# DEBUG_SYNC must be compiled in. --source include/have_debug_sync.inc --source include/have_debug.inc # We need to test the use case: # a. Create a transaction T1 that will be promoted to RW. # b. Create a transaction T2 that will be promoted to RW. # a. Create a RO transaction T3 # d. T3 does a select - creates a read view that doesn't include T1 and T2 # e. T1 & T2 do some updates - this promotes T1 & T2 to RW transactions # f. T1 & T2 Commit # g. T3 Does a select - it should not see the changes of T1 & T2 --source include/have_innodb.inc --source include/count_sessions.inc CREATE TABLE t1 (c1 INT , c2 CHAR(10), PRIMARY KEY (c1)) ENGINE = InnoDB; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(0, "0"); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(1, "1"); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(2, "2"); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(3, "3"); CREATE TABLE t2 (c1 INT , c2 CHAR(10), PRIMARY KEY (c1)) ENGINE = InnoDB; INSERT INTO t2 VALUES(0, "a"); INSERT INTO t2 VALUES(1, "b"); INSERT INTO t2 VALUES(2, "c"); INSERT INTO t2 VALUES(3, "d"); --connect (con1,localhost,root,,) SET AUTOCOMMIT=0; BEGIN; SELECT * FROM t2; connection default; SET AUTOCOMMIT=0; BEGIN; SELECT * FROM t1; --connect (con2,localhost,root,,) SET AUTOCOMMIT=0; SET SESSION TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL REPEATABLE READ; BEGIN; SELECT * FROM t1; SELECT * FROM t2; connection con1; UPDATE t2 SET c1 = c1 + 100; SELECT * FROM t2; COMMIT; connection default; UPDATE t1 SET c1 = c1 + 100; SELECT * FROM t1; COMMIT; connection con2; SET DEBUG_SYNC='row_search_for_mysql_before_return WAIT_FOR waiting1'; --send SELECT * FROM t1; connection default; SET DEBUG_SYNC='now SIGNAL waiting1'; connection con2; reap; connection con2; SET DEBUG_SYNC='row_search_for_mysql_before_return WAIT_FOR waiting1'; --send SELECT * FROM t2; connection default; SET DEBUG_SYNC='now SIGNAL waiting1'; connection con2; reap; connection default; # We need to test the use case: # a. Create a transaction T1 that will be promoted to RW. # b. Create a transaction T2 that will be promoted to RW. # c. T2 does some updates - this promotes T2 to RW transactions # d. T2 Commits # e. Create a RO transaction T3 # f. T3 does a select - creates a read view that doesn't include T1 # g. T1 does some updates - this promotes T1 to RW transactions # h. T1 Commits # i. T3 Does a select - it should not see the changes made by T1 but should # see the changes by T2 connection con1; SET AUTOCOMMIT=0; BEGIN; SELECT * FROM t1; connection default; SET AUTOCOMMIT=0; BEGIN; SELECT * FROM t2; UPDATE t2 SET c1 = c1 + 100; SELECT * FROM t2; COMMIT; connection con2; SET AUTOCOMMIT=0; SET SESSION TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL REPEATABLE READ; BEGIN; SELECT * FROM t1; SELECT * FROM t2; connection con1; UPDATE t1 SET c1 = c1 + 100; SELECT * FROM t1; COMMIT; connection con2; SET DEBUG_SYNC='row_select_wait WAIT_FOR waiting1'; --send SELECT * FROM t1; connection con1; SET DEBUG_SYNC='now SIGNAL waiting1'; connection con2; reap; SET DEBUG_SYNC='row_select_wait WAIT_FOR waiting1'; --send SELECT * FROM t2; connection default; SET DEBUG_SYNC='now SIGNAL waiting1'; connection con2; reap; disconnect con2; connection default; DROP TABLE t1; DROP TABLE t2; --echo # --echo # Bug 21433768: NON-REPEATABLE READ WITH REPEATABLE READ ISOLATION --echo # connection con1; CREATE TABLE t1(col1 INT PRIMARY KEY, col2 INT) ENGINE = InnoDB; INSERT INTO t1 values (1, 0), (2, 0); SELECT * FROM t1 ORDER BY col1; START TRANSACTION; UPDATE t1 SET col2 = 100; SET DEBUG_SYNC = 'after_trx_committed_in_memory SIGNAL s1 WAIT_FOR s2'; --send COMMIT; connection default; SET DEBUG_SYNC = 'now WAIT_FOR s1'; UPDATE t1 SET col2 = col2 + 10 where col1 = 1; COMMIT; SELECT * FROM t1 ORDER BY col1; SET DEBUG_SYNC = 'now SIGNAL s2'; connection con1; reap; disconnect con1; connection default; SET DEBUG_SYNC= 'RESET'; DROP TABLE t1; --source include/wait_until_count_sessions.inc