RESET MASTER; connect slave,,root,,,$SERVER_MYPORT_3; change master to relay_log_file='' for channel 'abc1'; ERROR HY000: Failed initializing relay log position: Could not find target log during relay log initialization change master to master_host='' for channel 'abc2'; ERROR HY000: Incorrect arguments to MASTER_HOST change master to master_port=MYPORT_1, master_host='', master_user='root', master_ssl_verify_server_cert=0, master_use_gtid=no for channel 'master1'; start slave for channel 'master1'; set default_master_connection = 'master1'; include/ connect master1,,root,,,$SERVER_MYPORT_1; connection slave; # # Checking SHOW SLAVE 'master1' STATUS # Master_Port = 'MYPORT_1' Relay_Log_File = 'mysqld-relay-bin-master1.000002' Slave_IO_Running = 'Yes' Slave_SQL_Running = 'Yes' Last_Errno = '0' Last_SQL_Errno = '0' # # Checking SHOW SLAVE STATUS # Master_Port = 'MYPORT_1' Relay_Log_File = 'mysqld-relay-bin-master1.000002' Slave_IO_Running = 'Yes' Slave_SQL_Running = 'Yes' Last_Errno = '0' Last_SQL_Errno = '0' # # Checking SHOW ALL SLAVES STATUS # Connection_name = 'master1' Master_Port = 'MYPORT_1' Relay_Log_File = 'mysqld-relay-bin-master1.000002' Slave_IO_Running = 'Yes' Slave_SQL_Running = 'Yes' Last_Errno = '0' Last_SQL_Errno = '0' Slave_heartbeat_period = '60.000' # connection master1; drop database if exists db1; create database db1; use db1; create table t1 (i int auto_increment, f1 varchar(16), primary key pk (i,f1)) engine=MyISAM; Warnings: Warning 1280 Name 'pk' ignored for PRIMARY key. insert into t1 (f1) values ('one'),('two'); connection slave; select * from db1.t1; i f1 1 one 2 two # List of relay log files in the datadir mysqld-relay-bin-master1.000001 mysqld-relay-bin-master1.000002 mysqld-relay-bin-master1.index include/ Log_name Pos Event_type Server_id End_log_pos Info mysqld-relay-bin-master1.000001 # Format_desc # # SERVER_VERSION, BINLOG_VERSION mysqld-relay-bin-master1.000001 # Rotate # # mysqld-relay-bin-master1.000002;pos=4 include/ Log_name Pos Event_type Server_id End_log_pos Info mysqld-relay-bin-master1.000002 # Format_desc # # SERVER_VERSION, BINLOG_VERSION mysqld-relay-bin-master1.000002 # Rotate # # master-bin.000001;pos=POS mysqld-relay-bin-master1.000002 # Format_desc # # SERVER_VERSION, BINLOG_VERSION mysqld-relay-bin-master1.000002 # Gtid_list # # [] mysqld-relay-bin-master1.000002 # Binlog_checkpoint # # master-bin.000001 mysqld-relay-bin-master1.000002 # Gtid # # GTID #-#-# mysqld-relay-bin-master1.000002 # Query # # drop database if exists db1 mysqld-relay-bin-master1.000002 # Gtid # # GTID #-#-# mysqld-relay-bin-master1.000002 # Query # # create database db1 mysqld-relay-bin-master1.000002 # Gtid # # GTID #-#-# mysqld-relay-bin-master1.000002 # Query # # use `db1`; create table t1 (i int auto_increment, f1 varchar(16), primary key pk (i,f1)) engine=MyISAM mysqld-relay-bin-master1.000002 # Gtid # # BEGIN GTID #-#-# mysqld-relay-bin-master1.000002 # Intvar # # INSERT_ID=1 mysqld-relay-bin-master1.000002 # Query # # use `db1`; insert into t1 (f1) values ('one'),('two') mysqld-relay-bin-master1.000002 # Query # # COMMIT change master to master_port=MYPORT_2, master_host='', master_user='root' for channel 'master1'; ERROR HY000: This operation cannot be performed as you have a running slave 'master1'; run STOP SLAVE 'master1' first change master to master_port=MYPORT_2, master_host='', master_user='root'; ERROR HY000: This operation cannot be performed as you have a running slave 'master1'; run STOP SLAVE 'master1' first change master to master_port=MYPORT_1, master_host='', master_user='root' for channel 'master2'; ERROR HY000: Connection 'master2' conflicts with existing connection 'master1' set default_master_connection = ''; change master to master_port=MYPORT_2, master_host='', master_user='root', master_ssl_verify_server_cert=0, master_use_gtid=no; start slave; include/ # # Checking SHOW ALL SLAVES STATUS # Connection_name = '' Connection_name = 'master1' Master_Port = 'MYPORT_2' Master_Port = 'MYPORT_1' Relay_Log_File = 'mysqld-relay-bin.000002' Relay_Log_File = 'mysqld-relay-bin-master1.000002' Slave_IO_Running = 'Yes' Slave_IO_Running = 'Yes' Slave_SQL_Running = 'Yes' Slave_SQL_Running = 'Yes' Last_Errno = '0' Last_Errno = '0' Last_SQL_Errno = '0' Last_SQL_Errno = '0' Slave_heartbeat_period = '60.000' Slave_heartbeat_period = '60.000' # connection master1; insert into t1 (f1) values ('three'); connect master2,,root,,,$SERVER_MYPORT_2; drop database if exists db2; create database db2; use db2; create table t1 (pk int auto_increment primary key, f1 int) engine=InnoDB; begin; insert into t1 (f1) values (1),(2); connection slave; connection master2; connection slave; select * from db1.t1; i f1 1 one 2 two 3 three select * from db2.t1; pk f1 connection master2; commit; connection slave; select * from db2.t1; pk f1 1 1 2 2 connection master1; flush logs; connection slave; connection master1; purge binary logs to 'master-bin.000002'; show binary logs; Log_name File_size master-bin.000002 filesize insert into t1 (f1) values ('four'); create table db1.t3 (f1 int) engine=InnoDB; connection slave; # # Checking SHOW ALL SLAVES STATUS # Connection_name = '' Connection_name = 'master1' Master_Port = 'MYPORT_2' Master_Port = 'MYPORT_1' Relay_Log_File = 'mysqld-relay-bin.000002' Relay_Log_File = 'mysqld-relay-bin-master1.000004' Slave_IO_Running = 'Yes' Slave_IO_Running = 'Yes' Slave_SQL_Running = 'Yes' Slave_SQL_Running = 'Yes' Last_Errno = '0' Last_Errno = '0' Last_SQL_Errno = '0' Last_SQL_Errno = '0' Slave_heartbeat_period = '60.000' Slave_heartbeat_period = '60.000' # # # MDEV:16437: merge 5.7 P_S replication instrumentation and tables # SELECT * FROM performance_schema.replication_applier_status_by_coordinator; CHANNEL_NAME master1 THREAD_ID # SERVICE_STATE ON LAST_ERROR_NUMBER 0 LAST_ERROR_MESSAGE LAST_ERROR_TIMESTAMP 0000-00-00 00:00:00 LAST_SEEN_TRANSACTION 0-1-7 LAST_TRANS_RETRY_COUNT 0 CHANNEL_NAME THREAD_ID # SERVICE_STATE ON LAST_ERROR_NUMBER 0 LAST_ERROR_MESSAGE LAST_ERROR_TIMESTAMP 0000-00-00 00:00:00 LAST_SEEN_TRANSACTION 0-2-4 LAST_TRANS_RETRY_COUNT 0 select * from db1.t1; i f1 1 one 2 two 3 three 4 four include/ Log_name Pos Event_type Server_id End_log_pos Info mysqld-relay-bin.000001 # Format_desc # # SERVER_VERSION, BINLOG_VERSION mysqld-relay-bin.000001 # Rotate # # mysqld-relay-bin.000002;pos=4 include/ Log_name Pos Event_type Server_id End_log_pos Info mysqld-relay-bin.000002 # Format_desc # # SERVER_VERSION, BINLOG_VERSION mysqld-relay-bin.000002 # Rotate # # master-bin.000001;pos=POS mysqld-relay-bin.000002 # Format_desc # # SERVER_VERSION, BINLOG_VERSION mysqld-relay-bin.000002 # Gtid_list # # [] mysqld-relay-bin.000002 # Binlog_checkpoint # # master-bin.000001 mysqld-relay-bin.000002 # Gtid # # GTID #-#-# mysqld-relay-bin.000002 # Query # # drop database if exists db2 mysqld-relay-bin.000002 # Gtid # # GTID #-#-# mysqld-relay-bin.000002 # Query # # create database db2 mysqld-relay-bin.000002 # Gtid # # GTID #-#-# mysqld-relay-bin.000002 # Query # # use `db2`; create table t1 (pk int auto_increment primary key, f1 int) engine=InnoDB mysqld-relay-bin.000002 # Gtid # # BEGIN GTID #-#-# mysqld-relay-bin.000002 # Intvar # # INSERT_ID=1 mysqld-relay-bin.000002 # Query # # use `db2`; insert into t1 (f1) values (1),(2) mysqld-relay-bin.000002 # Xid # # COMMIT /* XID */ disconnect slave; connect slave,,root,,,$SERVER_MYPORT_3; stop slave io_thread; show status like 'Slave_running'; Variable_name Value Slave_running OFF set default_master_connection = 'master1'; show status like 'Slave_running'; Variable_name Value Slave_running ON # # syntax compatible test # # # show relaylog events # SHOW RELAYLOG EVENTS for channel 'master1'; Log_name Pos Event_type Server_id End_log_pos Info mysqld-relay-bin-master1.000003 4 Format_desc 3 256 Server ver: Version mysqld-relay-bin-master1.000003 256 Rotate 1 1358 master-bin.000002;pos=4 mysqld-relay-bin-master1.000003 304 Rotate 3 366 mysqld-relay-bin-master1.000004;pos=4 show slave status for channel 'master1' Master_Port = 'MYPORT_1' Relay_Log_File = 'mysqld-relay-bin-master1.000004' Slave_IO_Running = 'Yes' Slave_SQL_Running = 'Yes' Last_Errno = '0' Last_SQL_Errno = '0' # # stop slave # STOP SLAVE for channel 'master1'; show slave status for channel 'master1' Master_Port = 'MYPORT_1' Relay_Log_File = 'mysqld-relay-bin-master1.000004' Slave_IO_Running = 'No' Slave_SQL_Running = 'No' Last_Errno = '0' Last_SQL_Errno = '0' # # start slave # START SLAVE for channel 'master1'; include/ connection master1; create table foo (a int); drop table foo; connection slave; show slave status for channel 'master1' Master_Port = 'MYPORT_1' Relay_Log_File = 'mysqld-relay-bin-master1.000005' Slave_IO_Running = 'Yes' Slave_SQL_Running = 'Yes' Last_Errno = '0' Last_SQL_Errno = '0' # # flush relay logs # FLUSH RELAY LOGS for channel 'master1'; show slave status for channel 'master1' Master_Port = 'MYPORT_1' Relay_Log_File = 'mysqld-relay-bin-master1.000006' Slave_IO_Running = 'Yes' Slave_SQL_Running = 'Yes' Last_Errno = '0' Last_SQL_Errno = '0' # # stop slave # STOP SLAVE for channel 'master1'; show slave status for channel 'master1' Master_Port = 'MYPORT_1' Relay_Log_File = 'mysqld-relay-bin-master1.000006' Slave_IO_Running = 'No' Slave_SQL_Running = 'No' Last_Errno = '0' Last_SQL_Errno = '0' # # reset slave # RESET SLAVE for channel 'master1'; Warnings: Note 4190 RESET SLAVE is implicitly changing the value of 'Using_Gtid' from 'No' to 'Slave_Pos' show slave status for channel 'master1' Master_Port = 'MYPORT_1' Relay_Log_File = '' Slave_IO_Running = 'No' Slave_SQL_Running = 'No' Last_Errno = '0' Last_SQL_Errno = '0' # # show relaylog events after reset slave # SHOW RELAYLOG EVENTS for channel 'master1'; Log_name Pos Event_type Server_id End_log_pos Info # # check error syntax # RESET SLAVE 'master1' for channel 'mmaster2'; ERROR HY000: Incorrect arguments to CONNECTION_NAME AND FOR CHANNEL CAN NOT BE SPECIFIED AT THE SAME TIME) STOP SLAVE 'master1' for channel 'master2'; ERROR HY000: Incorrect arguments to CONNECTION_NAME AND FOR CHANNEL CAN NOT BE SPECIFIED AT THE SAME TIME) FLUSH RELAY LOGS 'master1' for channel 'master2'; ERROR HY000: Incorrect arguments to CONNECTION_NAME AND FOR CHANNEL CAN NOT BE SPECIFIED AT THE SAME TIME) START SLAVE 'master1' for channel 'master2'; ERROR HY000: Incorrect arguments to CONNECTION_NAME AND FOR CHANNEL CAN NOT BE SPECIFIED AT THE SAME TIME) SHOW RELAYLOG 'master1' EVENTS for channel 'master2'; ERROR HY000: Incorrect arguments to CONNECTION_NAME AND FOR CHANNEL CAN NOT BE SPECIFIED AT THE SAME TIME) SHOW SLAVE 'master1' STATUS for channel 'master2'; ERROR HY000: Incorrect arguments to CONNECTION_NAME AND FOR CHANNEL CAN NOT BE SPECIFIED AT THE SAME TIME) drop database db1; drop database db2; include/ disconnect slave; connection master1; drop database db1; include/ disconnect master1; connection master2; drop database db2; include/ disconnect master2; connection default; CREATE TABLE channel (channel int); DROP TABLE channel;