include/ [connection master] connection slave; include/ ALTER TABLE mysql.gtid_slave_pos ENGINE=InnoDB; # MDEV-29621 the sequence engine binlog_row_image-full events # MDL-deadlock on the parallel slave. connection master; CREATE SEQUENCE s1; SET @@session.binlog_row_image=FULL; SET @@session.debug_dbug="+d,binlog_force_commit_id"; SET @commit_id=7; SET @@gtid_seq_no=100; SELECT NEXT VALUE FOR s1; NEXT VALUE FOR s1 1 INSERT INTO s1 VALUES(2, 1, 10, 1, 2, 1, 1, 0); SET @@session.debug_dbug=""; connection slave; SET @@global.slave_parallel_threads=2; SET @@global.slave_parallel_mode=optimistic; SET @@global.debug_dbug="+d,hold_worker_on_schedule"; include/ SET DEBUG_SYNC = 'now SIGNAL continue_worker'; connection master; DROP SEQUENCE s1; connection slave; include/ # Simulate buggy 10.3.36 master to prove the parallel applier # does not deadlock now at replaying the above master load. connection master; include/ [server_number=1] include/ [server_number=1] connection slave; RESET MASTER; SET @@global.gtid_slave_pos=""; CHANGE MASTER TO master_host='', master_port=SERVER_MYPORT_1, master_user='root', master_use_gtid=slave_pos; START SLAVE UNTIL MASTER_GTID_POS='0-1-102'; SET DEBUG_SYNC = 'now SIGNAL continue_worker'; # Normal stop is expected include/ # MDEV-31077 ALTER SEQUENCE may end up in optimistic parallel slave binlog out-of-order # The test proves ALTER-SEQUENCE binlogs first before the following transaction does so. connection slave; include/ Warnings: Note 1255 Slave already has been stopped RESET MASTER; SET @@global.gtid_slave_pos=""; connection master; RESET MASTER; CREATE TABLE ti (a INT) ENGINE=innodb; CREATE SEQUENCE s2 ENGINE=innodb; include/ connection slave; include/ include/ include/ include/ [server_number=2] SET @@global.slave_parallel_threads=2; SET @@global.slave_parallel_mode=optimistic; SET @@global.debug_dbug="+d,hold_worker_on_schedule"; SET @@global.gtid_strict_mode=1; connection master; SET @@gtid_seq_no=100; ALTER SEQUENCE s2 restart with 1; INSERT INTO ti SET a=1; include/ SELECT @@global.gtid_binlog_state "Master gtid state"; Master gtid state 0-1-101 connection slave; SET STATEMENT sql_log_bin=0 FOR FLUSH TABLES; include/ SELECT @@global.gtid_binlog_state, @@global.gtid_slave_pos as "no 100,101 yet in both"; @@global.gtid_binlog_state no 100,101 yet in both 0-1-2 0-1-2 SET DEBUG_SYNC = 'now SIGNAL continue_worker'; # Normal sync with master proves the fixes correct include/ SELECT @@global.gtid_binlog_state, @@global.gtid_slave_pos as "all through 101 have been committed"; @@global.gtid_binlog_state all through 101 have been committed 0-1-101 0-1-101 connection slave; flush tables with read lock; connection master; CREATE OR REPLACE SEQUENCE s3 ENGINE=innodb; SELECT NEXT VALUE FOR s3 into @tmpvar; include/ connection slave; unlock tables; include/ connection slave; flush tables with read lock; connection master; CREATE OR REPLACE SEQUENCE s3 ENGINE=innodb; SELECT NEXT VALUE FOR s3 into @tmpvar; include/ connection slave; unlock tables; include/ connection slave; BEGIN /* slave local Trx */; select count(*) from s3; count(*) 1 connection master; CREATE OR REPLACE SEQUENCE s3 ENGINE=innodb; SELECT NEXT VALUE FOR s3 into @tmpvar; include/ connection slave; connection slave; rollback /* Trx */; include/ connection slave; include/ SET debug_sync = RESET; SET @@global.slave_parallel_threads= 0; SET @@global.slave_parallel_mode= optimistic; SET @@global.debug_dbug = ""; SET @@global.gtid_strict_mode=0; include/ connection master; BEGIN; INSERT INTO ti SET a=32593; CREATE SEQUENCE s4; DROP SEQUENCE s2,s3,s4; DROP TABLE ti; connection slave; include/