connection node_2; connection node_1; CREATE SEQUENCE SEQ NOCACHE ENGINE=InnoDB; SET SESSION wsrep_trx_fragment_size=1; SET collation_connection=utf16_thai_520_w2; SET autocommit=0; CREATE TABLE t1 (a BLOB UNIQUE); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('AAF'); SELECT SETVAL (SEQ, 100); ERROR 42000: This version of MariaDB doesn't yet support 'SEQUENCEs with streaming replication in Galera cluster' ALTER TABLE t1 ADD CONSTRAINT constraint_1 UNIQUE (a); Warnings: Note 1831 Duplicate index `constraint_1`. This is deprecated and will be disallowed in a future release INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(); ALTER TABLE t1 ADD KEY(b (50)); ERROR 42000: Key column 'b' doesn't exist in table DROP TABLE t1,SEQ;