include/ [connection master] # Asserted this: On master, the table should return an empty set. connection slave; # Verify that SELECT works for every field and produces an output # similar to the corresponding field in SHOW SLAVE STATUS(SSS). include/ [Value returned by SSS and PS table for Host should be same.] include/ [Value returned by SSS and PS table for Port should be same.] include/ [Value returned by SSS and PS table for User should be same.] include/ [Value returned by SSS and PS table for Using_Gtid should be same.] include/ [Value returned by SSS and PS table for SSL_Allowed should be same.] include/ [Value returned by SSS and PS table for SSL_CA_File should be same.] include/ [Value returned by SSS and PS table for SSL_CA_Path should be same.] include/ [Value returned by SSS and PS table for SSL_Certificate should be same.] include/ [Value returned by SSS and PS table for SSL_Cipher should be same.] include/ [Value returned by SSS and PS table for SSL_Key should be same.] include/ [Value returned by SSS and PS table for SSL_Verify_Server_Certificate should be same.] include/ [Value returned by SSS and PS table for SSL_Crl_File should be same.] include/ [Value returned by SSS and PS table for SSL_Crl_Path should be same.] include/ [Value returned by SSS and PS table for Connection_Retry_Interval should be same.] include/ [Value returned by PS table for Connection_Retry_Count should be 10.] # Heartbeat_Interval is part of I_S and P_S. We will compare the # two to make sure both match. include/ [Value returned by IS and PS table for Heartbeat_Interval should be same.] # Change configuration parameters and verify that these changes # are shown correctly by SELECTs from PS table. connection master; create user replssl@localhost; grant replication slave on *.* to replssl@localhost require ssl; include/ include/ change master to master_user= 'replssl', master_password= '', master_ssl= 1, master_ssl_ca= 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/std_data/cacert.pem', master_ssl_cert= 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/std_data/client-cert.pem', master_ssl_key= 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/std_data/client-key.pem'; include/ connection slave; # Checking SSL parameters, they were empty in tests done in the # previous section. include/ [Value returned by SSS and PS table for SSL_Allowed should be same.] include/ [Value returned by SSS and PS table for SSL_CA_File should be same.] include/ [Value returned by SSS and PS table for SSL_CA_Path should be same.] include/ [Value returned by SSS and PS table for SSL_Certificate should be same.] include/ [Value returned by SSS and PS table for SSL_Cipher should be same.] include/ [Value returned by SSS and PS table for SSL_Key should be same.] include/ [Value returned by SSS and PS table for SSL_Verify_Server_Certificate should be same.] connection master; drop user replssl@localhost; connection slave; include/ CHANGE MASTER TO master_host= '', master_user= 'root', master_password= '', master_ssl_ca= '', master_ssl_cert= '', master_ssl_key= '', master_ssl_verify_server_cert=0, master_ssl=1, master_use_gtid=no; include/ # Test with different MASTER_USE_GTID values # 1) Test for MASTER_USE_GTID=NO include/ change master to master_user = 'root', master_use_gtid = NO; include/ [Value returned by SSS and PS table for Using_Gtid should be same.] # 2) Test for Auto_position= CURRENT_POS. change master to master_user = 'root', master_use_gtid= CURRENT_POS; include/ [Value returned by SSS and PS table for Using_Gtid should be same.] # 3) Test for Auto_position= SLAVE_POS change master to master_user = 'root', master_use_gtid= SLAVE_POS; include/ [Value returned by SSS and PS table for Using_Gtid should be same.] # Test INOGRE_SERVER_IDS # 1) Test for IGNORE_SERVER_IDS= (10, 100); connection slave; change master to IGNORE_SERVER_IDS= (10, 100); include/ [Value returned by SSS and PS table for Ignore_server_ids should be same.] CHANGE MASTER TO IGNORE_SERVER_IDS=(); # 2) Test for IGNORE_DOMAIN_IDS(2) CHANGE MASTER TO IGNORE_DOMAIN_IDS=(2), MASTER_USE_GTID=slave_pos; include/ include/ [Value returned by SSS and PS table for Replicate_Ignore_Domain_Ids should be same.] include/ # 3) Test for DO_DOMAIN_IDS(1) CHANGE MASTER TO DO_DOMAIN_IDS=(1), IGNORE_DOMAIN_IDS=(), MASTER_USE_GTID=slave_pos; include/ include/ [Value returned by SSS and PS table for Replicate_Do_Domain_Ids should be same.] include/ CHANGE MASTER TO DO_DOMAIN_IDS=(), IGNORE_DOMAIN_IDS=(); include/ include/