CREATE TABLE t(i INT) ENGINE ARIA TRANSACTIONAL=1 ROW_FORMAT=PAGE PAGE_CHECKSUM=1; SET GLOBAL general_log = 1; SET GLOBAL log_output = 'TABLE'; INSERT INTO t VALUES (1); SELECT * FROM mysql.general_log WHERE argument LIKE "INSERT INTO %" AND (command_type = "Query" OR command_type = "Execute") ; event_time user_host thread_id server_id command_type argument TIMESTAMP USER_HOST THREAD_ID 1 Query INSERT INTO t VALUES (1) # Insert new row into general_log table after it has been copied on BLOCK_DDL. # Backup to dir. # Xtrabackup prepare. # shutdown server # remove datadir # xtrabackup move back # restart SELECT * FROM mysql.general_log WHERE argument LIKE "INSERT INTO %" AND (command_type = "Query" OR command_type = "Execute") ; event_time user_host thread_id server_id command_type argument TIMESTAMP USER_HOST THREAD_ID 1 Query INSERT INTO t VALUES (1) TIMESTAMP USER_HOST THREAD_ID 1 Query INSERT INTO test.t VALUES (2) DROP TABLE t;