drop table if exists t1,t2,t3,t4; set @maria_mrr_tmp=@@optimizer_switch; set optimizer_switch='mrr=on,mrr_sort_keys=on,index_condition_pushdown=on'; set @mrr_buffer_size_save= @@mrr_buffer_size; set @save_storage_engine= @@default_storage_engine; set default_storage_engine=aria; create table t1(a int); show create table t1; Table Create Table t1 CREATE TABLE `t1` ( `a` int(11) DEFAULT NULL ) ENGINE=Aria DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_swedish_ci PAGE_CHECKSUM=1 insert into t1 values (0),(1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9); create table t2(a int); insert into t2 select A.a + 10*(B.a + 10*C.a) from t1 A, t1 B, t1 C; create table t3 ( a char(8) not null, b char(8) not null, filler char(200), key(a) ); insert into t3 select @a:=concat('c-', 1000+ A.a, '=w'), @a, 'filler' from t2 A; insert into t3 select concat('c-', 1000+A.a, '=w'), concat('c-', 2000+A.a, '=w'), 'filler-1' from t2 A; insert into t3 select concat('c-', 1000+A.a, '=w'), concat('c-', 3000+A.a, '=w'), 'filler-2' from t2 A; select a,filler from t3 where a >= 'c-9011=w'; a filler select a,filler from t3 where a >= 'c-1011=w' and a <= 'c-1015=w'; a filler c-1011=w filler c-1012=w filler c-1013=w filler c-1014=w filler c-1015=w filler c-1011=w filler-1 c-1012=w filler-1 c-1013=w filler-1 c-1014=w filler-1 c-1015=w filler-1 c-1011=w filler-2 c-1012=w filler-2 c-1013=w filler-2 c-1014=w filler-2 c-1015=w filler-2 select a,filler from t3 where (a>='c-1011=w' and a <= 'c-1013=w') or (a>='c-1014=w' and a <= 'c-1015=w'); a filler c-1011=w filler c-1012=w filler c-1013=w filler c-1014=w filler c-1015=w filler c-1011=w filler-1 c-1012=w filler-1 c-1013=w filler-1 c-1014=w filler-1 c-1015=w filler-1 c-1011=w filler-2 c-1012=w filler-2 c-1013=w filler-2 c-1014=w filler-2 c-1015=w filler-2 insert into t3 values ('c-1013=z', 'c-1013=z', 'err'); insert into t3 values ('a-1014=w', 'a-1014=w', 'err'); select a,filler from t3 where (a>='c-1011=w' and a <= 'c-1013=w') or (a>='c-1014=w' and a <= 'c-1015=w'); a filler c-1011=w filler c-1012=w filler c-1013=w filler c-1014=w filler c-1015=w filler c-1011=w filler-1 c-1012=w filler-1 c-1013=w filler-1 c-1014=w filler-1 c-1015=w filler-1 c-1011=w filler-2 c-1012=w filler-2 c-1013=w filler-2 c-1014=w filler-2 c-1015=w filler-2 delete from t3 where b in ('c-1013=z', 'a-1014=w'); select a,filler from t3 where a='c-1011=w' or a='c-1012=w' or a='c-1013=w' or a='c-1014=w' or a='c-1015=w'; a filler c-1011=w filler c-1012=w filler c-1013=w filler c-1014=w filler c-1015=w filler c-1011=w filler-1 c-1012=w filler-1 c-1013=w filler-1 c-1014=w filler-1 c-1015=w filler-1 c-1011=w filler-2 c-1012=w filler-2 c-1013=w filler-2 c-1014=w filler-2 c-1015=w filler-2 insert into t3 values ('c-1013=w', 'del-me', 'inserted'); select a,filler from t3 where a='c-1011=w' or a='c-1012=w' or a='c-1013=w' or a='c-1014=w' or a='c-1015=w'; a filler c-1011=w filler c-1012=w filler c-1013=w filler c-1014=w filler c-1015=w filler c-1011=w filler-1 c-1012=w filler-1 c-1013=w filler-1 c-1014=w filler-1 c-1015=w filler-1 c-1011=w filler-2 c-1012=w filler-2 c-1013=w filler-2 c-1014=w filler-2 c-1015=w filler-2 c-1013=w inserted delete from t3 where b='del-me'; alter table t3 add primary key(b); select b,filler from t3 where (b>='c-1011=w' and b<= 'c-1018=w') or b IN ('c-1019=w', 'c-1020=w', 'c-1021=w', 'c-1022=w', 'c-1023=w', 'c-1024=w'); b filler c-1011=w filler c-1012=w filler c-1013=w filler c-1014=w filler c-1015=w filler c-1016=w filler c-1017=w filler c-1018=w filler c-1019=w filler c-1020=w filler c-1021=w filler c-1022=w filler c-1023=w filler c-1024=w filler select b,filler from t3 where (b>='c-1011=w' and b<= 'c-1020=w') or b IN ('c-1021=w', 'c-1022=w', 'c-1023=w'); b filler c-1011=w filler c-1012=w filler c-1013=w filler c-1014=w filler c-1015=w filler c-1016=w filler c-1017=w filler c-1018=w filler c-1019=w filler c-1020=w filler c-1021=w filler c-1022=w filler c-1023=w filler select b,filler from t3 where (b>='c-1011=w' and b<= 'c-1018=w') or b IN ('c-1019=w', 'c-1020=w') or (b>='c-1021=w' and b<= 'c-1023=w'); b filler c-1011=w filler c-1012=w filler c-1013=w filler c-1014=w filler c-1015=w filler c-1016=w filler c-1017=w filler c-1018=w filler c-1019=w filler c-1020=w filler c-1021=w filler c-1022=w filler c-1023=w filler drop table if exists t4; create table t4 (a varchar(10), b int, c char(10), filler char(200), key idx1 (a, b, c)); insert into t4 (filler) select concat('NULL-', 15-a) from t2 order by a limit 15; insert into t4 (a,b,c,filler) select 'b-1',NULL,'c-1', concat('NULL-', 15-a) from t2 order by a limit 15; insert into t4 (a,b,c,filler) select 'b-1',NULL,'c-222', concat('NULL-', 15-a) from t2 order by a limit 15; insert into t4 (a,b,c,filler) select 'bb-1',NULL,'cc-2', concat('NULL-', 15-a) from t2 order by a limit 15; insert into t4 (a,b,c,filler) select 'zz-1',NULL,'cc-2', 'filler-data' from t2 order by a limit 500; explain select * from t4 where a IS NULL and b IS NULL and (c IS NULL or c='no-such-row1' or c='no-such-row2'); id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE t4 range idx1 idx1 29 NULL 16 Using index condition; Rowid-ordered scan select * from t4 where a IS NULL and b IS NULL and (c IS NULL or c='no-such-row1' or c='no-such-row2'); a b c filler NULL NULL NULL NULL-15 NULL NULL NULL NULL-14 NULL NULL NULL NULL-13 NULL NULL NULL NULL-12 NULL NULL NULL NULL-11 NULL NULL NULL NULL-10 NULL NULL NULL NULL-9 NULL NULL NULL NULL-8 NULL NULL NULL NULL-7 NULL NULL NULL NULL-6 NULL NULL NULL NULL-5 NULL NULL NULL NULL-4 NULL NULL NULL NULL-3 NULL NULL NULL NULL-2 NULL NULL NULL NULL-1 explain select * from t4 where (a ='b-1' or a='bb-1') and b IS NULL and (c='c-1' or c='cc-2'); id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE t4 range idx1 idx1 29 NULL 32 Using index condition; Rowid-ordered scan select * from t4 where (a ='b-1' or a='bb-1') and b IS NULL and (c='c-1' or c='cc-2'); a b c filler b-1 NULL c-1 NULL-15 b-1 NULL c-1 NULL-14 b-1 NULL c-1 NULL-13 b-1 NULL c-1 NULL-12 b-1 NULL c-1 NULL-11 b-1 NULL c-1 NULL-10 b-1 NULL c-1 NULL-9 b-1 NULL c-1 NULL-8 b-1 NULL c-1 NULL-7 b-1 NULL c-1 NULL-6 b-1 NULL c-1 NULL-5 b-1 NULL c-1 NULL-4 b-1 NULL c-1 NULL-3 b-1 NULL c-1 NULL-2 b-1 NULL c-1 NULL-1 bb-1 NULL cc-2 NULL-15 bb-1 NULL cc-2 NULL-14 bb-1 NULL cc-2 NULL-13 bb-1 NULL cc-2 NULL-12 bb-1 NULL cc-2 NULL-11 bb-1 NULL cc-2 NULL-10 bb-1 NULL cc-2 NULL-9 bb-1 NULL cc-2 NULL-8 bb-1 NULL cc-2 NULL-7 bb-1 NULL cc-2 NULL-6 bb-1 NULL cc-2 NULL-5 bb-1 NULL cc-2 NULL-4 bb-1 NULL cc-2 NULL-3 bb-1 NULL cc-2 NULL-2 bb-1 NULL cc-2 NULL-1 select * from t4 ignore index(idx1) where (a ='b-1' or a='bb-1') and b IS NULL and (c='c-1' or c='cc-2'); a b c filler b-1 NULL c-1 NULL-15 b-1 NULL c-1 NULL-14 b-1 NULL c-1 NULL-13 b-1 NULL c-1 NULL-12 b-1 NULL c-1 NULL-11 b-1 NULL c-1 NULL-10 b-1 NULL c-1 NULL-9 b-1 NULL c-1 NULL-8 b-1 NULL c-1 NULL-7 b-1 NULL c-1 NULL-6 b-1 NULL c-1 NULL-5 b-1 NULL c-1 NULL-4 b-1 NULL c-1 NULL-3 b-1 NULL c-1 NULL-2 b-1 NULL c-1 NULL-1 bb-1 NULL cc-2 NULL-15 bb-1 NULL cc-2 NULL-14 bb-1 NULL cc-2 NULL-13 bb-1 NULL cc-2 NULL-12 bb-1 NULL cc-2 NULL-11 bb-1 NULL cc-2 NULL-10 bb-1 NULL cc-2 NULL-9 bb-1 NULL cc-2 NULL-8 bb-1 NULL cc-2 NULL-7 bb-1 NULL cc-2 NULL-6 bb-1 NULL cc-2 NULL-5 bb-1 NULL cc-2 NULL-4 bb-1 NULL cc-2 NULL-3 bb-1 NULL cc-2 NULL-2 bb-1 NULL cc-2 NULL-1 drop table t1, t2, t3, t4; create table t1 (a int, b int not null,unique key (a,b),index(b)); insert ignore into t1 values (1,1),(2,2),(3,3),(4,4),(5,5),(6,6),(null,7),(9,9),(8,8),(7,7),(null,9),(null,9),(6,6); Warnings: Warning 1062 Duplicate entry '6-6' for key 'a' create table t2 like t1; insert into t2 select * from t1; alter table t1 modify b blob not null, add c int not null, drop key a, add unique key (a,b(20),c), drop key b, add key (b(10)); select * from t1 where a is null; a b c NULL 7 0 NULL 9 0 NULL 9 0 select * from t1 where (a is null or a > 0 and a < 3) and b > 7 limit 3; a b c NULL 9 0 NULL 9 0 select * from t1 where a is null and b=9 or a is null and b=7 limit 3; a b c NULL 7 0 NULL 9 0 NULL 9 0 drop table t1, t2; set default_storage_engine= @save_storage_engine; set @@mrr_buffer_size= @mrr_buffer_size_save; # # Crash in quick_range_seq_next() in maria-5.3-dsmrr-cpk with join_cache_level = {8,1} # set @save_join_cache_level= @@join_cache_level; SET SESSION join_cache_level = 8; CREATE TABLE `t1` ( `col_int_key` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `col_datetime_key` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `col_varchar_key` varchar(1) DEFAULT NULL, `col_varchar_nokey` varchar(1) DEFAULT NULL, KEY `col_varchar_key` (`col_varchar_key`,`col_int_key`) ) ENGINE=MARIA DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 PAGE_CHECKSUM=1; INSERT INTO `t1` VALUES (6,'2005-10-07 00:00:00','e','e'); INSERT INTO `t1` VALUES (51,'2000-07-15 05:00:34','f','f'); CREATE TABLE `t2` ( `col_int_key` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `col_datetime_key` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `col_varchar_key` varchar(1) DEFAULT NULL, `col_varchar_nokey` varchar(1) DEFAULT NULL, KEY `col_varchar_key` (`col_varchar_key`,`col_int_key`) ) ENGINE=MARIA DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 PAGE_CHECKSUM=1; INSERT INTO `t2` VALUES (2,'2004-10-11 18:13:16','w','w'); INSERT INTO `t2` VALUES (2,'1900-01-01 00:00:00','d','d'); SELECT table2 .`col_datetime_key` FROM t2 JOIN ( t1 table2 JOIN t2 table3 ON table3 .`col_varchar_key` < table2 .`col_varchar_key` ) ON table3 .`col_varchar_nokey` ; col_datetime_key Warnings: Warning 1292 Truncated incorrect DECIMAL value: 'd' Warning 1292 Truncated incorrect DECIMAL value: 'd' Warning 1292 Truncated incorrect DECIMAL value: 'd' Warning 1292 Truncated incorrect DECIMAL value: 'd' drop table t1, t2; set join_cache_level=@save_join_cache_level; CREATE TABLE t1( pk int NOT NULL, i int NOT NULL, v varchar(1) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (pk), INDEX idx (v, i) ) ENGINE=ARIA; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1,9,'x'), (2,5,'g'), (3,1,'o'), (4,0,'g'), (5,1,'v'), (6,190,'m'), (7,6,'x'), (8,3,'c'), (9,4,'z'), (10,3,'i'), (11,186,'x'), (12,1,'g'), (13,8,'q'), (14,226,'m'), (15,133,'p'); CREATE TABLE t2( pk int NOT NULL, i int NOT NULL, v varchar(1) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (pk), INDEX idx (v, i) ) ENGINE=ARIA; INSERT INTO t2 SELECT * FROM t1; INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (77, 333, 'z'); CREATE TABLE t3( pk int NOT NULL, i int NOT NULL, v varchar(1) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (pk), INDEX idx (v, i) ) ENGINE=ARIA; INSERT INTO t3 SELECT * FROM t1; INSERT INTO t3 VALUES (88, 442, 'y'), (99, 445, 'w'), (87, 442, 'z'), (98, 445, 'v'), (86, 442, 'x'), (97, 445, 't'), (85, 442, 'b'), (96, 445, 'l'), (84, 442, 'a'), (95, 445, 'k'); set @save_join_cache_level=@@join_cache_level; set join_cache_level=1; SELECT COUNT(t1.v) FROM t1, t2 IGNORE INDEX (idx), t3 IGNORE INDEX (idx) WHERE t3.v = t2.v AND t3.i < t2.i AND t3.pk > 0 AND t2.pk > 0; COUNT(t1.v) 120 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(t1.v) FROM t1, t2 IGNORE INDEX (idx), t3 IGNORE INDEX (idx) WHERE t3.v = t2.v AND t3.i < t2.i AND t3.pk > 0 AND t2.pk > 0; id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE t1 index NULL idx 7 NULL 15 Using index 1 SIMPLE t2 ALL PRIMARY NULL NULL NULL 16 Using where; Using join buffer (flat, BNL join) 1 SIMPLE t3 ALL PRIMARY NULL NULL NULL 25 Using where; Using join buffer (flat, BNL join) SELECT COUNT(t1.v) FROM t1, t2, t3 WHERE t3.v = t2.v AND t3.i < t2.i AND t3.pk > 0 AND t2.pk > 0; COUNT(t1.v) 120 EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(t1.v) FROM t1, t2, t3 WHERE t3.v = t2.v AND t3.i < t2.i AND t3.pk > 0 AND t2.pk > 0; id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE t1 index NULL idx 7 NULL 15 Using index 1 SIMPLE t2 ALL PRIMARY,idx NULL NULL NULL 16 Using where; Using join buffer (flat, BNL join) 1 SIMPLE t3 ref PRIMARY,idx idx 3 test.t2.v 2 Using index condition; Using where set join_cache_level=@save_join_cache_level; DROP TABLE t1,t2,t3; # # BUG#671361: virtual int Mrr_ordered_index_reader::refill_buffer(): Assertion `!know_key_tuple_params # (works only on Maria because we need 1024-byte long key) # SET SESSION join_cache_level = 6; SET SESSION join_buffer_size = 1024; CREATE TABLE t1 ( pk int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, col_varchar_1024_latin1_key varchar(1024) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (pk), KEY col_varchar_1024_latin1_key (col_varchar_1024_latin1_key) ) ENGINE=Aria; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1,'z'), (2,'abcdefjhjkl'), (3,'in'), (4,'abcdefjhjkl'), (6,'abcdefjhjkl'), (11,'zx'), (12,'abcdefjhjm'), (13,'jn'), (14,'abcdefjhjp'), (16,'abcdefjhjr'); CREATE TABLE t2 ( col_varchar_10_latin1 varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL ) ENGINE=Aria; INSERT INTO t2 VALUES ('foo'), ('foo'); EXPLAIN SELECT count(*) FROM t1 AS table1, t2 AS table2 WHERE table1.col_varchar_1024_latin1_key = table2.col_varchar_10_latin1 AND table1.pk<>0 ; id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE table2 ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 2 Using where 1 SIMPLE table1 ref PRIMARY,col_varchar_1024_latin1_key col_varchar_1024_latin1_key 1027 test.table2.col_varchar_10_latin1 2 Using index condition(BKA); Using where; Using join buffer (flat, BKA join); Key-ordered Rowid-ordered scan SELECT count(*) FROM t1 AS table1, t2 AS table2 WHERE table1.col_varchar_1024_latin1_key = table2.col_varchar_10_latin1 AND table1.pk<>0 ; count(*) 0 drop table t1, t2; # # BUG#693747: Assertion multi_range_read.cc:908: int DsMrr_impl::dsmrr_init( # set @_save_join_cache_level= @@join_cache_level; set @_save_join_buffer_size= @@join_buffer_size; set join_cache_level=8; set join_buffer_size=10240; CREATE TABLE t1 ( f2 varchar(32) COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci, f3 int(11), f4 varchar(4096) COLLATE utf8_bin, f5 varchar(4096) COLLATE latin1_bin, KEY (f5) ) ENGINE=Aria TRANSACTIONAL=0 ; Warnings: Note 1071 Specified key was too long; max key length is 2300 bytes # Fill the table with some data SELECT alias2.* , alias1.f2 FROM t1 AS alias1 LEFT JOIN t1 AS alias2 ON alias1.f2 = alias2.f5 WHERE alias2.f3 < 0; f2 f3 f4 f5 f2 set join_cache_level=@_save_join_cache_level; set join_buffer_size=@_save_join_buffer_size; set optimizer_switch=@maria_mrr_tmp; drop table t1;