include/ [connection master] connection slave; Master_User = 'root' Master_Host = '' include/ change master to master_user='test'; Master_User = 'test' Master_Host = '' include/ Master_User = 'test' Master_Host = '' change master to master_user='root'; include/ Master_User = 'root' Master_Host = '' include/ include/ include/ connection master; create temporary table t1 (a int); connection slave; include/ include/ include/ show status like 'slave_open_temp_tables'; Variable_name Value Slave_open_temp_tables 0 connection master; drop temporary table if exists t1; connection slave; include/ include/ include/ change master to master_user='impossible_user_name'; start slave; include/ [errno=1045] include/ change master to master_user='root'; include/ include/ stop slave; change master to master_user='impossible_user_name'; start slave; include/ [errno=1045] include/ include/ include/ change master to master_user='root'; include/ include/ include/ reset slave all; set @@global.gtid_slave_pos= ""; start slave; ERROR HY000: Misconfigured slave: MASTER_HOST was not set; Fix in config file or with CHANGE MASTER TO CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_HOST= 'MASTER_HOST', MASTER_USER= 'MASTER_USER', MASTER_PORT= MASTER_PORT; include/ include/