--source include/no_valgrind_without_big.inc --source include/have_stat_tables.inc --source include/have_sequence.inc --source include/default_charset.inc --source include/not_embedded.inc --disable_warnings drop table if exists t0,t1,t2,t3; --enable_warnings select @@global.use_stat_tables; select @@session.use_stat_tables; set @save_use_stat_tables=@@use_stat_tables; set use_stat_tables='preferably'; --source include/default_optimizer_switch.inc set @save_optimizer_use_condition_selectivity=@@optimizer_use_condition_selectivity; set @save_histogram_size=@@histogram_size; set @save_histogram_type=@@histogram_type; set join_cache_level=2; set @@global.histogram_size=0,@@local.histogram_size=0; set histogram_type='single_prec_hb'; # check that statistics on nulls is used set optimizer_use_condition_selectivity=3; --echo # --echo # MDEV-31067: selectivity_from_histogram >1.0 for a DOUBLE_PREC_HB histogram --echo # create table t0(a int); # This holds how many rows we hold in a bucket. insert into t0 select 1 from seq_1_to_78; create table t1(a int); # one-third of a bucket insert into t1 select 1 from seq_1_to_26; create table t10 (a int); insert into t10 select 0 from t0, seq_1_to_4; insert into t10 select 8693 from t1; insert into t10 select 8694 from t1; insert into t10 select 8695 from t1; insert into t10 select 34783 from t1; insert into t10 select 34784 from t1; insert into t10 select 34785 from t1; insert into t10 select 34785 from t0, seq_1_to_8; insert into t10 select 65214 from t1; insert into t10 select 65215 from t1; insert into t10 select 65216 from t1; insert into t10 select 65216 from t0, seq_1_to_52; insert into t10 select 65217 from t1; insert into t10 select 65218 from t1; insert into t10 select 65219 from t1; insert into t10 select 65219 from t0; insert into t10 select 73913 from t1; insert into t10 select 73914 from t1; insert into t10 select 73915 from t1; insert into t10 select 73915 from t0, seq_1_to_40; insert into t10 select 78257 from t1; insert into t10 select 78258 from t1; insert into t10 select 78259 from t1; insert into t10 select 91300 from t1; insert into t10 select 91301 from t1; insert into t10 select 91302 from t1; insert into t10 select 91302 from t0, seq_1_to_6; insert into t10 select 91303 from t1; # Only 1/3rd of bucket matches the search tuple insert into t10 select 91304 from t1; insert into t10 select 91305 from t1; insert into t10 select 91305 from t0, seq_1_to_8; insert into t10 select 99998 from t1; insert into t10 select 99999 from t1; insert into t10 select 100000 from t1; set use_stat_tables=preferably; analyze table t10 persistent for all; flush tables; set @tmp=@@optimizer_trace; set optimizer_trace=1; explain select * from t10 where a in (91303); --echo # Must have selectivity_from_histogram <= 1.0: select json_detailed(json_extract(trace, '$**.selectivity_for_columns')) as sel from information_schema.optimizer_trace; set optimizer_trace=@tmp; drop table t0,t1,t10; set optimizer_use_condition_selectivity= @save_optimizer_use_condition_selectivity; set histogram_size=@save_histogram_size; set use_stat_tables= @save_use_stat_tables; --echo # --echo # End of 10.4 tests --echo # --echo # --echo # Clean up --echo # --source include/restore_charset.inc set @@global.histogram_size=@save_histogram_size;