# # MDEV-32282 # # A node remains in paused state after two interleaving FTWRLs, # and the following CREATE TABLE fails with # # ER_UNKNOWN_COM_ERROR (1047): Aborting TOI: Replication paused on # node for FTWRL/BACKUP STAGE. # # node_1 node_1_a # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # FTWRL # UNLOCK TABLES wait after resume_and_resync() # FTWRL wait after desync_and_pause() # continue # continue # UNLOCK TABLES # CREATE TABLE fails # --source include/galera_cluster.inc --source include/have_innodb.inc --source include/have_debug_sync.inc # Connection to control sync points --connect node_1_ctrl,, root, , test, $NODE_MYPORT_1 SET SESSION wsrep_sync_wait=0; --echo # --echo # Case 1: FTWRL --echo # --connection node_1 SET SESSION wsrep_sync_wait=0; FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK; SHOW STATUS LIKE 'wsrep_local_state_comment'; SET SESSION debug_sync = "wsrep_unlock_global_read_lock_after_resume_and_resync SIGNAL unlock_ready WAIT_FOR unlock_continue"; --send UNLOCK TABLES --connection node_1_ctrl SET debug_sync = "now WAIT_FOR unlock_ready"; --connect node_1_a,, root, , test, $NODE_MYPORT_1 --connection node_1_a SET SESSION debug_sync = "wsrep_global_read_lock_block_commit_after_pause SIGNAL lock_ready WAIT_FOR lock_continue"; --send FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK --connection node_1_ctrl SET debug_sync = "now WAIT_FOR lock_ready"; SET debug_sync = "now SIGNAL unlock_continue"; --connection node_1 --reap --connection node_1_ctrl SET debug_sync = "now SIGNAL lock_continue"; --connection node_1_a --reap UNLOCK TABLES; --let $wait_condition = SELECT VARIABLE_VALUE = "Synced" FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.GLOBAL_STATUS WHERE VARIABLE_NAME = "wsrep_local_state_comment" --source include/wait_condition.inc CREATE TABLE t1 (f1 INT PRIMARY KEY) ENGINE=InnoDB; DROP TABLE t1; --connection node_1_ctrl SET debug_sync = "RESET"; --echo # --echo # Case 2: BACKUP STAGE --echo # # Although BACKUP STAGE was not involved in MDEV-32282, add a testcase # as it uses similar mechanism to pause and desync the node. # --connection node_1 SET SESSION wsrep_sync_wait=0; BACKUP STAGE START; BACKUP STAGE BLOCK_DDL; SHOW STATUS LIKE 'wsrep_local_state_comment'; SET SESSION debug_sync = "wsrep_backup_stage_after_resume_and_resync SIGNAL resume_and_resync_ready WAIT_FOR resume_and_resync_continue"; --send BACKUP STAGE END --connection node_1_ctrl SET debug_sync = "now WAIT_FOR resume_and_resync_ready"; --connection node_1_a BACKUP STAGE START; SET SESSION debug_sync = "wsrep_backup_stage_after_desync_and_pause SIGNAL desync_and_pause_ready WAIT_FOR desync_and_pause_continue"; --send BACKUP STAGE BLOCK_DDL --connection node_1_ctrl SET debug_sync = "now WAIT_FOR desync_and_pause_ready"; SET debug_sync = "now SIGNAL resume_and_resync_continue"; --connection node_1 --reap --connection node_1_ctrl SET debug_sync = "now SIGNAL desync_and_pause_continue"; --connection node_1_a --reap BACKUP STAGE END; --let $wait_condition = SELECT VARIABLE_VALUE = "Synced" FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.GLOBAL_STATUS WHERE VARIABLE_NAME = "wsrep_local_state_comment" --source include/wait_condition.inc CREATE TABLE t1 (f1 INT PRIMARY KEY) ENGINE=InnoDB; DROP TABLE t1; --connection node_1_ctrl SET debug_sync = "RESET"; --echo # --echo # Case 3: FTWRL first, BACKUP STAGE second --echo # --connection node_1 SET SESSION wsrep_sync_wait=0; SET SESSION wsrep_sync_wait=0; FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK; SHOW STATUS LIKE 'wsrep_local_state_comment'; SET SESSION debug_sync = "wsrep_unlock_global_read_lock_after_resume_and_resync SIGNAL unlock_ready WAIT_FOR unlock_continue"; --send UNLOCK TABLES --connection node_1_ctrl SET debug_sync = "now WAIT_FOR unlock_ready"; --connection node_1_a BACKUP STAGE START; SET SESSION debug_sync = "wsrep_backup_stage_after_desync_and_pause SIGNAL desync_and_pause_ready WAIT_FOR desync_and_pause_continue"; --send BACKUP STAGE BLOCK_DDL --connection node_1_ctrl SET debug_sync = "now WAIT_FOR desync_and_pause_ready"; SET debug_sync = "now SIGNAL unlock_continue"; --connection node_1 --reap --connection node_1_ctrl SET debug_sync = "now SIGNAL desync_and_pause_continue"; --connection node_1_a --reap BACKUP STAGE END; --let $wait_condition = SELECT VARIABLE_VALUE = "Synced" FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.GLOBAL_STATUS WHERE VARIABLE_NAME = "wsrep_local_state_comment" --source include/wait_condition.inc CREATE TABLE t1 (f1 INT PRIMARY KEY) ENGINE=InnoDB; DROP TABLE t1; --connection node_1_ctrl SET debug_sync = "RESET"; --echo # --echo # Case 4: BACKUP STAGE first, then FTWRL --echo # --connection node_1 SET SESSION wsrep_sync_wait=0; BACKUP STAGE START; BACKUP STAGE BLOCK_DDL; SHOW STATUS LIKE 'wsrep_local_state_comment'; SET SESSION debug_sync = "wsrep_backup_stage_after_resume_and_resync SIGNAL resume_and_resync_ready WAIT_FOR resume_and_resync_continue"; --send BACKUP STAGE END --connection node_1_ctrl SET debug_sync = "now WAIT_FOR resume_and_resync_ready"; --connection node_1_a SET SESSION debug_sync = "wsrep_global_read_lock_block_commit_after_pause SIGNAL lock_ready WAIT_FOR lock_continue"; --send FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK --connection node_1_ctrl SET debug_sync = "now WAIT_FOR lock_ready"; SET debug_sync = "now SIGNAL resume_and_resync_continue"; --connection node_1 --reap --connection node_1_ctrl SET debug_sync = "now SIGNAL lock_continue"; --connection node_1_a --reap UNLOCK TABLES; --let $wait_condition = SELECT VARIABLE_VALUE = "Synced" FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.GLOBAL_STATUS WHERE VARIABLE_NAME = "wsrep_local_state_comment" --source include/wait_condition.inc CREATE TABLE t1 (f1 INT PRIMARY KEY) ENGINE=InnoDB; DROP TABLE t1; --connection node_1_ctrl SET debug_sync = "RESET";