source include/; create role r1; create user u1; grant r1 to u1; #CHECK IF GRANTS ARE UPDATED ON GRANT --sorted_result show grants for u1; create user u2; #CHECK THAT GRANTS ARE UPDATED ON ACL_USERS CHANGE --sorted_result show grants for u1; --sorted_result show grants for u2; --sorted_result select * from mysql.roles_mapping; revoke r1 from u1; #TEST ERROR MESSAGE --error ER_CANNOT_REVOKE_ROLE revoke r1 from u1; --sorted_result show grants for u1; --sorted_result select * from mysql.roles_mapping; # granting twice is ok grant r1 to u1; grant r1 to u1; --sorted_result show grants for u1; --sorted_result select * from mysql.roles_mapping; drop role r1; --sorted_result show grants for u1; --sorted_result select * from mysql.roles_mapping; create role r1; grant r1 to u1; --sorted_result select * from mysql.roles_mapping; drop user u1; --error ER_NONEXISTING_GRANT show grants for u1; --sorted_result select * from mysql.roles_mapping; drop role r1; drop user u2; # # MDEV-8614 Assertion `status == 0' failed in add_role_user_mapping_action on RENAME USER # create user foo@localhost; grant create user on *.* to foo@localhost; --connect (con1, localhost, foo,,) create role look, isp, xxx, ppp; rename user current_user to nnnn@'%'; drop role look, isp, xxx, ppp; connection default; disconnect con1; drop user nnnn@'%'; # # MDEV-17964 Assertion `status == 0' failed in add_role_user_mapping_action # upon CREATE USER and DROP ROLE # CREATE USER u@localhost; --let $n= 1 while ($n < 129) { eval CREATE ROLE r$n; inc $n; } CREATE ROLE n; CREATE ROLE d WITH ADMIN n; CREATE ROLE '%' WITH ADMIN u@localhost; DROP ROLE n; CREATE USER 't'; --let $n= 1 while ($n < 129) { eval DROP ROLE r$n; inc $n; } DROP ROLE d; DROP ROLE '%'; DROP USER 't'; DROP USER u@localhost;