# # MDEV-9144 JSON data type # create or replace table t1(a json); show create table t1; --error ER_PARSE_ERROR create or replace table t1(a json character set utf8); create or replace table t1(a json default '{a:1}'); show create table t1; create or replace table t1(a json not null check (json_valid(a))); show create table t1; insert t1 values ('[]'); --error ER_CONSTRAINT_FAILED insert t1 values ('a'); create or replace table t1(a json not null); show create table t1; insert t1 values ('[]'); --error ER_CONSTRAINT_FAILED insert t1 values ('a'); set timestamp=unix_timestamp('2010:11:12 13:14:15'); create or replace table t1(a json default(json_object('now', now()))); show create table t1; insert t1 values (); select * from t1; drop table t1; create table t1 (t json) as select json_quote('foo') as t; create table t2 (a json) as select json_quote('foo') as t; create table t3 like t1; select * from t1; show create table t1; show create table t2; show create table t3; drop table t1,t2,t3; create table t1 (t json check (length(t) > 0)); show create table t1; drop table t1; create table t1 (t text) engine=myisam; insert into t1 values ("{}"),(""); --error ER_CONSTRAINT_FAILED create table t2 (t json) select t from t1; --error ER_NO_SUCH_TABLE select * from t2; drop table t1; create or replace table t1(a json default(json_object('now', 1)) check (json_valid(a))); insert into t1 values (); insert into t1 values ("{}"); --error ER_CONSTRAINT_FAILED insert into t1 values ("xxx"); select * from t1; show create table t1; drop table t1; --error ER_PARSE_ERROR select cast('{a:1}' as text); --error ER_PARSE_ERROR select cast('{a:1}' as json); --echo # --echo # Start of 10.5 tests --echo # --echo # --echo # MDEV-17832 Protocol: extensions for Pluggable types and JSON, GEOMETRY --echo # SET NAMES utf8; CREATE TABLE t1 ( js0 JSON, js1 TEXT CHECK (JSON_VALID(js1)), js2 TEXT CHECK (LENGTH(js2) > 0 AND JSON_VALID(js2)), js3 TEXT CHECK (LENGTH(js2) > 0 OR JSON_VALID(js2)) ) CHARACTER SET utf8; --disable_view_protocol --disable_ps_protocol --enable_metadata SELECT * FROM t1; SELECT js0, JSON_COMPACT(js0), JSON_COMPACT('{}') FROM t1; --disable_metadata --enable_ps_protocol --enable_view_protocol DROP TABLE t1; --echo # --echo # MDEV-27361 Hybrid functions with JSON arguments do not send format metadata --echo # CREATE TABLE t1 (a JSON); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('{"a":"b"}'); --disable_view_protocol --disable_ps_protocol --enable_metadata SELECT a, JSON_COMPACT(a), COALESCE(a) FROM t1; SELECT JSON_ARRAYAGG(1), JSON_ARRAYAGG(a) FROM t1; SELECT JSON_OBJECTAGG('a','b'), JSON_OBJECTAGG('a',a) FROM t1; --disable_metadata --disable_ps_protocol --enable_view_protocol DROP TABLE t1; --echo # --echo # MDEV-27018 IF and COALESCE lose "json" property --echo # --disable_view_protocol --disable_ps_protocol --enable_metadata SELECT json_object('a', (SELECT json_objectagg(b, c) FROM (SELECT 'b','c') d)) AS j FROM DUAL; --disable_metadata --disable_ps_protocol --enable_view_protocol --echo # --echo # MDEV-26506 Over-quoted JSON when combining JSON_ARRAYAGG with JSON_OBJECT --echo # --echo # maintain JSON property through internal temporary tables create table t1 (a varchar(30)); insert into t1 values ('root'); select json_object('attr2',o) from (select a, json_arrayagg(json_object('attr1', a)) as o from t1) u; drop table t1; create view v1 as select json_object(_latin1 'a', _latin1'b') as v1_json; select v1_json from v1; select json_arrayagg(v1_json) from v1; drop view v1; --echo # --echo # End of 10.5 tests --echo #