connection node_2; connection node_1; CREATE USER 'userMW416'@'localhost'; GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE ON test.* TO 'userMW416'@'localhost'; connect userMW416, localhost, userMW416,, test, $NODE_MYPORT_1; connection userMW416; ALTER DATABASE db CHARACTER SET = utf8; ERROR 42000: Access denied for user 'userMW416'@'localhost' to database 'db' ALTER EVENT ev1 RENAME TO ev2; ERROR 42000: Access denied for user 'userMW416'@'localhost' to database 'test' ALTER FUNCTION fun1 COMMENT 'foo'; ERROR 42000: alter routine command denied to user 'userMW416'@'localhost' for routine 'test.fun1' ALTER PROCEDURE proc1 COMMENT 'foo'; Got one of the listed errors ALTER SERVER srv OPTIONS (USER 'sally'); Got one of the listed errors ALTER TABLE tbl DROP COLUMN col; Got one of the listed errors ALTER VIEW vw AS SELECT 1; Got one of the listed errors CREATE DATABASE db; Got one of the listed errors CREATE EVENT ev1 ON SCHEDULE AT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP DO SELECT 1; Got one of the listed errors CREATE FUNCTION fun1() RETURNS int RETURN(1); Got one of the listed errors CREATE FUNCTION fun1 RETURNS STRING SONAME ''; Got one of the listed errors CREATE PROCEDURE proc1() BEGIN END; Got one of the listed errors CREATE INDEX idx ON tbl(id); Got one of the listed errors CREATE SERVER srv FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER 'fdw' OPTIONS (USER 'user'); Got one of the listed errors CREATE TABLE t (i int); Got one of the listed errors CREATE TRIGGER trg BEFORE UPDATE ON t FOR EACH ROW BEGIN END; Got one of the listed errors CREATE VIEW vw AS SELECT 1; Got one of the listed errors DROP DATABASE db; Got one of the listed errors DROP EVENT ev; Got one of the listed errors DROP FUNCTION fun1; Got one of the listed errors DROP INDEX idx ON t0; Got one of the listed errors DROP PROCEDURE proc1; Got one of the listed errors DROP SERVEr srv; Got one of the listed errors DROP TABLE t0; Got one of the listed errors DROP TRIGGER trg; Got one of the listed errors DROP VIEW vw; Got one of the listed errors RENAME TABLE t0 TO t1; Got one of the listed errors TRUNCATE TABLE t0; Got one of the listed errors ALTER USER myuser PASSWORD EXPIRE; Got one of the listed errors CREATE USER myuser IDENTIFIED BY 'pass'; Got one of the listed errors DROP USER myuser; Got one of the listed errors GRANT ALL ON *.* TO 'myuser'; Got one of the listed errors RENAME USER myuser TO mariauser; Got one of the listed errors REVOKE SELECT ON test FROM myuser; Got one of the listed errors REVOKE ALL, GRANT OPTION FROM myuser; Got one of the listed errors REVOKE PROXY ON myuser FROM myuser; Got one of the listed errors ANALYZE TABLE db.tbl; Got one of the listed errors CHECK TABLE db.tbl; Got one of the listed errors CHECKSUM TABLE db.tbl; Got one of the listed errors OPTIMIZE TABLE db.tbl; Got one of the listed errors REPAIR TABLE db.tbl; Got one of the listed errors INSTALL PLUGIN plg SONAME ''; Got one of the listed errors UNINSTALL PLUGIN plg; Got one of the listed errors connection node_1; DROP USER 'userMW416'@'localhost'; SHOW DATABASES; Database information_schema mtr mysql performance_schema sys test