# TEST 1 # Handling of SHOW STATUS/VARIABLES ... WHERE # SHOW STATUS WHERE VARIABLE_NAME LIKE "foo"; Variable_name Value SHOW GLOBAL STATUS WHERE VARIABLE_NAME LIKE "foo"; Variable_name Value SHOW SESSION STATUS WHERE VARIABLE_NAME LIKE "foo"; Variable_name Value SHOW VARIABLES WHERE VARIABLE_NAME LIKE "foo"; Variable_name Value SHOW GLOBAL VARIABLES WHERE VARIABLE_NAME LIKE "foo"; Variable_name Value SHOW SESSION VARIABLES WHERE VARIABLE_NAME LIKE "foo"; Variable_name Value # TEST 2 # CREATE..SELECT -- Expect correct ER_WARN_DEPRECATED_SYNTAX # USE test; CREATE TABLE t0 SELECT * FROM information_schema.global_status WHERE variable_name = 'COM_SELECT'; DROP TABLE t0; # TEST 3 # Select status and system variable tables using ORDER BY to exercise the # rnd_pos() method # use performance_schema; select * from global_variables order by variable_name; select * from variables_by_thread order by variable_name; select * from session_variables order by variable_name; select * from global_status order by variable_name; select * from session_status order by variable_name; select * from status_by_thread order by variable_name; select * from status_by_user order by variable_name; select * from status_by_host order by variable_name; select * from status_by_account order by variable_name; # TEST 4 # Handling of SHOW STATUS/VARIABLES ... WHERE # SHOW STATUS WHERE VARIABLE_NAME LIKE "foo"; Variable_name Value SHOW GLOBAL STATUS WHERE VARIABLE_NAME LIKE "foo"; Variable_name Value SHOW SESSION STATUS WHERE VARIABLE_NAME LIKE "foo"; Variable_name Value SHOW VARIABLES WHERE VARIABLE_NAME LIKE "foo"; Variable_name Value SHOW GLOBAL VARIABLES WHERE VARIABLE_NAME LIKE "foo"; Variable_name Value SHOW SESSION VARIABLES WHERE VARIABLE_NAME LIKE "foo"; Variable_name Value # TEST 5 # Confirm FLUSH STATUS resets counters for all threads. # # Create a new connection connect con1, localhost, root,,; # Record thread id # Increase bytes_received for new connection USE test; SHOW TABLES; Tables_in_test connection default; USE performance_schema; # Record bytes_received for other connection SELECT variable_value FROM status_by_thread WHERE variable_name = "bytes_received" and thread_id = @thread_id INTO @bytes_before; Warnings: Warning 1287 ' INTO FROM...' instead Warning 1329 No data - zero rows fetched, selected, or processed # Reset status counters FLUSH STATUS; # Record bytes_received after reset SELECT variable_value FROM status_by_thread WHERE variable_name = "bytes_received" and thread_id = @thread_id INTO @bytes_after; Warnings: Warning 1287 ' INTO FROM...' instead Warning 1329 No data - zero rows fetched, selected, or processed # Expect bytes_before > bytes_after SELECT @bytes_before > @bytes_after AS 'Expect 1'; Expect 1 NULL # Expect bytes_after is zero SELECT @bytes_after AS 'Expect 0'; Expect 0 NULL disconnect con1; # TEST 6 # # Bug#28291258 FLUSH STATUS ADDS TWICE TO GLOBAL VALUES # # Default connection # First connection connect con1, localhost, root,,; include/assert.inc [Global value requested from the first session must not change] # Generate a slow query SET long_query_time = 2; SELECT SLEEP(4); SLEEP(4) 0 SET long_query_time = @@global.long_query_time; include/assert.inc [Global value requested from the first session after SLEEP() must increase by 1] include/assert.inc [First session value must increase by 1] connection default; disconnect con1; # Default connection connection default; include/assert.inc [Global value requested from the default session after DISCONNECT must remain the same] include/assert.inc [Default session value must remain zero] FLUSH STATUS; include/assert.inc [Global value requested from the default session after FLUSH must remain the same] include/assert.inc [Default session value after FLUSH must remain zero]