--source include/galera_cluster.inc
--source include/have_debug.inc
--source include/have_debug_sync.inc
--source include/galera_have_debug_sync.inc
--source include/have_log_bin.inc

# Test case to stress the order of wsrep XID checkpointing.
# In buggy version, the transaction which failed certification can
# rush to record wsrep XID checkpoint before the offending applier,
# causing assert in innodb sys header update routine

--echo #
--echo # test the order of wsrep XID storage after certifiation failure
--echo #

--connection node_1
set session wsrep_sync_wait=0;

create table t1 (i int primary key, j int);

insert into t1 values (4, 0);

--connect node_2b,, root, , test, $NODE_MYPORT_2
--connection node_2b
set session wsrep_sync_wait=0;
# wait for the last insert to be replicated from node 1
--let $wait_condition = SELECT COUNT(*) = 1 FROM test.t1;
--source include/wait_condition.inc

# block applier before applying
SET GLOBAL debug_dbug = "d,sync.wsrep_apply_cb";

# send update from node 1, it will pause in the sync point
--connection node_1
UPDATE test.t1 set j=1 where i=4;

--connection node_2b
# wait until applier has reached the sync point
SET SESSION DEBUG_SYNC = "now WAIT_FOR sync.wsrep_apply_cb_reached";

# look number of cert failures so far, and expect one more to happen
--let $expected_cert_failures = `SELECT VARIABLE_VALUE+1 FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.GLOBAL_STATUS WHERE VARIABLE_NAME = 'wsrep_local_cert_failures'`

# Inject a conflicting update in node 2, it should fail in certification
--connection node_2
set session wsrep_sync_wait=0;
set session wsrep_retry_autocommit=0;
--send UPDATE test.t1 SET j=2  WHERE i=4

--connection node_2b
# wait until the update has hit certification failure

--let $wait_condition = SELECT VARIABLE_VALUE = $expected_cert_failures FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.GLOBAL_STATUS WHERE VARIABLE_NAME = 'wsrep_local_cert_failures'
--source include/wait_condition.inc

# release the applier
SET DEBUG_SYNC = "now SIGNAL signal.wsrep_apply_cb";

SET GLOBAL debug_dbug = "";

--connection node_2
select * from t1;