show status like 'debug%'; Variable_name Value set @old_dbug=@@global.debug_dbug; set global debug_dbug="+d,role_merge_stats"; create user foo@localhost; grant select on test.* to foo@localhost; create role role1; create role role2; create role role3; create role role4; create role role5; create role role6; create role role7; create role role8; create role role9; create role role10; grant role1 to role2; grant role2 to role4; grant role2 to role5; grant role3 to role5; grant role4 to role6; grant role5 to role6; grant role5 to role7; grant role6 to role8; grant role6 to role9; grant role7 to role9; grant role9 to role10; grant role10 to foo@localhost; grant role10 to role2; ERROR HY000: Cannot grant role 'role10' to: 'role2' connect foo, localhost, foo; show grants; Grants for foo@localhost GRANT SELECT ON `test`.* TO `foo`@`localhost` GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO `foo`@`localhost` GRANT `role10` TO `foo`@`localhost` select * from information_schema.applicable_roles; GRANTEE ROLE_NAME IS_GRANTABLE IS_DEFAULT foo@localhost role10 NO NO role10 role9 NO NULL role2 role1 NO NULL role4 role2 NO NULL role5 role2 NO NULL role5 role3 NO NULL role6 role4 NO NULL role6 role5 NO NULL role7 role5 NO NULL role9 role6 NO NULL role9 role7 NO NULL show status like 'debug%'; Variable_name Value Debug_role_merges_global 11 Debug_role_merges_db 0 Debug_role_merges_table 0 Debug_role_merges_column 0 Debug_role_merges_routine 0 connection default; grant select on *.* to role1; show status like 'debug%'; Variable_name Value Debug_role_merges_global 20 Debug_role_merges_db 0 Debug_role_merges_table 0 Debug_role_merges_column 0 Debug_role_merges_routine 0 connection foo; select count(*) from mysql.roles_mapping; ERROR 42000: SELECT command denied to user 'foo'@'localhost' for table `mysql`.`roles_mapping` set role role10; select count(*) from mysql.roles_mapping; count(*) 22 show grants; Grants for foo@localhost GRANT SELECT ON *.* TO `role1` GRANT SELECT ON `test`.* TO `foo`@`localhost` GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO `foo`@`localhost` GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO `role10` GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO `role2` GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO `role3` GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO `role4` GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO `role5` GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO `role6` GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO `role7` GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO `role9` GRANT `role10` TO `foo`@`localhost` GRANT `role1` TO `role2` GRANT `role2` TO `role4` GRANT `role2` TO `role5` GRANT `role3` TO `role5` GRANT `role4` TO `role6` GRANT `role5` TO `role6` GRANT `role5` TO `role7` GRANT `role6` TO `role9` GRANT `role7` TO `role9` GRANT `role9` TO `role10` select * from information_schema.enabled_roles; ROLE_NAME role1 role10 role2 role3 role4 role5 role6 role7 role9 connection default; revoke select on *.* from role1; show status like 'debug%'; Variable_name Value Debug_role_merges_global 29 Debug_role_merges_db 0 Debug_role_merges_table 0 Debug_role_merges_column 0 Debug_role_merges_routine 0 connection foo; select count(*) from mysql.roles_mapping; count(*) 22 set role none; set role role10; select count(*) from mysql.roles_mapping; ERROR 42000: SELECT command denied to user 'foo'@'localhost' for table `mysql`.`roles_mapping` set role none; connection default; grant select on mysql.* to role1; show status like 'debug%'; Variable_name Value Debug_role_merges_global 29 Debug_role_merges_db 9 Debug_role_merges_table 0 Debug_role_merges_column 0 Debug_role_merges_routine 0 connection foo; select count(*) from mysql.roles_mapping; ERROR 42000: SELECT command denied to user 'foo'@'localhost' for table `mysql`.`roles_mapping` set role role10; select count(*) from mysql.roles_mapping; count(*) 22 show grants; Grants for foo@localhost GRANT SELECT ON `mysql`.* TO `role1` GRANT SELECT ON `test`.* TO `foo`@`localhost` GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO `foo`@`localhost` GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO `role10` GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO `role1` GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO `role2` GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO `role3` GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO `role4` GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO `role5` GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO `role6` GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO `role7` GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO `role9` GRANT `role10` TO `foo`@`localhost` GRANT `role1` TO `role2` GRANT `role2` TO `role4` GRANT `role2` TO `role5` GRANT `role3` TO `role5` GRANT `role4` TO `role6` GRANT `role5` TO `role6` GRANT `role5` TO `role7` GRANT `role6` TO `role9` GRANT `role7` TO `role9` GRANT `role9` TO `role10` connection default; revoke select on mysql.* from role1; show status like 'debug%'; Variable_name Value Debug_role_merges_global 29 Debug_role_merges_db 17 Debug_role_merges_table 0 Debug_role_merges_column 0 Debug_role_merges_routine 0 connection foo; select count(*) from mysql.roles_mapping; ERROR 42000: SELECT command denied to user 'foo'@'localhost' for table `mysql`.`roles_mapping` set role none; connection default; grant select on mysql.roles_mapping to role1; show status like 'debug%'; Variable_name Value Debug_role_merges_global 29 Debug_role_merges_db 17 Debug_role_merges_table 9 Debug_role_merges_column 0 Debug_role_merges_routine 0 connection foo; select count(*) from mysql.roles_mapping; ERROR 42000: SELECT command denied to user 'foo'@'localhost' for table `mysql`.`roles_mapping` set role role10; select count(*) from mysql.roles_mapping; count(*) 22 show grants; Grants for foo@localhost GRANT SELECT ON `mysql`.`roles_mapping` TO `role1` GRANT SELECT ON `test`.* TO `foo`@`localhost` GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO `foo`@`localhost` GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO `role10` GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO `role1` GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO `role2` GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO `role3` GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO `role4` GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO `role5` GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO `role6` GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO `role7` GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO `role9` GRANT `role10` TO `foo`@`localhost` GRANT `role1` TO `role2` GRANT `role2` TO `role4` GRANT `role2` TO `role5` GRANT `role3` TO `role5` GRANT `role4` TO `role6` GRANT `role5` TO `role6` GRANT `role5` TO `role7` GRANT `role6` TO `role9` GRANT `role7` TO `role9` GRANT `role9` TO `role10` connection default; revoke select on mysql.roles_mapping from role1; show status like 'debug%'; Variable_name Value Debug_role_merges_global 29 Debug_role_merges_db 17 Debug_role_merges_table 17 Debug_role_merges_column 0 Debug_role_merges_routine 0 connection foo; select count(*) from mysql.roles_mapping; ERROR 42000: SELECT command denied to user 'foo'@'localhost' for table `mysql`.`roles_mapping` set role none; connection default; grant select(User) on mysql.roles_mapping to role1; show status like 'debug%'; Variable_name Value Debug_role_merges_global 29 Debug_role_merges_db 17 Debug_role_merges_table 26 Debug_role_merges_column 9 Debug_role_merges_routine 0 connection foo; select count(*) from mysql.roles_mapping; ERROR 42000: SELECT command denied to user 'foo'@'localhost' for table `mysql`.`roles_mapping` set role role10; select count(concat(User,Host,Role)) from mysql.roles_mapping; ERROR 42000: SELECT command denied to user 'foo'@'localhost' for column 'Host' in table 'roles_mapping' select count(concat(User)) from mysql.roles_mapping; count(concat(User)) 22 show grants; Grants for foo@localhost GRANT SELECT (`User`) ON `mysql`.`roles_mapping` TO `role1` GRANT SELECT ON `test`.* TO `foo`@`localhost` GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO `foo`@`localhost` GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO `role10` GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO `role1` GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO `role2` GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO `role3` GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO `role4` GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO `role5` GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO `role6` GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO `role7` GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO `role9` GRANT `role10` TO `foo`@`localhost` GRANT `role1` TO `role2` GRANT `role2` TO `role4` GRANT `role2` TO `role5` GRANT `role3` TO `role5` GRANT `role4` TO `role6` GRANT `role5` TO `role6` GRANT `role5` TO `role7` GRANT `role6` TO `role9` GRANT `role7` TO `role9` GRANT `role9` TO `role10` connection default; grant select(Host) on mysql.roles_mapping to role3; show status like 'debug%'; Variable_name Value Debug_role_merges_global 29 Debug_role_merges_db 17 Debug_role_merges_table 33 Debug_role_merges_column 16 Debug_role_merges_routine 0 connection foo; select count(concat(User,Host,Role)) from mysql.roles_mapping; ERROR 42000: SELECT command denied to user 'foo'@'localhost' for column 'Role' in table 'roles_mapping' select count(concat(User,Host)) from mysql.roles_mapping; count(concat(User,Host)) 22 show grants; Grants for foo@localhost GRANT SELECT (`Host`) ON `mysql`.`roles_mapping` TO `role3` GRANT SELECT (`User`) ON `mysql`.`roles_mapping` TO `role1` GRANT SELECT ON `test`.* TO `foo`@`localhost` GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO `foo`@`localhost` GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO `role10` GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO `role1` GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO `role2` GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO `role3` GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO `role4` GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO `role5` GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO `role6` GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO `role7` GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO `role9` GRANT `role10` TO `foo`@`localhost` GRANT `role1` TO `role2` GRANT `role2` TO `role4` GRANT `role2` TO `role5` GRANT `role3` TO `role5` GRANT `role4` TO `role6` GRANT `role5` TO `role6` GRANT `role5` TO `role7` GRANT `role6` TO `role9` GRANT `role7` TO `role9` GRANT `role9` TO `role10` connection default; revoke select(User) on mysql.roles_mapping from role1; show status like 'debug%'; Variable_name Value Debug_role_merges_global 29 Debug_role_merges_db 17 Debug_role_merges_table 41 Debug_role_merges_column 24 Debug_role_merges_routine 0 connection foo; select count(concat(User,Host)) from mysql.roles_mapping; ERROR 42000: SELECT command denied to user 'foo'@'localhost' for column 'User' in table 'roles_mapping' select count(concat(Host)) from mysql.roles_mapping; count(concat(Host)) 22 connection default; revoke select(Host) on mysql.roles_mapping from role3; show status like 'debug%'; Variable_name Value Debug_role_merges_global 29 Debug_role_merges_db 17 Debug_role_merges_table 47 Debug_role_merges_column 30 Debug_role_merges_routine 0 connection foo; select count(concat(Host)) from mysql.roles_mapping; ERROR 42000: SELECT command denied to user 'foo'@'localhost' for table `mysql`.`roles_mapping` set role none; connection default; create procedure pr1() select "pr1"; create function fn1() returns char(10) return "fn1"; grant execute on procedure test.pr1 to role1; show status like 'debug%'; Variable_name Value Debug_role_merges_global 29 Debug_role_merges_db 17 Debug_role_merges_table 47 Debug_role_merges_column 30 Debug_role_merges_routine 9 connection foo; call pr1(); ERROR 42000: execute command denied to user 'foo'@'localhost' for routine 'test.pr1' set role role10; call pr1(); pr1 pr1 select fn1(); ERROR 42000: execute command denied to user 'foo'@'localhost' for routine 'test.fn1' connection default; grant execute on function test.fn1 to role5; show status like 'debug%'; Variable_name Value Debug_role_merges_global 29 Debug_role_merges_db 17 Debug_role_merges_table 47 Debug_role_merges_column 30 Debug_role_merges_routine 15 connection foo; select fn1(); fn1() fn1 connection default; revoke execute on procedure test.pr1 from role1; show status like 'debug%'; Variable_name Value Debug_role_merges_global 29 Debug_role_merges_db 17 Debug_role_merges_table 47 Debug_role_merges_column 30 Debug_role_merges_routine 23 connection foo; call pr1(); ERROR 42000: execute command denied to user 'foo'@'localhost' for routine 'test.pr1' select fn1(); fn1() fn1 connection default; revoke execute on function test.fn1 from role5; show status like 'debug%'; Variable_name Value Debug_role_merges_global 29 Debug_role_merges_db 17 Debug_role_merges_table 47 Debug_role_merges_column 30 Debug_role_merges_routine 28 connection foo; select fn1(); ERROR 42000: execute command denied to user 'foo'@'localhost' for routine 'test.fn1' set role none; connection default; drop procedure pr1; drop function fn1; grant select on mysql.roles_mapping to role3; show status like 'debug%'; Variable_name Value Debug_role_merges_global 29 Debug_role_merges_db 17 Debug_role_merges_table 54 Debug_role_merges_column 30 Debug_role_merges_routine 28 grant select on mysql.roles_mapping to role1; show status like 'debug%'; Variable_name Value Debug_role_merges_global 29 Debug_role_merges_db 17 Debug_role_merges_table 58 Debug_role_merges_column 30 Debug_role_merges_routine 28 revoke select on mysql.roles_mapping from role3; show status like 'debug%'; Variable_name Value Debug_role_merges_global 29 Debug_role_merges_db 17 Debug_role_merges_table 59 Debug_role_merges_column 30 Debug_role_merges_routine 28 revoke select on mysql.roles_mapping from role1; show status like 'debug%'; Variable_name Value Debug_role_merges_global 29 Debug_role_merges_db 17 Debug_role_merges_table 67 Debug_role_merges_column 30 Debug_role_merges_routine 28 grant select on mysql.* to role1; show status like 'debug%'; Variable_name Value Debug_role_merges_global 29 Debug_role_merges_db 26 Debug_role_merges_table 67 Debug_role_merges_column 30 Debug_role_merges_routine 28 grant select on test.* to role1; show status like 'debug%'; Variable_name Value Debug_role_merges_global 29 Debug_role_merges_db 35 Debug_role_merges_table 67 Debug_role_merges_column 30 Debug_role_merges_routine 28 revoke select on mysql.* from role1; show status like 'debug%'; Variable_name Value Debug_role_merges_global 29 Debug_role_merges_db 43 Debug_role_merges_table 67 Debug_role_merges_column 30 Debug_role_merges_routine 28 revoke select on test.* from role1; show status like 'debug%'; Variable_name Value Debug_role_merges_global 29 Debug_role_merges_db 51 Debug_role_merges_table 67 Debug_role_merges_column 30 Debug_role_merges_routine 28 connection default; drop user foo@localhost; drop role role1; drop role role2; drop role role3; drop role role4; drop role role5; drop role role6; drop role role7; drop role role8; drop role role9; drop role role10; set global debug_dbug=@old_dbug;