use test; drop function if exists a; drop function if exists x; drop function if exists y; create function a() returns int return 1; create function x() returns int return 2; Warnings: Note 1585 This function 'x' has the same name as a native function create function y() returns int return 3; Warnings: Note 1585 This function 'y' has the same name as a native function select a(); a() 1 select x(); ERROR 42000: Incorrect parameter count in the call to native function 'x' select y(); ERROR 42000: Incorrect parameter count in the call to native function 'y' select x(PointFromText("POINT(10 20)")), y(PointFromText("POINT(10 20)")); x(PointFromText("POINT(10 20)")) y(PointFromText("POINT(10 20)")) 10 20 select test.a(), test.x(), test.y(); test.a() test.x() test.y() 1 2 3 drop function a; drop function x; drop function y; # # Start of 10.5 tests # # # MDEV-19944 Remove GIS data types from keyword list in lex.h # CREATE FUNCTION point() RETURNS POINT RETURN NULL; Warnings: Note 1585 This function 'point' has the same name as a native function SELECT point(); point() NULL DROP FUNCTION point; CREATE FUNCTION point(x INT) RETURNS POINT RETURN NULL; Warnings: Note 1585 This function 'point' has the same name as a native function SELECT point(1); point(1) NULL DROP FUNCTION point; CREATE FUNCTION point(x INT, y INT) RETURNS POINT RETURN NULL; Warnings: Note 1585 This function 'point' has the same name as a native function SELECT AsText(point(1,1)); AsText(point(1,1)) POINT(1 1) DROP FUNCTION point; CREATE FUNCTION linestring() RETURNS POINT RETURN NULL; Warnings: Note 1585 This function 'linestring' has the same name as a native function SELECT linestring(); linestring() NULL DROP FUNCTION linestring; CREATE FUNCTION polygon() RETURNS POINT RETURN NULL; Warnings: Note 1585 This function 'polygon' has the same name as a native function SELECT polygon(); polygon() NULL DROP FUNCTION polygon; CREATE FUNCTION multipoint() RETURNS POINT RETURN NULL; Warnings: Note 1585 This function 'multipoint' has the same name as a native function SELECT multipoint(); multipoint() NULL DROP FUNCTION multipoint; CREATE FUNCTION multilinestring() RETURNS POINT RETURN NULL; Warnings: Note 1585 This function 'multilinestring' has the same name as a native function SELECT multilinestring(); multilinestring() NULL DROP FUNCTION multilinestring; CREATE FUNCTION multipolygon() RETURNS POINT RETURN NULL; Warnings: Note 1585 This function 'multipolygon' has the same name as a native function SELECT multipolygon(); multipolygon() NULL DROP FUNCTION multipolygon; CREATE FUNCTION geometrycollection() RETURNS POINT RETURN NULL; Warnings: Note 1585 This function 'geometrycollection' has the same name as a native function SELECT geometrycollection(); geometrycollection() NULL DROP FUNCTION geometrycollection; # # End of 10.5 tests #