########### suite/funcs_1/datadict/processlist_val.inc ######################### # # # Testing of values within INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PROCESSLIST # # # # Ensure that the values fit to the current state of the connection and # # especially that they change if a connection does nothing or runs some SQL. # # runs some SQL. # # Examples: # # - change the default database # # - send some period of time no SQL command to the server # # - send a long running query # # # # Note(mleich): # # 1. Please inform me if this test fails because of timing problems. # # 2. Storage engine variants of this test do not make sense. # # - I_S tables use the MEMORY storage engine whenever possible. # # - There are some I_S tables which need column data types which are not # # supported by MEMORY. Example: LONGTEXT/BLOB # # MyISAM will be used for such tables. # # The column PROCESSLIST.INFO is of data type LONGTEXT ----> MyISAM # # - There is no impact of the GLOBAL(server) or SESSION default storage # # engine setting on the engine used for I_S tables. # # 3. The SHOW (FULL) PROCESSLIST command are for comparison. # # The main test target is INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PROCESSLIST ! # # 4. Attention: # # The values of the PROCESSLIST columns HOST and TIME tend to cause # # problems and therefore their printing has to be suppressed. # # Examples of the exact values: # # HOST: 'localhost' (UNIX derivates) # # 'localhost:' (WINDOWS) # # TIME: In many cases within this test 0 seconds but if the testing box is # # overloaded we might get up to 2 seconds. # # Solution: # # --replace_column 1 3 6