# # MDEV-18707 Server crash in my_hash_sort_bin, ASAN heap-use-after-free in Field::is_null, server hang, corrupted double-linked list # create table t1 (a int, b int, c int, d int, e int); insert into t1 () values (),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(), (),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(), (),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(), (),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(), (),(),(),(); select * into outfile 'load.data' from t1; create temporary table tmp (a varchar(1024), b int, c int, d int, e linestring, unique (e)); load data infile 'load.data' into table tmp; delete from tmp; drop table t1; drop table tmp; # # MDEV-18712 InnoDB indexes are inconsistent with what defined in .frm for table after rebuilding table with index on blob # create table t1 (b blob) engine=innodb; alter table t1 add unique (b); alter table t1 force; show create table t1; Table Create Table t1 CREATE TABLE `t1` ( `b` blob DEFAULT NULL, UNIQUE KEY `b` (`b`) USING HASH ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_swedish_ci drop table t1; # # MDEV-18713 Assertion `strcmp(share->unique_file_name,filename) || share->last_version' failed in test_if_reopen upon REPLACE into table with key on blob # create table t1 (pk int, b blob, primary key(pk), unique(b)) engine=myisam; insert into t1 values (1,'foo'); replace into t1 (pk) values (1); alter table t1 force; replace into t1 (pk) values (1); drop table t1; # # MDEV-18722 Assertion `templ->mysql_null_bit_mask' failed in row_sel_store_mysql_rec upon modifying indexed column into blob # create table t1 (t time, unique(t)) engine=innodb; insert into t1 values (null),(null); alter ignore table t1 modify t text not null default ''; Warnings: Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 't' at row 1 Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 't' at row 2 drop table t1; # # MDEV-18720 Assertion `inited==NONE' failed in ha_index_init upon update on versioned table with key on blob # create table t1 ( pk int, f text, primary key (pk), unique(f)) with system versioning; insert into t1 values (1,'foo'); update t1 set f = 'bar'; select * from t1; pk f 1 bar update t1 set f = 'foo'; select * from t1; pk f 1 foo select pk, f, row_end > DATE'2030-01-01' from t1 for system_time all; pk f row_end > DATE'2030-01-01' 1 foo 1 1 foo 0 1 bar 0 drop table t1; # # MDEV-18747 InnoDB: Failing assertion: table->get_ref_count() == 0 upon dropping temporary table with unique blob # create temporary table t1 (f blob, unique(f)) engine=innodb; insert into t1 values (1); replace into t1 values (1); drop table t1; # # MDEV-18748 REPLACE doesn't work with unique blobs on MyISAM table # create table t (b blob, unique(b)) engine=myisam; insert into t values ('foo'); replace into t values ('foo'); drop table t; # # MDEV-18790 Server crash in fields_in_hash_keyinfo after unsuccessful attempt to drop BLOB with long index # CREATE TABLE t1 (f INT, x BLOB, UNIQUE (x)); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1,'foo'); ALTER TABLE t1 DROP x, ALGORITHM=INPLACE; ERROR 0A000: ALGORITHM=INPLACE is not supported for this operation. Try ALGORITHM=COPY UPDATE t1 SET x = 'bar'; DROP TABLE t1; # # MDEV-18799 Long unique does not work after failed alter table # create table t1(a blob unique , b blob); insert into t1 values(1,1),(2,1); alter table t1 add unique(b); ERROR 23000: Duplicate entry '1' for key 'b' show keys from t1;; Table t1 Non_unique 0 Key_name a Seq_in_index 1 Column_name a Collation A Cardinality NULL Sub_part NULL Packed NULL Null YES Index_type HASH Comment Index_comment Ignored NO insert into t1 values(1,1); ERROR 23000: Duplicate entry '1' for key 'a' DROP TABLE t1; # # MDEV-18792 ASAN unknown-crash in _mi_pack_key upon UPDATE after failed ALTER on a table with long BLOB key # CREATE TABLE t1 (a TEXT, b INT, UNIQUE(a)) ENGINE=MyISAM; ALTER TABLE t1 DROP x; ERROR 42000: Can't DROP COLUMN `x`; check that it exists UPDATE t1 SET b = 0 WHERE a = 'foo'; DROP TABLE t1; # # MDEV-18793 Assertion `0' failed in row_sel_convert_mysql_key_to_innobase, ASAN unknown-crash in # row_mysql_store_col_in_innobase_format, warning " InnoDB: Using a partial-field key prefix in search" # CREATE TABLE t1 (a TEXT, b INT, UNIQUE(a)) ENGINE=InnoDB; ALTER TABLE t1 DROP x; ERROR 42000: Can't DROP COLUMN `x`; check that it exists UPDATE t1 SET b = 0 WHERE a = 'foo'; DROP TABLE t1; # # MDEV-18795 InnoDB: Failing assertion: field->prefix_len > 0 upon DML on table with BLOB index # CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE t1 (f BLOB, UNIQUE(f)) ENGINE=InnoDB ROW_FORMAT=COMPACT; ALTER TABLE t1 ADD KEY (f); ERROR HY000: Index column size too large. The maximum column size is 767 bytes TRUNCATE TABLE t1; SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE f LIKE 'foo'; f DROP TABLE t1; # # MDEV-18798 InnoDB: No matching column for `DB_ROW_HASH_1`and server crash in # ha_innobase::commit_inplace_alter_table upon ALTER on table with UNIQUE key # CREATE TABLE t1 (a INT, UNIQUE ind USING HASH (a)) ENGINE=InnoDB; ALTER TABLE t1 CHANGE COLUMN IF EXISTS b a INT; Warnings: Note 1054 Unknown column 'b' in 't1' DROP TABLE t1; # # MDEV-18801 InnoDB: Failing assertion: field->col->mtype == type or ASAN heap-buffer-overflow # in row_sel_convert_mysql_key_to_innobase upon SELECT on table with long index # CREATE TABLE t1 (f VARCHAR(4096), UNIQUE(f)) ENGINE=InnoDB; ALTER TABLE t1 DROP x; ERROR 42000: Can't DROP COLUMN `x`; check that it exists SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE f LIKE 'foo'; f DROP TABLE t1; # # MDEV-18800 Server crash in instant_alter_column_possible or # Assertion `!pk->has_virtual()' failed in instant_alter_column_possible upon adding key # CREATE TABLE t1 (pk INT, PRIMARY KEY USING HASH (pk)) ENGINE=InnoDB; show keys from t1;; Table t1 Non_unique 0 Key_name PRIMARY Seq_in_index 1 Column_name pk Collation A Cardinality 0 Sub_part NULL Packed NULL Null Index_type BTREE Comment Index_comment Ignored NO ALTER TABLE t1 ADD INDEX (pk); DROP TABLE t1; # # MDEV-18922 Alter on long unique varchar column makes result null # CREATE TABLE t1 (b int, a varchar(4000)); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1, 2),(2,3),(3,4); ALTER TABLE t1 ADD UNIQUE INDEX (a); SELECT * FROM t1; b a 1 2 2 3 3 4 SELECT a FROM t1; a 2 3 4 drop table t1; # # MDEV-18809 Server crash in fields_in_hash_keyinfo or Assertion `key_info->key_part->field->flags # & (1<< 30)' failed in setup_keyinfo_hash # CREATE TABLE t1 (f VARCHAR(4096), UNIQUE(f)) ENGINE=InnoDB; ALTER TABLE t1 DROP KEY f, ADD INDEX idx1(f), ALGORITHM=INSTANT; ERROR 0A000: ALGORITHM=INSTANT is not supported. Reason: ADD INDEX. Try ALGORITHM=NOCOPY ALTER TABLE t1 ADD KEY idx2(f); Warnings: Note 1071 Specified key was too long; max key length is 3072 bytes DROP TABLE t1; CREATE TABLE t1(a blob , b blob , unique(a,b)); alter table t1 drop column b; ERROR 42000: Key column 'b' doesn't exist in table insert into t1 values(1,1); insert into t1 values(1,1); ERROR 23000: Duplicate entry '1-1' for key 'a' alter table t1 add column c int; drop table t1; # # MDEV-18889 Long unique on virtual fields crashes server # create table t1(a blob , b blob as (a) unique); insert into t1 values(1, default); insert into t1 values(1, default); ERROR 23000: Duplicate entry '1' for key 'b' drop table t1; create table t1(a blob, b blob, c blob as (left(a, 5000)) virtual, d blob as (left(b, 5000)) persistent, unique(a,b(4000))); insert into t1(a,b) values(10,11); insert into t1(a,b) values(10,11); ERROR 23000: Duplicate entry '10-11' for key 'a' insert into t1(a,b) values(2,2); insert into t1(a,b) values(2,3); insert into t1(a,b) values(3,2); drop table t1; # # MDEV-18888 Server crashes in Item_field::register_field_in_read_map upon MODIFY COLUMN # CREATE TABLE t1 ( a CHAR(128), b CHAR(128) AS (a), c DATETIME, UNIQUE(c,b(64)) ) ENGINE=InnoDB; ALTER TABLE t1 MODIFY COLUMN c VARCHAR(4096); drop table t1; CREATE TABLE t1 ( a CHAR(128), b CHAR(128) AS (a), c varchar(5000), UNIQUE(c,b(64)) ) ENGINE=InnoDB; drop table t1; # # MDEV-18967 Load data in system version with long unique does not work # CREATE TABLE t1 (data VARCHAR(4), unique(data) using hash) with system versioning; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('A'); SELECT * INTO OUTFILE 'load.data' from t1; LOAD DATA INFILE 'load.data' INTO TABLE t1; ERROR 23000: Duplicate entry 'A' for key 'data' select * from t1; data A DROP TABLE t1; # # MDEV-18901 Wrong results after ADD UNIQUE INDEX(blob_column) # CREATE TABLE t1 (data VARCHAR(7961)) ENGINE=InnoDB; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('f'), ('o'), ('o'); SELECT * INTO OUTFILE 'load.data' from t1; ALTER IGNORE TABLE t1 ADD UNIQUE INDEX (data); SELECT * FROM t1; data f o ALTER TABLE t1 ADD SYSTEM VERSIONING ; SELECT * FROM t1; data f o REPLACE INTO t1 VALUES ('f'), ('o'), ('o'); SELECT * FROM t1; data f o # This should be equivalent to the REPLACE above LOAD DATA INFILE 'load.data' REPLACE INTO TABLE t1; SELECT * FROM t1; data f o DROP TABLE t1; # # MDEV-18953 Hash index on partial char field not working # create table t1 ( c char(10) character set utf8mb4, unique key a using hash (c(1)) ) engine=myisam; show create table t1; Table Create Table t1 CREATE TABLE `t1` ( `c` char(10) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci DEFAULT NULL, UNIQUE KEY `a` (`c`(1)) USING HASH ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_swedish_ci insert into t1 values ('б'); insert into t1 values ('бб'); ERROR 23000: Duplicate entry 'Ð' for key 'a' insert into t1 values ('ббб'); ERROR 23000: Duplicate entry 'Ð' for key 'a' drop table t1; # # MDEV-18904 Assertion `m_part_spec.start_part >= m_part_spec.end_part' failed in ha_partition::index_read_idx_map # CREATE TABLE t1 (a INT, UNIQUE USING HASH (a)) PARTITION BY HASH (a) PARTITIONS 2; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (2); REPLACE INTO t1 VALUES (2); DROP TABLE t1; # # MDEV-18820 Assertion `lock_table_has(trx, index->table, LOCK_IX)' failed in lock_rec_insert_check_and_lock upon INSERT into table with blob key' # set innodb_lock_wait_timeout= 10; CREATE TABLE t1 ( id int primary key, f INT unique ) ENGINE=InnoDB; CREATE TABLE t2 ( id int primary key, a blob unique ) ENGINE=InnoDB; START TRANSACTION; connect con1,localhost,root,,test; connection con1; set innodb_lock_wait_timeout= 10; START TRANSACTION; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1,1)/*1*/; connection default; INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (2, 1)/*2*/ ; connection con1; INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (3, 1)/*3*/; connection default; INSERT IGNORE INTO t1 VALUES (4, 1)/*4*/; connection con1; ERROR 40001: Deadlock found when trying to get lock; try restarting transaction disconnect con1; connection default; DROP TABLE t1, t2; # # MDEV-18791 Wrong error upon creating Aria table with long index on BLOB # CREATE TABLE t1 (a TEXT, UNIQUE(a)) ENGINE=Aria; ERROR 42000: Specified key was too long; max key length is 2300 bytes # # MDEV-20001 Potential dangerous regression: INSERT INTO >=100 rows fail for myisam table with HASH indexes # create table t1(a int, unique(a) using hash); #BULK insert > 100 rows (MI_MIN_ROWS_TO_DISABLE_INDEXES) drop table t1; # # MDEV-21804 Assertion `marked_for_read()' failed upon INSERT into table with long unique blob under binlog_row_image=NOBLOB # SET binlog_row_image= NOBLOB; CREATE TABLE t1 (pk INT PRIMARY KEY, a text ,UNIQUE(a) using hash); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1,'foo'); create table t2(id int primary key, a blob, b varchar(20) as (LEFT(a,2))); INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1, 'foo', default); DROP TABLE t1, t2; SET binlog_row_image= FULL; # # MDEV-22719 Long unique keys are not created when individual key_part->length < max_key_length but SUM(key_parts->length) > max_key_length # CREATE TABLE t1 (a int, b VARCHAR(1000), UNIQUE (a,b)) ENGINE=MyISAM; show index from t1; Table Non_unique Key_name Seq_in_index Column_name Collation Cardinality Sub_part Packed Null Index_type Comment Index_comment Ignored t1 0 a 1 a A NULL NULL NULL YES HASH NO t1 0 a 2 b A NULL NULL NULL YES HASH NO CREATE TABLE t2 (a varchar(900), b VARCHAR(900), UNIQUE (a,b)) ENGINE=MyISAM; show index from t2; Table Non_unique Key_name Seq_in_index Column_name Collation Cardinality Sub_part Packed Null Index_type Comment Index_comment Ignored t2 0 a 1 a A NULL NULL NULL YES HASH NO t2 0 a 2 b A NULL NULL NULL YES HASH NO DROP TABLE t1,t2; # # MDEV-26453 Assertion `0' failed in row_upd_sec_index_entry & corruption # CREATE TABLE t (c INT AUTO_INCREMENT KEY, UNIQUE USING HASH(c)); ERROR HY000: Function or expression 'AUTO_INCREMENT' cannot be used in the USING HASH clause of `c` CREATE TABLE t (c INT AUTO_INCREMENT KEY); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX i USING HASH ON t (c); ERROR HY000: Function or expression 'AUTO_INCREMENT' cannot be used in the USING HASH clause of `c` INSERT INTO t VALUES (0); SELECT * FROM t; c 1 DELETE FROM t; DROP TABLE t; # # MDEV-28098 incorrect key in "dup value" error after long unique # create table t1 (v3 int primary key, v2 text(100) unique not null, v1 int unique) engine=innodb; insert into t1 values ( -32768 , -128 , 58 ) , ( -1 , 44 , -128 ); create table t2 (v6 int primary key, v5 text, a int not null) engine=innodb; insert into t2 values ( 50 , 61 , -1 ) , ( -2147483648 , -128 , 0 ); update t1 set v2 = 1, v3 = -128; ERROR 23000: Duplicate entry '1' for key 'v2' update t1,t2 set v1 = v2 , v5 = 0; ERROR 23000: Duplicate entry '-128' for key 'v1' drop table t1, t2; # # MDEV-23264 Unique blobs allow duplicate values upon UPDATE # CREATE TABLE t1 (f TEXT UNIQUE); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (NULL),(NULL); UPDATE t1 SET f = ''; ERROR 23000: Duplicate entry '' for key 'f' SELECT * FROM t1; f NULL DROP TABLE t1; # # MDEV-21540 Initialization of already inited long unique index on reorganize partition # create table t1 (x int, a blob) partition by range (x) ( partition p1 values less than (50), partition pn values less than maxvalue); insert into t1 values (1, 1), (100, 1); alter table t1 add unique key (a); ERROR 23000: Duplicate entry '1' for key 'a' update t1 set a= x; alter table t1 add unique key (a); update t1 set a= 1; ERROR 23000: Duplicate entry '1' for key 'a' update t1 set a= x + 1; alter table t1 reorganize partition p1 into ( partition n0 values less than (10), partition n1 values less than (50)); drop table t1; # # MDEV-29199 Unique hash key is ignored upon INSERT ... SELECT into non-empty MyISAM table # create table t1 (a int, b text, unique(b)) engine=MyISAM; insert into t1 values (0,'aa'); insert into t1 (a,b) select 1,'xxx' from seq_1_to_5; ERROR 23000: Duplicate entry 'xxx' for key 'b' select * from t1; a b 0 aa 1 xxx drop table t1; # # MDEV-22756 SQL Error (1364): Field 'DB_ROW_HASH_1' doesn't have a default value # create table t1 (f text not null, unique (f)); insert into t1 (f) select 'f'; drop table t1; # # MDEV-32012 hash unique corrupts index on virtual blobs # create table t1 ( f1 varchar(25), v1 mediumtext generated always as (concat('f1:', f1)) virtual, unique key (f1) using hash, key (v1(1000)) ); flush status; insert ignore t1 (f1) values (9599),(94410); show status like 'handler_read_next'; Variable_name Value Handler_read_next 1 # the above MUST BE =1 check table t1 extended; Table Op Msg_type Msg_text test.t1 check status OK update t1 set f1=100 where f1=9599; update t1 set f1=9599 where f1=100; check table t1 extended; Table Op Msg_type Msg_text test.t1 check status OK drop table t1; # # MDEV-32015 insert into an empty table fails with hash unique # create table t1 (f1 varchar(25), unique (f1) using hash); insert ignore t1 (f1) values ('new york'),('virginia'),('spouse'),(null),('zqekmqpwutxnzddrbjycyo'),('nebraska'),('illinois'),('qe'),('ekmqpwut'),('arizona'),('arizona'); Warnings: Warning 1062 Duplicate entry 'arizona' for key 'f1' check table t1 extended; Table Op Msg_type Msg_text test.t1 check status OK drop table t1; # # End of 10.4 tests # # # MDEV-22113 SIGSEGV, ASAN use-after-poison, Assertion `next_insert_id == 0' in handler::ha_external_lock # create temporary table tmp ( a int, b int, c blob not null, d int, e int default 0, f int, unique key (c)) engine=innodb; create table t2 (x int); lock table t2 write; update tmp set c = 'foo'; start transaction; alter table tmp alter column a set default 8; unlock tables; drop table t2; # # MDEV-22218 InnoDB: Failing assertion: node->pcur->rel_pos == BTR_PCUR_ON upon LOAD DATA with NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES in SQL_MODE and unique blob in table # create table t1 (pk int primary key, f blob, unique(f)) engine=innodb; insert t1 values (1, null); select * into outfile 't1.data' from t1; load data infile 't1.data' replace into table t1; select * from t1; pk f 1 NULL drop table t1; create table t1 (a int, b blob) engine=myisam; insert t1 values (1,'foo'),(2,'bar'), (3, 'bar'); create table t2 (c int, d blob, unique(d)) engine=myisam; insert t2 select * from t1; ERROR 23000: Duplicate entry 'bar' for key 'd' select * from t2; c d 1 foo 2 bar insert ignore t2 select * from t1; Warnings: Warning 1062 Duplicate entry 'foo' for key 'd' Warning 1062 Duplicate entry 'bar' for key 'd' Warning 1062 Duplicate entry 'bar' for key 'd' select * from t2; c d 1 foo 2 bar replace t2 select * from t1; select * from t2; c d 1 foo 3 bar update t1, t2 set t2.d='off' where t1.a=t2.c and t1.b='foo'; select * from t2; c d 1 off 3 bar alter table t2 add system versioning; delete from t2 using t1, t2 where t1.a=t2.c and t1.b='foo'; select * from t2; c d 3 bar create or replace table t2 (a int, b blob, unique(b)) as select * from t1; ERROR 23000: Duplicate entry 'bar' for key 'b' select * from t2; ERROR 42S02: Table 'test.t2' doesn't exist create or replace table t2 (a int, b blob, unique(b)) ignore as select * from t1; Warnings: Warning 1062 Duplicate entry 'bar' for key 'b' select * from t2; a b 1 foo 2 bar create or replace table t2 (a int, b blob, unique(b)) replace as select * from t1; select * from t2; a b 1 foo 3 bar drop table if exists t1, t2; # # MDEV-22185 Failing assertion: node->pcur->rel_pos == BTR_PCUR_ON or ER_KEY_NOT_FOUND or Assertion `inited==NONE' failed in handler::ha_index_init # create table t1 (a int, b int, unique (b) using hash) engine=innodb partition by key (a) partitions 2; insert into t1 values (1,10),(2,20); update t1 set b = 30 limit 1; drop table t1; # # End of 10.5 tests #