--source include/big_test.inc --source include/force_restart.inc --source include/galera_cluster.inc --source include/have_sequence.inc # # MDEV-28641 : Query cache entries not invalidated on slave of a Galera cluster # # We use two 2-node galera clusters as follows # # A(1) <-> B(2) {Galera cluster 1} # | {Async replication} # D(3) <-> E(4) {Galera cluster 2} # # Normal asyncronous replication is used between nodes 1 and 3 # so that node_1 is master and node_3 a slave. # # In this test we can't test is some query fast or slow but we can # test does all nodes see all rows (this is not true before fix) # --connect node_3,, root, , test, $NODE_MYPORT_3 --connect node_4,, root, , test, $NODE_MYPORT_4 --connection node_2 call mtr.add_suppression("WSREP: Ignoring server id for non bootstrap node."); --connection node_4 call mtr.add_suppression("WSREP: Ignoring server id for non bootstrap node."); --connection node_3 --replace_result $NODE_MYPORT_1 NODE_MYPORT_1 --eval CHANGE MASTER TO master_host='', master_user='root', master_port=$NODE_MYPORT_1, master_ssl_verify_server_cert=0, master_use_gtid=current_pos START SLAVE; --source include/wait_for_slave_to_start.inc --connection node_1 CREATE TABLE t1 (id bigint primary key, msg varchar(100)) engine=innodb; --disable_query_log INSERT INTO t1 SELECT seq, md5(rand()) from seq_1_to_50000; COMMIT; --enable_query_log SET AUTOCOMMIT=1; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (4000000, 'foobar'); SELECT COUNT(*) FROM t1; --sync_slave_with_master node_3 # # All nodes should see one row and first query is slow and second fast # --connection node_1 --echo # node_1 SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE msg='foobar'; SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE msg='foobar'; --connection node_2 --echo # node_2 SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE msg='foobar'; SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE msg='foobar'; --connection node_3 --echo # node_3 SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE msg='foobar'; SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE msg='foobar'; --connection node_4 --echo # node_4 SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE msg='foobar'; SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE msg='foobar'; # # Insert a new row in master, this should cause query cache # invalidation # --connection node_1 --echo # node_1 insert new INSERT INTO t1 values (5000000, 'foobar'); --sync_slave_with_master node_3 # # All nodes should see 2 rows # SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE msg='foobar'; SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE msg='foobar'; --connection node_2 --echo # node_2 SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE msg='foobar'; SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE msg='foobar'; --connection node_3 --echo # node_3 SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE msg='foobar'; SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE msg='foobar'; --connection node_4 --echo # node_4 SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE msg='foobar'; SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE msg='foobar'; --connection node_2 --echo # node_3 different query same table SELECT id, msg FROM t1 WHERE msg='foobar'; --connection node_4 --echo # node_6 different query same table SELECT id, msg FROM t1 WHERE msg='foobar'; # # Cleanup # --connection node_1 drop table t1; --sync_slave_with_master node_3 --connection node_3 STOP SLAVE; RESET SLAVE ALL; --connection node_1 SET SESSION WSREP_ON=OFF; RESET MASTER; SET SESSION WSREP_ON=ON; --source include/galera_end.inc --echo # End of test