# Bug38499 flush tables and multitable table update with derived table cause crash # MySQL >= 5.0 # # The test can take hours with valgrind --source include/not_valgrind.inc # Save the initial number of concurrent sessions --source include/count_sessions.inc SET @odl_sync_frm = @@global.sync_frm; SET @@global.sync_frm = OFF; connect (locker,localhost,root,,); connect (writer,localhost,root,,); --connection default --disable_warnings DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t1; --enable_warnings CREATE TABLE t1( a INT, b INT ); CREATE TABLE t2( a INT, b INT ); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3), (4, 4); INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3), (4, 4); --echo # 1. test regular tables --echo # 1.1. test altering of columns that multiupdate doesn't use --echo # 1.1.1. normal mode --disable_query_log let $i = 100; while ($i) { --dec $i --connection writer send UPDATE t1, (SELECT 1 FROM t2 t1i) d SET a = 0 WHERE 1=0; --connection locker ALTER TABLE t1 ADD COLUMN (c INT); ALTER TABLE t1 DROP COLUMN c; --connection writer --reap } --echo # 1.1.2. PS mode --connection writer PREPARE stmt FROM 'UPDATE t1, (SELECT 1 FROM t2 t1i) d SET a = 0 WHERE 1=0'; let $i = 100; while ($i) { --dec $i --connection writer --send EXECUTE stmt --connection locker ALTER TABLE t1 ADD COLUMN (c INT); ALTER TABLE t1 DROP COLUMN c; --connection writer --reap } --enable_query_log --echo # 1.2. test altering of columns that multiupdate uses --echo # 1.2.1. normal mode --connection default --disable_query_log let $i = 100; while ($i) { dec $i; --connection locker --error 0,ER_DUP_FIELDNAME ALTER TABLE t1 ADD COLUMN a int(11) unsigned default NULL; UPDATE t1 SET a=b; --connection writer --send UPDATE t1, (SELECT 1 FROM t2 t1i) d SET a = 0 WHERE 1=0; --connection locker --error 0,ER_CANT_DROP_FIELD_OR_KEY ALTER TABLE t1 DROP COLUMN a; --connection writer --error 0,ER_BAD_FIELD_ERROR # unknown column error --reap } --enable_query_log --echo # 1.2.2. PS mode --disable_query_log let $i = 100; while ($i) { dec $i; --connection locker --error 0,ER_DUP_FIELDNAME ALTER TABLE t1 ADD COLUMN a INT; UPDATE t1 SET a=b; --connection writer PREPARE stmt FROM 'UPDATE t1, (SELECT 1 FROM t2 t1i) d SET a = 0 WHERE 1=0'; --send EXECUTE stmt --connection locker --error 0,ER_CANT_DROP_FIELD_OR_KEY ALTER TABLE t1 DROP COLUMN a; --connection writer --error 0,ER_BAD_FIELD_ERROR # Unknown column 'a' in 'field list' --reap } --enable_query_log --connection default ALTER TABLE t1 ADD COLUMN a INT; --echo # 2. test UNIONs --echo # 2.1. test altering of columns that multiupdate doesn't use --echo # 2.1.1. normal mode --disable_query_log let $i = 100; while ($i) { --dec $i --connection writer send UPDATE t1, ((SELECT 1 FROM t1 t1i) UNION (SELECT 2 FROM t1 t1ii)) e SET a = 0 WHERE 1=0; --connection locker ALTER TABLE t1 ADD COLUMN (c INT); ALTER TABLE t1 DROP COLUMN c; --connection writer --reap } --echo # 2.1.2. PS mode --connection writer PREPARE stmt FROM 'UPDATE t1, ((SELECT 1 FROM t1 t1i) UNION (SELECT 2 FROM t1 t1ii)) e SET a = 0 WHERE 1=0'; let $i = 100; while ($i) { --dec $i --connection writer --send EXECUTE stmt --connection locker ALTER TABLE t1 ADD COLUMN (c INT); ALTER TABLE t1 DROP COLUMN c; --connection writer --reap } --enable_query_log --echo # 2.2. test altering of columns that multiupdate uses --echo # 2.2.1. normal mode --connection default --disable_query_log let $i = 100; while ($i) { dec $i; --connection locker --error 0,ER_DUP_FIELDNAME ALTER TABLE t1 ADD COLUMN a int(11) unsigned default NULL; UPDATE t1 SET a=b; --connection writer --send UPDATE t1, ((SELECT 1 FROM t1 t1i) UNION (SELECT 2 FROM t1 t1ii)) e SET a = 0 WHERE 1=0; --connection locker --error 0,ER_CANT_DROP_FIELD_OR_KEY ALTER TABLE t1 DROP COLUMN a; --connection writer --error 0,ER_BAD_FIELD_ERROR # Unknown column 'a' in 'field list' --reap } --enable_query_log --echo # 2.2.2. PS mode --disable_query_log let $i = 100; while ($i) { dec $i; --connection locker --error 0,ER_DUP_FIELDNAME ALTER TABLE t1 ADD COLUMN a INT; UPDATE t1 SET a=b; --connection writer PREPARE stmt FROM 'UPDATE t1, ((SELECT 1 FROM t1 t1i) UNION (SELECT 2 FROM t1 t1ii)) e SET a = 0 WHERE 1=0'; --send EXECUTE stmt --connection locker --error 0,ER_CANT_DROP_FIELD_OR_KEY ALTER TABLE t1 DROP COLUMN a; --connection writer --error 0,ER_BAD_FIELD_ERROR # Unknown column 'a' in 'field list' --reap } --enable_query_log --connection default DROP TABLE t1,t2; # Close connections --disconnect locker --disconnect writer SET @@global.sync_frm = @odl_sync_frm; # End of 5.0 tests # Wait till all disconnects are completed --source include/wait_until_count_sessions.inc