# # MDEV-6896 kill user command cause MariaDB crash! # create user foo@''; connect con1,,foo,,; connection default; select user from information_schema.processlist; user foo root kill user foo@''; drop user foo@''; # # KILL USER and missing privileges # create user a@''; create user b@''; grant process on *.* to a@''; grant select on *.* to b@''; connect a,,a; show grants; Grants for a@ GRANT PROCESS ON *.* TO `a`@`` connect b,,b; show processlist; Id User Host db Command Time State Info Progress # b # test # # starting show processlist # kill user a; kill user x; connection a; show processlist; Id User Host db Command Time State Info Progress # root # test # # # # # # a # NULL # # # # # # b # test # # # # # kill user b; ERROR HY000: Operation KILL USER failed for b@% connection default; drop user a@''; drop user b@''; # # End of 10.3 tests #