set default_storage_engine=innodb; # # MDEV-22761 KILL QUERY during rowid_filter, crashes # create table t2(a int); insert into t2 select * from seq_0_to_99; CREATE TABLE t3 ( key1 int , key2 int, filler varchar(255), KEY (key1), KEY (key2) ); select engine from information_schema.tables where table_schema=database() and table_name='t3'; engine InnoDB insert into t3 select A.seq, B.seq, 'filler-data-filler-data' from seq_0_to_99 A, seq_0_to_99 B; analyze table t2,t3; Table Op Msg_type Msg_text test.t2 analyze status Engine-independent statistics collected test.t2 analyze status OK test.t3 analyze status Engine-independent statistics collected test.t3 analyze status OK explain select * from t2, t3 where t3.key1=t2.a and t3.key2 in (2,3); id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE t2 ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 100 Using where 1 SIMPLE t3 ref|filter key1,key2 key1|key2 5|5 test.t2.a 100 (2%) Using where; Using rowid filter set debug_sync='handler_rowid_filter_check SIGNAL at_rowid_filter_check WAIT_FOR go'; select * from t2, t3 where t3.key1=t2.a and t3.key2 in (2,3); connect con1, localhost, root,,; set debug_sync='now WAIT_FOR at_rowid_filter_check'; kill query $target_id; set debug_sync='now SIGNAL go'; connection default; disconnect con1; ERROR 70100: Query execution was interrupted set debug_sync='RESET'; drop table t2,t3; set default_storage_engine=default;