include/ [connection master] connection slave; include/ CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_USE_GTID=NO; include/ connection master; connection slave; CREATE USER 'nonsuperuser'@''; GRANT ALTER,CREATE,DELETE,DROP,EVENT,INSERT,PROCESS,REPLICATION SLAVE, SELECT,UPDATE ON *.* TO 'nonsuperuser'@''; connect nonpriv,, nonsuperuser,, test, $SLAVE_MYPORT,; connection nonpriv; SET GLOBAL replicate_events_marked_for_skip=FILTER_ON_MASTER; ERROR 42000: Access denied; you need (at least one of) the SUPER, REPLICATION SLAVE ADMIN privilege(s) for this operation disconnect nonpriv; connection slave; DROP USER'nonsuperuser'@''; SELECT @@global.replicate_events_marked_for_skip; @@global.replicate_events_marked_for_skip REPLICATE SET GLOBAL replicate_events_marked_for_skip=FILTER_ON_SLAVE; ERROR HY000: This operation cannot be performed as you have a running slave ''; run STOP SLAVE '' first SELECT @@global.replicate_events_marked_for_skip; @@global.replicate_events_marked_for_skip REPLICATE STOP SLAVE; SET SESSION replicate_events_marked_for_skip=FILTER_ON_MASTER; ERROR HY000: Variable 'replicate_events_marked_for_skip' is a GLOBAL variable and should be set with SET GLOBAL SELECT @@global.replicate_events_marked_for_skip; @@global.replicate_events_marked_for_skip REPLICATE SET GLOBAL replicate_events_marked_for_skip=FILTER_ON_MASTER; SELECT @@global.replicate_events_marked_for_skip; @@global.replicate_events_marked_for_skip FILTER_ON_MASTER START SLAVE; connection master; SELECT @@skip_replication; @@skip_replication 0 SET GLOBAL skip_replication=1; ERROR HY000: Variable 'skip_replication' is a SESSION variable and can't be used with SET GLOBAL SELECT @@skip_replication; @@skip_replication 0 CREATE TABLE t1 (a INT PRIMARY KEY, b INT) ENGINE=myisam; CREATE TABLE t2 (a INT PRIMARY KEY, b INT) ENGINE=innodb; INSERT INTO t1(a) VALUES (1); INSERT INTO t2(a) VALUES (1); SET skip_replication=1; CREATE TABLE t3 (a INT PRIMARY KEY, b INT) ENGINE=myisam; INSERT INTO t1(a) VALUES (2); INSERT INTO t2(a) VALUES (2); FLUSH NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG LOGS; connection slave; connection slave; SHOW TABLES; Tables_in_test t1 t2 SELECT * FROM t1; a b 1 NULL SELECT * FROM t2; a b 1 NULL connection master; DROP TABLE t3; FLUSH NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG LOGS; connection slave; connection slave; STOP SLAVE; SET GLOBAL replicate_events_marked_for_skip=FILTER_ON_SLAVE; START SLAVE; connection master; SET skip_replication=1; CREATE TABLE t3 (a INT PRIMARY KEY, b INT) ENGINE=myisam; INSERT INTO t1(a) VALUES (3); INSERT INTO t2(a) VALUES (3); FLUSH NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG LOGS; connection slave; connection slave; SHOW TABLES; Tables_in_test t1 t2 SELECT * FROM t1; a b 1 NULL SELECT * FROM t2; a b 1 NULL connection master; DROP TABLE t3; FLUSH NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG LOGS; connection slave; connection slave; STOP SLAVE; SET GLOBAL replicate_events_marked_for_skip=REPLICATE; START SLAVE; connection master; SET skip_replication=1; CREATE TABLE t3 (a INT PRIMARY KEY, b INT) ENGINE=myisam; INSERT INTO t3(a) VALUES(2); connection slave; connection slave; SELECT * FROM t3; a b 2 NULL connection master; DROP TABLE t3; TRUNCATE t1; connection slave; connection slave; RESET MASTER; connection master; SET skip_replication=0; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1,0); SET skip_replication=1; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (2,0); SET skip_replication=0; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (3,0); connection slave; connection slave; SELECT * FROM t1 ORDER by a; a b 1 0 2 0 3 0 STOP SLAVE; SET GLOBAL replicate_events_marked_for_skip=FILTER_ON_MASTER; connection master; TRUNCATE t1; SELECT * FROM t1 ORDER by a; a b 1 0 2 0 3 0 connection slave; START SLAVE; connection master; connection slave; connection slave; SELECT * FROM t1 ORDER by a; a b 1 0 3 0 connection master; TRUNCATE t1; connection slave; connection slave; STOP SLAVE; SET GLOBAL sql_slave_skip_counter=6; SET GLOBAL replicate_events_marked_for_skip=FILTER_ON_SLAVE; START SLAVE; connection master; SET @old_binlog_format= @@binlog_format; SET binlog_format= statement; SET skip_replication=0; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1,5); SET skip_replication=1; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (2,5); SET skip_replication=0; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (3,5); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (4,5); SET binlog_format= @old_binlog_format; connection slave; connection slave; SELECT * FROM t1; a b 4 5 connection slave; include/ SET @old_slave_binlog_format= @@global.binlog_format; SET GLOBAL binlog_format= row; include/ connection master; TRUNCATE t1; SET @old_binlog_format= @@binlog_format; SET binlog_format= row; BINLOG 'wlZOTw8BAAAA8QAAAPUAAAAAAAQANS41LjIxLU1hcmlhREItZGVidWctbG9nAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAEzgNAAgAEgAEBAQEEgAA2QAEGggAAAAICAgCAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAA371saA=='; BINLOG 'wlZOTxMBAAAAKgAAAGMBAAAAgCkAAAAAAAEABHRlc3QAAnQxAAIDAwAC wlZOTxcBAAAAJgAAAIkBAAAAgCkAAAAAAAEAAv/8AQAAAAgAAAA='; BINLOG 'wlZOTxMBAAAAKgAAADwCAAAAACkAAAAAAAEABHRlc3QAAnQxAAIDAwAC wlZOTxcBAAAAJgAAAGICAAAAACkAAAAAAAEAAv/8AgAAAAgAAAA='; SET binlog_format= @old_binlog_format; SELECT * FROM t1 ORDER BY a; a b 1 8 2 8 connection slave; connection slave; SELECT * FROM t1 ORDER by a; a b 2 8 include/ SET GLOBAL binlog_format= @old_slave_binlog_format; include/ connection master; SET skip_replication=0; BEGIN; SET skip_replication=0; ERROR HY000: Cannot modify @@session.skip_replication inside a transaction SET skip_replication=1; ERROR HY000: Cannot modify @@session.skip_replication inside a transaction ROLLBACK; SET skip_replication=1; BEGIN; SET skip_replication=0; ERROR HY000: Cannot modify @@session.skip_replication inside a transaction SET skip_replication=1; ERROR HY000: Cannot modify @@session.skip_replication inside a transaction COMMIT; SET autocommit=0; INSERT INTO t2(a) VALUES(100); SET skip_replication=1; ERROR HY000: Cannot modify @@session.skip_replication inside a transaction ROLLBACK; SET autocommit=1; SET skip_replication=1; CREATE FUNCTION foo (x INT) RETURNS INT BEGIN SET SESSION skip_replication=x; RETURN x; END| CREATE PROCEDURE bar(x INT) BEGIN SET SESSION skip_replication=x; END| CREATE FUNCTION baz (x INT) RETURNS INT BEGIN CALL bar(x); RETURN x; END| SELECT foo(0); ERROR HY000: Cannot modify @@session.skip_replication inside a stored function or trigger SELECT baz(0); ERROR HY000: Cannot modify @@session.skip_replication inside a stored function or trigger SET @a= foo(1); ERROR HY000: Cannot modify @@session.skip_replication inside a stored function or trigger SET @a= baz(1); ERROR HY000: Cannot modify @@session.skip_replication inside a stored function or trigger UPDATE t2 SET b=foo(0); ERROR HY000: Cannot modify @@session.skip_replication inside a stored function or trigger UPDATE t2 SET b=baz(0); ERROR HY000: Cannot modify @@session.skip_replication inside a stored function or trigger INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (101, foo(1)); ERROR HY000: Cannot modify @@session.skip_replication inside a stored function or trigger INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (101, baz(0)); ERROR HY000: Cannot modify @@session.skip_replication inside a stored function or trigger SELECT @@skip_replication; @@skip_replication 1 CALL bar(0); SELECT @@skip_replication; @@skip_replication 0 CALL bar(1); SELECT @@skip_replication; @@skip_replication 1 DROP FUNCTION foo; DROP PROCEDURE bar; DROP FUNCTION baz; connection master; SET skip_replication= 0; TRUNCATE t1; connection slave; connection slave; STOP SLAVE; SET GLOBAL replicate_events_marked_for_skip=FILTER_ON_MASTER; START SLAVE IO_THREAD; connection master; SET skip_replication= 1; INSERT INTO t1(a) VALUES (1); SET skip_replication= 0; INSERT INTO t1(a) VALUES (2); include/ connection slave; include/ STOP SLAVE IO_THREAD; SET GLOBAL replicate_events_marked_for_skip=REPLICATE; START SLAVE; connection master; connection slave; connection slave; SELECT * FROM t1; a b 2 NULL connection master; SET skip_replication= 0; TRUNCATE t1; connection slave; connection slave; STOP SLAVE; SET GLOBAL replicate_events_marked_for_skip=FILTER_ON_SLAVE; START SLAVE IO_THREAD; connection master; SET skip_replication= 1; INSERT INTO t1(a) VALUES (1); SET skip_replication= 0; INSERT INTO t1(a) VALUES (2); include/ connection slave; include/ STOP SLAVE IO_THREAD; SET GLOBAL replicate_events_marked_for_skip=REPLICATE; START SLAVE; connection master; connection slave; connection slave; SELECT * FROM t1 ORDER BY a; a b 1 NULL 2 NULL connection master; SET skip_replication=0; DROP TABLE t1,t2; connection slave; STOP SLAVE; SET GLOBAL replicate_events_marked_for_skip=REPLICATE; START SLAVE; include/