# # Test when the POINT is on B-TREE # CREATE TABLE t1(fid INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, p POINT, KEY(p)) ENGINE=InnoDB; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (101, ST_PointFromText('POINT(10 10)')), (102, ST_PointFromText('POINT(20 10)')), (103, ST_PointFromText('POINT(20 20)')), (104, ST_PointFromWKB(ST_AsWKB(ST_PointFromText('POINT(10 20)')))); SELECT ST_AsText(p) FROM t1; ST_AsText(p) POINT(10 10) POINT(20 10) POINT(20 20) POINT(10 20) SELECT ST_AsText(p) FROM t1 WHERE p = ST_PointFromText('POINT(20 20)'); ST_AsText(p) POINT(20 20) INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (201, ST_PointFromText('POINT(100.32374832 101.23741821)')), (202, ST_PointFromText('POINT(102.43287328 100.23489233)')), (203, ST_PointFromText('POINT(101.43284962 100.45892392)')), (204, ST_PointFromWKB(ST_AsWKB(ST_PointFromText('POINT(103.43718640 105.248206478)')))), (205, ST_PointFromText('POINT(101.43284962 100.45892392)')), (206, ST_PointFromWKB(ST_AsWKB(ST_PointFromText('POINT(103.43718640 105.248206478)')))); SELECT ST_AsText(p), COUNT(*) FROM t1 GROUP BY p; ST_AsText(p) COUNT(*) POINT(10 10) 1 POINT(10 20) 1 POINT(20 10) 1 POINT(20 20) 1 POINT(101.43284962 100.45892392) 2 POINT(100.32374832 101.23741821) 1 POINT(102.43287328 100.23489233) 1 POINT(103.4371864 105.248206478) 2 TRUNCATE t1; SELECT * FROM t1; fid p INSERT INTO t1(p) VALUES(ST_PointFromText('POINT(10 10)')), (ST_PointFromText('POINT(10 20)')), (ST_PointFromText('POINT(10 40)')), (ST_PointFromText('POINT(10 60)')), (ST_PointFromText('POINT(20 15)')), (ST_PointFromText('POINT(30 10)')), (ST_PointFromText('POINT(40 10)')), (ST_PointFromText('POINT(50 10)')), (ST_PointFromText('POINT(60 5)')), (ST_PointFromText('POINT(60 10)')), (ST_PointFromText('POINT(60 20)')), (ST_PointFromText('POINT(60 100)')), (ST_PointFromText('POINT(100 100)')), (ST_PointFromText('POINT(80 60)')), (ST_PointFromText('POINT(81 50)')), (ST_PointFromText('POINT(82 70)')), (ST_PointFromText('POINT(83 30)')), (ST_PointFromText('POINT(20 100)')), (ST_PointFromText('POINT(150 2000)')), (ST_PointFromText('POINT(109 230)')), (ST_PointFromText('POINT(280 250)')), (ST_PointFromText('POINT(176 175)')), (ST_PointFromText('POINT(200 10)')), (NULL), (NULL); SELECT ST_AsText(p) FROM t1; ST_AsText(p) POINT(10 10) POINT(10 20) POINT(10 40) POINT(10 60) POINT(20 15) POINT(30 10) POINT(40 10) POINT(50 10) POINT(60 5) POINT(60 10) POINT(60 20) POINT(60 100) POINT(100 100) POINT(80 60) POINT(81 50) POINT(82 70) POINT(83 30) POINT(20 100) POINT(150 2000) POINT(109 230) POINT(280 250) POINT(176 175) POINT(200 10) NULL NULL SELECT COUNT(*) FROM t1; COUNT(*) 25 SELECT ST_AsText(p) FROM t1; ST_AsText(p) POINT(10 10) POINT(10 20) POINT(10 40) POINT(10 60) POINT(20 15) POINT(30 10) POINT(40 10) POINT(50 10) POINT(60 5) POINT(60 10) POINT(60 20) POINT(60 100) POINT(100 100) POINT(80 60) POINT(81 50) POINT(82 70) POINT(83 30) POINT(20 100) POINT(150 2000) POINT(109 230) POINT(280 250) POINT(176 175) POINT(200 10) NULL NULL SELECT COUNT(*) FROM t1; COUNT(*) 25 INSERT INTO t1(p) SELECT p FROM t1; INSERT INTO t1(p) SELECT p FROM t1; INSERT INTO t1(p) SELECT p FROM t1; INSERT INTO t1(p) SELECT p FROM t1; INSERT INTO t1(p) SELECT p FROM t1; INSERT INTO t1(p) SELECT p FROM t1; INSERT INTO t1(p) SELECT p FROM t1; INSERT INTO t1(p) SELECT p FROM t1; INSERT INTO t1(p) SELECT p FROM t1; INSERT INTO t1(p) SELECT p FROM t1; INSERT INTO t1(p) SELECT p FROM t1; INSERT INTO t1(p) SELECT p FROM t1; CHECK TABLE t1; Table Op Msg_type Msg_text test.t1 check status OK SELECT COUNT(*) FROM t1; COUNT(*) 102400 SELECT ST_AsText(p), COUNT(*) FROM t1 GROUP BY p; ST_AsText(p) COUNT(*) NULL 8192 POINT(10 10) 4096 POINT(10 20) 4096 POINT(10 40) 4096 POINT(10 60) 4096 POINT(20 15) 4096 POINT(20 100) 4096 POINT(30 10) 4096 POINT(40 10) 4096 POINT(50 10) 4096 POINT(60 5) 4096 POINT(60 10) 4096 POINT(60 20) 4096 POINT(60 100) 4096 POINT(80 60) 4096 POINT(100 100) 4096 POINT(176 175) 4096 POINT(200 10) 4096 POINT(81 50) 4096 POINT(109 230) 4096 POINT(82 70) 4096 POINT(280 250) 4096 POINT(83 30) 4096 POINT(150 2000) 4096 SELECT COUNT(*) FROM t1 WHERE p = ST_PointFromText('POINT(280 250)'); COUNT(*) 4096 DELETE FROM t1 WHERE p = ST_PointFromText('POINT(280 250)'); SELECT COUNT(*) FROM t1 WHERE p = ST_PointFromText('POINT(280 250)'); COUNT(*) 0 SELECT COUNT(*) FROM t1 WHERE p = ST_PointFromText('POINT(60 5)'); COUNT(*) 4096 DELETE FROM t1 WHERE P = ST_PointFromText('POINT(60 5)'); SELECT COUNT(*) FROM t1 WHERE p = ST_PointFromText('POINT(60 5)'); COUNT(*) 0 SELECT ST_AsText(p), COUNT(*) FROM t1 WHERE p = ST_PointFromText('POINT(60 10)') OR p = ST_PointFromText('POINT(60 20)') OR p = ST_PointFromText('POINT(60 30)') GROUP BY p; ST_AsText(p) COUNT(*) POINT(60 10) 4096 POINT(60 20) 4096 UPDATE t1 SET p = ST_PointFromText('POINT(101 102)') WHERE p = ST_PointFromText('POINT(60 10)') OR p = ST_PointFromText('POINT(60 20)') OR p = ST_PointFromText('POINT(60 30)'); SELECT ST_AsText(p), COUNT(*) FROM t1 WHERE p = ST_PointFromText('POINT(60 10)') OR p = ST_PointFromText('POINT(60 20)') OR p = ST_PointFromText('POINT(60 30)') GROUP BY p; ST_AsText(p) COUNT(*) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM t1 WHERE p = ST_PointFromText('POINT(101 102)'); COUNT(*) 8192 SELECT COUNT(*) FROM t1 WHERE p IS NULL; COUNT(*) 8192 UPDATE t1 SET p = ST_PointFromText('POINT(160 160)') WHERE p IS NULL; SELECT COUNT(*) FROM t1 WHERE p IS NULL; COUNT(*) 0 SELECT COUNT(*) FROM t1 WHERE p = ST_PointFromText('POINT(160 160)'); COUNT(*) 8192 SELECT ST_AsText(p), COUNT(*) FROM t1 GROUP BY p; ST_AsText(p) COUNT(*) POINT(10 10) 4096 POINT(10 20) 4096 POINT(10 40) 4096 POINT(10 60) 4096 POINT(20 15) 4096 POINT(20 100) 4096 POINT(30 10) 4096 POINT(40 10) 4096 POINT(50 10) 4096 POINT(60 100) 4096 POINT(80 60) 4096 POINT(100 100) 4096 POINT(160 160) 8192 POINT(176 175) 4096 POINT(200 10) 4096 POINT(81 50) 4096 POINT(101 102) 8192 POINT(109 230) 4096 POINT(82 70) 4096 POINT(83 30) 4096 POINT(150 2000) 4096 SELECT COUNT(*) FROM t1; COUNT(*) 94208 CHECK TABLE t1; Table Op Msg_type Msg_text test.t1 check status OK DROP TABLE t1; # # Test when POINT is used in spatial index # SET @ls1 = ST_GeomFromText('LINESTRING(0 20, 10 0)'); SET @ls2 = ST_GeomFromText('LINESTRING(0 0, 10 20)'); SET @ls3 = ST_GeomFromText('LINESTRING(20 -40, 21 -42)'); SET @ls4 = ST_GeomFromText('LINESTRING(20 -42, 21 -40)'); SET @poly1 = ST_GeomFromText('POLYGON((2 2, 2 10, 10 10, 10 2, 2 2))'); SET @poly2 = ST_GeomFromText('POLYGON((0 0, -5 0, -4 -1, -6 -15, -3 -15, 0 0))'); SET @poly3 = ST_GeomFromText('POLYGON((10.0 10.0, 20.5 20, 20.5 50, 32.0 64.0, 32.3 64.6, 5 60, 10 10))'); SET @poly4 = ST_GeomFromText('POLYGON((0 10, -10 10, -10 -10, 0 -10, 0 10))'); SET @p1 = ST_PointFromText('POINT(0 0)'); SET @mpoly = ST_GeomFromText('MULTIPOLYGON(((3 3, 3 16, 16 16, 16 3, 3 3)), ((10 10, 10 50, 50 50, 50 10, 10 10)))'); CREATE TABLE gis_point (p1 POINT NOT NULL, p2 POINT NOT NULL, SPATIAL KEY k1 (p1), SPATIAL KEY k2 (p2)) ENGINE=InnoDB; INSERT INTO gis_point VALUES (ST_PointFromText('POINT(1 2)'), ST_PointFromText('POINT(-1 -3)')), (ST_PointFromText('POINT(2 4)'), ST_PointFromText('POINT(-2 -6)')), (ST_PointFromText('POINT(3 6)'), ST_PointFromText('POINT(-3 -9)')), (ST_PointFromText('POINT(4 8)'), ST_PointFromText('POINT(-4 -12)')), (ST_PointFromText('POINT(5 10)'), ST_PointFromText('POINT(-5 -15)')), (ST_PointFromText('POINT(6 12)'), ST_PointFromText('POINT(-6 -18)')), (ST_PointFromText('POINT(7 14)'), ST_PointFromText('POINT(-7 -21)')), (ST_PointFromText('POINT(8 16)'), ST_PointFromText('POINT(0 0)')), (ST_PointFromText('POINT(9 18)'), ST_PointFromText('POINT(-4 2)')), (ST_PointFromText('POINT(10 21)'), ST_PointFromText('POINT(-6 3)')), (ST_PointFromText('POINT(20.5 41)'), ST_PointFromText('POINT(-8 4)')), (ST_PointFromText('POINT(26.25 57)'), ST_PointFromText('POINT(1 2)')), (ST_PointFromText('POINT(32.1234 64.2468)'), ST_PointFromText('POINT(-1 -1)')); 'The ORDER BY for spatial index will use filesort' EXPLAIN SELECT ST_AsText(p1), ST_AsText(p2) FROM gis_point ORDER BY p1, p2; id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE gis_point ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL # Using filesort SELECT ST_AsText(p1), ST_AsText(p2) FROM gis_point ORDER BY p1, p2; ST_AsText(p1) ST_AsText(p2) POINT(2 4) POINT(-2 -6) POINT(3 6) POINT(-3 -9) POINT(4 8) POINT(-4 -12) POINT(5 10) POINT(-5 -15) POINT(6 12) POINT(-6 -18) POINT(7 14) POINT(-7 -21) POINT(8 16) POINT(0 0) POINT(9 18) POINT(-4 2) POINT(10 21) POINT(-6 3) POINT(1 2) POINT(-1 -3) POINT(26.25 57) POINT(1 2) POINT(20.5 41) POINT(-8 4) POINT(32.1234 64.2468) POINT(-1 -1) 'Try to do IDU on the table and verify the result' DELETE FROM gis_point WHERE ST_Equals(p2, ST_PointFromText('POINT(-8 4)')); INSERT INTO gis_point VALUES(ST_PointFromText('POINT(20.5 -41)'), ST_PointFromText('POINT(8 -4)')); SELECT ST_AsText(p1) AS 'Expect (32.1234 64.2468)' FROM gis_point WHERE ST_TOUCHES(@poly3, p1) AND MBRWithin(p2, @poly4); Expect (32.1234 64.2468) POINT(32.1234 64.2468) UPDATE gis_point SET p1 = ST_PointFromText('POINT(20.5 41)'), p2 = ST_PointFromText('POINT(-8 4)') WHERE ST_Intersection(@ls3, @ls4) = p1; SELECT ST_AsText(p1) AS 'Expect (32.1234 64.2468) AND (20.5 41)' FROM gis_point WHERE ST_TOUCHES(@poly3, p1) AND MBRWithin(p2, @poly4); Expect (32.1234 64.2468) AND (20.5 41) POINT(32.1234 64.2468) POINT(20.5 41) CHECK TABLE gis_point; Table Op Msg_type Msg_text test.gis_point check status OK ============================================================ Use a trx to test the IDU on the table and verify the result ============================================================ START TRANSACTION; DELETE FROM gis_point WHERE ST_Equals(p2, ST_PointFromText('POINT(-8 4)')); INSERT INTO gis_point VALUES(ST_PointFromText('POINT(20.5 -41)'), ST_PointFromText('POINT(8 -4)')); SELECT ST_AsText(p1) AS 'Expect (32.1234 64.2468)' FROM gis_point WHERE ST_TOUCHES(@poly3, p1) AND MBRWithin(p2, @poly4); Expect (32.1234 64.2468) POINT(32.1234 64.2468) UPDATE gis_point SET p1 = ST_PointFromText('POINT(20.5 49)'), p2 = ST_PointFromText('POINT(-8 4)') WHERE ST_Intersection(@ls3, @ls4) = p1; SELECT ST_AsText(p1) AS 'Expect (32.1234 64.2468) AND (20.5 49)' FROM gis_point WHERE ST_TOUCHES(@poly3, p1) AND MBRWithin(p2, @poly4); Expect (32.1234 64.2468) AND (20.5 49) POINT(32.1234 64.2468) POINT(20.5 49) ROLLBACK; SELECT ST_AsText(p1) AS 'Expect (32.1234 64.2468) AND (20.5 41)' FROM gis_point WHERE ST_TOUCHES(@poly3, p1) AND MBRWithin(p2, @poly4); Expect (32.1234 64.2468) AND (20.5 41) POINT(32.1234 64.2468) POINT(20.5 41) CHECK TABLE gis_point; Table Op Msg_type Msg_text test.gis_point check status OK ======================================================= Enlarge the table by inserting the same data and verify ======================================================= INSERT INTO gis_point SELECT * FROM gis_point; INSERT INTO gis_point SELECT * FROM gis_point; INSERT INTO gis_point SELECT * FROM gis_point; INSERT INTO gis_point SELECT * FROM gis_point; INSERT INTO gis_point SELECT * FROM gis_point; INSERT INTO gis_point SELECT * FROM gis_point; INSERT INTO gis_point SELECT * FROM gis_point; INSERT INTO gis_point SELECT * FROM gis_point; INSERT INTO gis_point SELECT * FROM gis_point; INSERT INTO gis_point SELECT * FROM gis_point; CHECK TABLE gis_point; Table Op Msg_type Msg_text test.gis_point check status OK SELECT COUNT(*), ST_AsText(p1), ST_AsText(p2) FROM gis_point GROUP BY p1, p2; COUNT(*) ST_AsText(p1) ST_AsText(p2) 1024 POINT(2 4) POINT(-2 -6) 1024 POINT(3 6) POINT(-3 -9) 1024 POINT(4 8) POINT(-4 -12) 1024 POINT(5 10) POINT(-5 -15) 1024 POINT(6 12) POINT(-6 -18) 1024 POINT(7 14) POINT(-7 -21) 1024 POINT(8 16) POINT(0 0) 1024 POINT(9 18) POINT(-4 2) 1024 POINT(10 21) POINT(-6 3) 1024 POINT(1 2) POINT(-1 -3) 1024 POINT(26.25 57) POINT(1 2) 1024 POINT(20.5 41) POINT(-8 4) 1024 POINT(32.1234 64.2468) POINT(-1 -1) SELECT COUNT(*), ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point WHERE ST_Intersection(@ls1, @ls2) = p1 GROUP BY p1; COUNT(*) ST_AsText(p1) 1024 POINT(5 10) SELECT COUNT(*), ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point WHERE MBRWithin(p1, @poly1) GROUP BY p1; COUNT(*) ST_AsText(p1) 1024 POINT(3 6) 1024 POINT(4 8) SELECT COUNT(*), ST_AsText(p2) FROM gis_point WHERE ST_Contains(@poly2, p2) GROUP BY p2; COUNT(*) ST_AsText(p2) 1024 POINT(0 0) 1024 POINT(-2 -6) 1024 POINT(-3 -9) 1024 POINT(-4 -12) 1024 POINT(-5 -15) 1024 POINT(-1 -3) 1024 POINT(-1 -1) SELECT COUNT(*), ST_AsText(p2) FROM gis_point WHERE ST_Equals(p2, @p1) GROUP BY p2; COUNT(*) ST_AsText(p2) 1024 POINT(0 0) SELECT COUNT(*), ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point WHERE ST_TOUCHES(@poly3, p1) AND MBRWithin(p2, @poly4) GROUP BY p1; COUNT(*) ST_AsText(p1) 1024 POINT(20.5 41) 1024 POINT(32.1234 64.2468) SELECT COUNT(*), ST_AsText(p1), ST_AsText(p2) FROM gis_point WHERE ST_Contains(@mpoly, p1) GROUP BY p1, p2; COUNT(*) ST_AsText(p1) ST_AsText(p2) 1024 POINT(3 6) POINT(-3 -9) 1024 POINT(4 8) POINT(-4 -12) 1024 POINT(5 10) POINT(-5 -15) 1024 POINT(6 12) POINT(-6 -18) 1024 POINT(7 14) POINT(-7 -21) 1024 POINT(8 16) POINT(0 0) 1024 POINT(10 21) POINT(-6 3) 1024 POINT(20.5 41) POINT(-8 4) SELECT COUNT(*), ST_AsText(p1), ST_AsText(p2) FROM gis_point WHERE ST_Contains(@mpoly, p1) AND NOT MBRWithin(p1, @mpoly) GROUP BY p1, p2; COUNT(*) ST_AsText(p1) ST_AsText(p2) 1024 POINT(3 6) POINT(-3 -9) ====================================================================== Build another new table with the same schema, will insert data from this table to the orignal one ====================================================================== CREATE TABLE p(p1 POINT NOT NULL, p2 POINT NOT NULL, SPATIAL INDEX k1(p2)) ENGINE=InnoDB; INSERT INTO p VALUES(ST_PointFromText('POINT(1000 -1000)'), ST_PointFromText('POINT(-201 203.56)')); INSERT INTO p VALUES(ST_PointFromText('POINT(20.5 43.9832)'), ST_PointFromText('POINT(-0 0)')); INSERT INTO p VALUES(ST_PointFromText('POINT(-4.2 -6.98)'), ST_PointFromText('POINT(-120.5 343.9832)')); INSERT INTO p SELECT * FROM p WHERE MBRWithin(p1, ST_GeomFromText('POLYGON((0 0, 0 2000, 2000 2000, 2000 -2000, 0 -2000, 0 0))')); INSERT INTO p SELECT * FROM p WHERE MBRWithin(p1, ST_GeomFromText('POLYGON((0 0, -10 0, -100 -100, 0 -50, 0 0))')); SELECT COUNT(*), ST_AsText(p1), ST_AsText(p2) FROM p GROUP BY p1, p2; COUNT(*) ST_AsText(p1) ST_AsText(p2) 2 POINT(1000 -1000) POINT(-201 203.56) 2 POINT(20.5 43.9832) POINT(-0 0) 2 POINT(-4.2 -6.98) POINT(-120.5 343.9832) INSERT INTO gis_point SELECT * FROM p; INSERT INTO gis_point SELECT * FROM p; INSERT INTO gis_point SELECT * FROM p; INSERT INTO gis_point SELECT * FROM p; INSERT INTO gis_point SELECT * FROM p; INSERT INTO gis_point SELECT * FROM p; INSERT INTO gis_point SELECT * FROM p; CHECK TABLE gis_point; Table Op Msg_type Msg_text test.gis_point check status OK SELECT COUNT(*), ST_AsText(p1), ST_AsText(p2) FROM gis_point GROUP BY p1, p2; COUNT(*) ST_AsText(p1) ST_AsText(p2) 1024 POINT(2 4) POINT(-2 -6) 1024 POINT(3 6) POINT(-3 -9) 1024 POINT(4 8) POINT(-4 -12) 1024 POINT(5 10) POINT(-5 -15) 1024 POINT(6 12) POINT(-6 -18) 1024 POINT(7 14) POINT(-7 -21) 1024 POINT(8 16) POINT(0 0) 1024 POINT(9 18) POINT(-4 2) 1024 POINT(10 21) POINT(-6 3) 1024 POINT(1 2) POINT(-1 -3) 1024 POINT(26.25 57) POINT(1 2) 14 POINT(1000 -1000) POINT(-201 203.56) 1024 POINT(20.5 41) POINT(-8 4) 14 POINT(20.5 43.9832) POINT(-0 0) 1024 POINT(32.1234 64.2468) POINT(-1 -1) 14 POINT(-4.2 -6.98) POINT(-120.5 343.9832) SELECT COUNT(*), ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point WHERE ST_TOUCHES(@poly3, p1) AND MBRWithin(p2, @poly4) GROUP BY p1; COUNT(*) ST_AsText(p1) 1024 POINT(20.5 41) 1024 POINT(32.1234 64.2468) SELECT COUNT(*), ST_AsText(p2) FROM gis_point WHERE MBRWithin(p2, @poly2) GROUP BY p2; COUNT(*) ST_AsText(p2) 1024 POINT(-2 -6) 1024 POINT(-3 -9) 1024 POINT(-4 -12) 1024 POINT(-1 -3) 1024 POINT(-1 -1) DROP TABLE p; ================================ Use a trx to test IUD and verify ================================ ============================================= Delete those rows selected from another table ============================================= SELECT COUNT(*), ST_AsText(p1), ST_AsText(p2) FROM gis_point GROUP BY p1, p2; COUNT(*) ST_AsText(p1) ST_AsText(p2) 1024 POINT(2 4) POINT(-2 -6) 1024 POINT(3 6) POINT(-3 -9) 1024 POINT(4 8) POINT(-4 -12) 1024 POINT(5 10) POINT(-5 -15) 1024 POINT(6 12) POINT(-6 -18) 1024 POINT(7 14) POINT(-7 -21) 1024 POINT(8 16) POINT(0 0) 1024 POINT(9 18) POINT(-4 2) 1024 POINT(10 21) POINT(-6 3) 1024 POINT(1 2) POINT(-1 -3) 1024 POINT(26.25 57) POINT(1 2) 14 POINT(1000 -1000) POINT(-201 203.56) 1024 POINT(20.5 41) POINT(-8 4) 14 POINT(20.5 43.9832) POINT(-0 0) 1024 POINT(32.1234 64.2468) POINT(-1 -1) 14 POINT(-4.2 -6.98) POINT(-120.5 343.9832) UPDATE gis_point SET p2 = ST_PointFromText('POINT(2000 2000)') WHERE ST_Contains(ST_GeomFromText('POLYGON((-100 100, -400 100, -400 400, -100 400, -100 100))'), p2) OR ST_Contains(ST_GeomFromText('POLYGON((-0.0001 -0.0002, -0.0001 0.00002, 0.00000005 0.000001, 0.0000025 -0.001, -0.0001 -0.0002))'), p2); CHECK TABLE gis_point; Table Op Msg_type Msg_text test.gis_point check status OK 'To remove all the just updated rows' DELETE FROM gis_point WHERE ST_Intersection(ST_GeomFromText('LINESTRING(1800 1900, 2200 2100)'), ST_GeomFromText('LINESTRING(0 0, 2001 2001)')) = p2; INSERT INTO gis_point VALUES (ST_PointFromText('POINT(8 16)'), ST_PointFromText('POINT(0 0)')), (ST_PointFromText('POINT(8 16)'), ST_PointFromText('POINT(0 0)')); ====================================================================== Following results should be almost the same with those at the beginning ====================================================================== SELECT COUNT(*), ST_AsText(p1), ST_AsText(p2) FROM gis_point GROUP BY p1, p2; COUNT(*) ST_AsText(p1) ST_AsText(p2) 1024 POINT(2 4) POINT(-2 -6) 1024 POINT(3 6) POINT(-3 -9) 1024 POINT(4 8) POINT(-4 -12) 1024 POINT(5 10) POINT(-5 -15) 1024 POINT(6 12) POINT(-6 -18) 1024 POINT(7 14) POINT(-7 -21) 2 POINT(8 16) POINT(0 0) 1024 POINT(9 18) POINT(-4 2) 1024 POINT(10 21) POINT(-6 3) 1024 POINT(1 2) POINT(-1 -3) 1024 POINT(26.25 57) POINT(1 2) 1024 POINT(20.5 41) POINT(-8 4) 1024 POINT(32.1234 64.2468) POINT(-1 -1) SELECT COUNT(*), ST_AsText(p1), ST_AsText(p2) FROM gis_point WHERE ST_Contains(ST_GeomFromText('POLYGON((-1000 -1000, -1000 1000, 1000 1000, 1001 -1001, -1000 -1000))'), p1) GROUP BY p1, p2; COUNT(*) ST_AsText(p1) ST_AsText(p2) 1024 POINT(2 4) POINT(-2 -6) 1024 POINT(3 6) POINT(-3 -9) 1024 POINT(4 8) POINT(-4 -12) 1024 POINT(5 10) POINT(-5 -15) 1024 POINT(6 12) POINT(-6 -18) 1024 POINT(7 14) POINT(-7 -21) 2 POINT(8 16) POINT(0 0) 1024 POINT(9 18) POINT(-4 2) 1024 POINT(10 21) POINT(-6 3) 1024 POINT(1 2) POINT(-1 -3) 1024 POINT(26.25 57) POINT(1 2) 1024 POINT(20.5 41) POINT(-8 4) 1024 POINT(32.1234 64.2468) POINT(-1 -1) SELECT ST_AsText(p1), ST_AsText(p2) FROM gis_point GROUP BY p1, p2; ST_AsText(p1) ST_AsText(p2) POINT(2 4) POINT(-2 -6) POINT(3 6) POINT(-3 -9) POINT(4 8) POINT(-4 -12) POINT(5 10) POINT(-5 -15) POINT(6 12) POINT(-6 -18) POINT(7 14) POINT(-7 -21) POINT(8 16) POINT(0 0) POINT(9 18) POINT(-4 2) POINT(10 21) POINT(-6 3) POINT(1 2) POINT(-1 -3) POINT(26.25 57) POINT(1 2) POINT(20.5 41) POINT(-8 4) POINT(32.1234 64.2468) POINT(-1 -1) SELECT COUNT(*), ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point WHERE ST_Intersection(@ls1, @ls2) = p1 GROUP BY p1; COUNT(*) ST_AsText(p1) 1024 POINT(5 10) SELECT COUNT(*), ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point WHERE MBRWithin(p1, @poly1) GROUP BY p1; COUNT(*) ST_AsText(p1) 1024 POINT(3 6) 1024 POINT(4 8) SELECT COUNT(*), ST_AsText(p2) FROM gis_point WHERE ST_Contains(@poly2, p2) GROUP BY p2; COUNT(*) ST_AsText(p2) 2 POINT(0 0) 1024 POINT(-2 -6) 1024 POINT(-3 -9) 1024 POINT(-4 -12) 1024 POINT(-5 -15) 1024 POINT(-1 -3) 1024 POINT(-1 -1) SELECT COUNT(*), ST_AsText(p2) FROM gis_point WHERE ST_Equals(p2, @p1) GROUP BY p2; COUNT(*) ST_AsText(p2) 2 POINT(0 0) SELECT COUNT(*), ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point WHERE ST_TOUCHES(@poly3, p1) AND MBRWithin(p2, @poly4) GROUP BY p1; COUNT(*) ST_AsText(p1) 1024 POINT(20.5 41) 1024 POINT(32.1234 64.2468) SELECT COUNT(*), ST_AsText(p1), ST_AsText(p2) FROM gis_point WHERE ST_Contains(@mpoly, p1) GROUP BY p1, p2; COUNT(*) ST_AsText(p1) ST_AsText(p2) 1024 POINT(3 6) POINT(-3 -9) 1024 POINT(4 8) POINT(-4 -12) 1024 POINT(5 10) POINT(-5 -15) 1024 POINT(6 12) POINT(-6 -18) 1024 POINT(7 14) POINT(-7 -21) 2 POINT(8 16) POINT(0 0) 1024 POINT(10 21) POINT(-6 3) 1024 POINT(20.5 41) POINT(-8 4) SELECT COUNT(*), ST_AsText(p1), ST_AsText(p2) FROM gis_point WHERE ST_Contains(@mpoly, p1) AND NOT MBRWithin(p1, @mpoly) GROUP BY p1, p2; COUNT(*) ST_AsText(p1) ST_AsText(p2) 1024 POINT(3 6) POINT(-3 -9) CHECK TABLE gis_point; Table Op Msg_type Msg_text test.gis_point check status OK DROP TABLE gis_point;