURNS OOPS; -- ..syntax.. near 'create() RETURNS OOPS' CALL p2('CREATE FUNCTION test.$(VAR)() RETURNS OOPS'); -------- CREATE FUNCTION test.non_keyword() RETURNS OOPS; -- Unknown data type: 'OOPS' -------- CREATE FUNCTION test.lpad() RETURNS OOPS; -- Unknown data type: 'OOPS' -------- CREATE FUNCTION test.rpad() RETURNS OOPS; -- Unknown data type: 'OOPS' -------- CREATE FUNCTION test.adddate() RETURNS OOPS; -- Unknown data type: 'OOPS' -------- CREATE FUNCTION test.substr() RETURNS OOPS; -- ..syntax.. near 'substr() RETURNS OOPS' -------- CREATE FUNCTION test.substring() RETURNS OOPS; -- ..syntax.. near 'substring() RETURNS OOP -------- CREATE FUNCTION test.trim_oracle() RETURNS OOPS; -- Unknown data type: 'OOPS' -------- CREATE FUNCTION test.ascii() RETURNS OOPS; -- Unknown data type: 'OOPS' -------- CREATE FUNCTION test.replace() RETURNS OOPS; -- ..syntax.. near 'replace() RETURNS OOPS' -------- CREATE FUNCTION test.weight_string() RETURNS OOPS; -- Unknown data type: 'OOPS' -------- CREATE FUNCTION test.char() RETURNS OOPS; -- Unknown data type: 'OOPS' -------- CREATE FUNCTION test.trim() RETURNS OOPS; -- ..syntax.. near 'trim() RETURNS OOPS' at -------- CREATE FUNCTION test.year() RETURNS OOPS; -- Unknown data type: 'OOPS' -------- CREATE FUNCTION test.create() RETURNS OOPS; -- Unknown data type: 'OOPS' CALL p2('DROP FUNCTION $(VAR)'); -------- DROP FUNCTION non_keyword; -- FUNCTION test.non_keyword does not exist -------- DROP FUNCTION lpad; -- FUNCTION test.lpad does not exist -------- DROP FUNCTION rpad; -- FUNCTION test.rpad does not exist -------- DROP FUNCTION adddate; -- FUNCTION test.adddate does not exist -------- DROP FUNCTION substr; -- FUNCTION test.substr does not exist -------- DROP FUNCTION substring; -- FUNCTION test.substring does not exist -------- DROP FUNCTION trim_oracle; -- FUNCTION test.trim_oracle does not exist -------- DROP FUNCTION ascii; -- FUNCTION test.ascii does not exist -------- DROP FUNCTION replace; -- ..syntax.. near 'replace' at line 1 -------- DROP FUNCTION weight_string; -- FUNCTION test.weight_string does not exi -------- DROP FUNCTION char; -- ..syntax.. near 'char' at line 1 -------- DROP FUNCTION trim; -- FUNCTION test.trim does not exist -------- DROP FUNCTION year; -- FUNCTION test.year does not exist -------- DROP FUNCTION create; -- ..syntax.. near 'create' at line 1 CALL p2('DROP FUNCTION test.$(VAR)'); -------- DROP FUNCTION test.non_keyword; -- FUNCTION test.non_keyword does not exist -------- DROP FUNCTION test.lpad; -- FUNCTION test.lpad does not exist -------- DROP FUNCTION test.rpad; -- FUNCTION test.rpad does not exist -------- DROP FUNCTION test.adddate; -- FUNCTION test.adddate does not exist -------- DROP FUNCTION test.substr; -- FUNCTION test.substr does not exist -------- DROP FUNCTION test.substring; -- FUNCTION test.substring does not exist -------- DROP FUNCTION test.trim_oracle; -- FUNCTION test.trim_oracle does not exist -------- DROP FUNCTION test.ascii; -- FUNCTION test.ascii does not exist -------- DROP FUNCTION test.replace; -- FUNCTION test.replace does not exist -------- DROP FUNCTION test.weight_string; -- FUNCTION test.weight_string does not exi -------- DROP FUNCTION test.char; -- FUNCTION test.char does not exist -------- DROP FUNCTION test.trim; -- FUNCTION test.trim does not exist -------- DROP FUNCTION test.year; -- FUNCTION test.year does not exist -------- DROP FUNCTION test.create; -- FUNCTION test.create does not exist DROP TABLE t1; DROP PROCEDURE p1; DROP PROCEDURE p2;