--source include/windows.inc --source include/not_embedded.inc if (!$AUTH_NAMED_PIPE_SO) { skip No named pipe plugin; } if (!$USERNAME) { skip USERNAME variable is undefined; } if (`SELECT count(*) <> 0 FROM mysql.user WHERE user = '$USERNAME'`) { skip \$USER=$USER which exists in mysql.user; } INSTALL SONAME 'auth_named_pipe'; --replace_result $USERNAME USERNAME eval CREATE USER '$USERNAME' IDENTIFIED WITH named_pipe; --replace_result $USERNAME USERNAME eval GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* to '$USERNAME'; let $targetdir=$MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/backup; --disable_result_log exec $XTRABACKUP --defaults-file=$MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/my.cnf -u $USERNAME --backup --parallel=10 --protocol=pipe --target-dir=$targetdir; --enable_result_log --replace_result $USERNAME USERNAME eval DROP USER '$USERNAME'; rmdir $targetdir; UNINSTALL SONAME 'auth_named_pipe';