# # MDEV-24327 wsrep XID checkpointing order violation with log_slave_updates=OFF # # Here we have configure two node cluster with --log-bin=ON and --log-slave_-updates=OFF # # a transaction in node executes so far that it has replicated and reached # commit phase, We have sync point before entering commit order monitor and # the transaction is parked there # # Then another transaction is executed in node 2, it replicates and commits in node 2 # and is received and applied in node 1. After applying it will remain waiting for # commit order monitor, as it has later seqno than the first transaction in node 1. # # control connection in node 1 waits to see the # # With the buggy version of MDEV-24327, the applier has however, already synced the # wsrep XID checkpoint # # # --source include/galera_cluster.inc --source include/have_innodb.inc --source include/have_debug_sync.inc --source include/galera_have_debug_sync.inc CREATE TABLE t1 (f1 INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, f2 CHAR(1)); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1, 'f'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (2, 'g'); --connection node_1 SET AUTOCOMMIT=ON; START TRANSACTION; UPDATE t1 SET f2 = '1' WHERE f1 = 1; --connect node_1a,, root, , test, $NODE_MYPORT_1 SET SESSION wsrep_sync_wait=0; --connection node_1a --let $expected_wsrep_received = `SELECT VARIABLE_VALUE+1 FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.GLOBAL_STATUS WHERE VARIABLE_NAME = 'wsrep_received'` --source include/galera_wait_sync_point.inc --source include/galera_clear_sync_point.inc # Block the commit, send the COMMIT and wait until it gets blocked --let $galera_sync_point = commit_monitor_master_enter_sync --source include/galera_set_sync_point.inc --connection node_1 --send COMMIT --connection node_1a # wait for the commit to block in sync point --let $galera_sync_point = commit_monitor_master_enter_sync --source include/galera_wait_sync_point.inc --source include/galera_clear_sync_point.inc # # replicate non conflicting transaction from node 2 # it will get later seqno and should sync XID checkpoint after transaction in node 1 # --connection node_2 UPDATE t1 SET f2 = '2' WHERE f1 = 2; # # wait until update from node 2 has been committed # if XID checkpointing order was violated, node 1 would crash for assert # --connection node_1a --let $wait_condition = SELECT VARIABLE_VALUE = $expected_wsrep_received FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.GLOBAL_STATUS WHERE VARIABLE_NAME = 'wsrep_received' --source include/wait_condition.inc --let $galera_sync_point = commit_monitor_master_enter_sync --source include/galera_signal_sync_point.inc --source include/galera_clear_sync_point.inc --connection node_1 --reap SELECT * FROM t1; --echo "node 1 is complete now" --connection node_2 DROP TABLE t1;