--source include/not_embedded.inc --source include/have_perfschema.inc # This does not crash on 32 bit because of less memory used --source include/have_64bit.inc --echo # --echo # MDEV-33150 double-locking of LOCK_thd_kill in performance_schema.session_status --echo # source include/have_innodb.inc; set @old_innodb_io_capacity=@@global.innodb_io_capacity; set @old_innodb_io_capacity_max=@@global.innodb_io_capacity_max; select * from performance_schema.session_status limit 0; # discover the table set max_session_mem_used=32768; --error ER_OPTION_PREVENTS_STATEMENT # this used to crash, when OOM happened under LOCK_thd_kill select * from performance_schema.session_status; # this used to cause mutex lock order violation when OOM happened under LOCK_global_system_variables set global innodb_io_capacity_max=100; set max_session_mem_used=default; set global innodb_io_capacity=@old_innodb_io_capacity; set global innodb_io_capacity_max=@old_innodb_io_capacity_max;